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The glow up though!





It's the same Va

Mu Nanyo

Sung Dripwoo 🥵 Bro these cliffhangers are wild. They are trying to blueball us. And its all good Ron, we go off our perception of the information. If i had only watched the anime i might have assumed he had died as well. If you take into account other shows you have watched, re:zero, alice in borderlands then your guess makes sense.

Aaron Mitchell

Ok so I understand what you’re thinking, and it’s REALLY hard to explain further on the game idea or second chance concept but trust the process😂😂. And Michell to answer your question he is of age😭😭 he’s 24 which makes sense because his sister is prepping for college. Keep doing you, you guys🫡🫡😎😎


Jin-woo got a glow up in epsiode 5, most MCs wait years for 🤣🤣🤣🤣


this episode went by so fast bro lol

Ahkenaton Furdge

Across all shows yall watched, Michele predictions are so good and Ron shoots her down😭 can’t wait for yall to be further along in other ones

Tony Wallace

lol I work with my girlfriend as an industrial firefighter and also live with her so yea ik exactly how you guys feel😂😂

Simari B

I think it's still the same VA (Taito Ban) but he's speaking at a lower tone to sound more badass & mature


uhh the next episode is going to be fire


I understand Ron I'm knew to this also but somethings can ruin the meaning of that first time something awesome happened or a key point in the story repeating itself would just ruin the first time it happened and become dry.


no you CAN leave whenever you want, doesnt necessarily have to beat the BOSS first.


On an anime only viewers perspective, Ron's theory makes sense. All this manhwa readers who knows the whole story kills the reactors' theory crafting ideas. Let them realize things for themselves and just enjoy watching their reactions.


Thanks for the reaction! Love you guys! It’s the same VA by the way 👍


i think the objective of why they use 2 people as bait is to split the end money to fewer people so they would get more money. plus they could loot the rich guy's body since his gear is expensive.


Just going to correct a misconception about the dungeons and also mention that I understand Ron being confused here, since it was never explicitly said. They can actually leave the dungeon without killing the boss. EP1 - They voted to continue or leave and report the double dungeon. EP2 - The survivors left the dungeon and reported the incident, which led to the White Tiger guild to go inside to assist and that's how they found Jinwoo. EP5 - They are "going out to grab the mining equipment" as an excuse before trapping them inside the boss room. Only Jinwoo when he entered the instance dungeon from the "Video Game" was he stuck inside until he cleared or used a teleportation stone or w/e it's called. He even had in mind to leave if it got too dangerous until he got trapped inside and learned about that rule, which implies that leaving a dungeon was always possible. So as far as we know, this only applies to this specific instance dungeon or all instance dungeons if there are more in the future. As for the intention of the bad guys, I suppose we will learn later!


man, dont let people get to you guys, you guys can interpret it any way yall want, if you find out you're wrong an episode or two or several down the line then so be it


next episode its going down!!!!!!

No Remorse

Ron hunters org demands X amount of people of X level to complete a dungeon. Also was informed by the English dub VA that the W in Jinwoo's name is silent. So Jin-ooe is the Korean pronunciation.


Like others are saying it’s just the same VA speaking with a deeper pitch. The difference isn’t that big to be honest.


You can come and go from a dungeon. I'm sure they will explain some stuff for you guys next episode. If not, definitely the episode after. Great theories though. Also called it Michelle is going to like Sung Dripwoo lol

Aaron Mitchell

It’s just seems different because he’s supposed to be more mature, like a mental thing so I can understand why they would think so

Issac Gonzalez

Anyone else catch on that every other episode feels incomplete. Basically 2 episodes feels complete.


Im with Ron, I think the MC is on hardcore mode right now lol


You know I get that this has become a business for you guys, and that's really cool, but I have worked together with an S.O. . There has to be a balance, and you need to grow that "switch" mentallity, in the sense that -- ok, now we're going to talk business, once that's done, it's done. Well, at least that's my take. It did help me maintain a healthier relationship with the person I love :)


It's not even really a manhwa readers type of thing. I've never read the manhwa but drawing from other anime knowledge, which is how I read it from some others comments that sounded similar to my take on how it works, people are taking it as though even having game like elements the results are having an effect on the "real world." Like there was a comment that likened it to Sword Art Online but of course they haven't seen that and are still relatively new to anime in general so they aren't going to be doing like others of thinking "oh it probably works like such and such anime."


I think a way of thinking is that the bad guys need to meet a quota of 8 people, but they only ever have 6. From the sounds of it, by finding 2 people that are weak or not part of the group they gain 6 people worth of loot rather then 8, since there is less people to split the loot with. By destroying the wall they could say a "accident" happened and they couldn't save them in time.


I know you want to stick with the game elements as they are popping out for our MC, but those things are only for the MC. There is in far far future answer for it too. But just keep throwing your theories they are fun to make and see how wrong or right you were when answers are given. EDIT* It's the same VA, just shows how good he was doing that light voiced Jin-Woo, better get used to this voice as I this will be stable voice he will use through this whole show.

Renan Medina

Just as an observation... this webtoon is riddled with references, the first one is the "daily quest" he receives... is the same one talked by Saitama in "One punch man". 100 situps, 100 pushups, 100 squats, and a 6.2-mile (10-km) run. which is very interesting by seeing this episode and he's already that different (with hair though hehehehe). Prepare yourselfs to see some HxH references down the line <3 (more than "hunters")

Liana Pagodova

3:00 loved your explanation! my thought is that they were gonna use them anyhow and when they can't fight anymore, the 6 others will kill the boss and if those 2 are still alive they could easily kill them. they still need to get all the crystals before killing the boss right so any bait would be good for them I'm pretty sure they always recruit 2 weaklings and dont split anything with them


As far as explanations for a lot of your questions those will come in time so I wouldn’t worry about people trying to explain them to y’all because honestly a lot of your questions aren’t gonna be answered until towards the end of this season and a majority of the big ones until the end of the story lol and Michelle had me dying with the fan service bits 💀


Each episode keeps getting better, can’t wait!

Yoona Kim

This shows too good


I totally agree with you Ron. This is the real world, but the way he can level up, get stronger, get stat points, each time he gains a lvl he is fully restored back to full health etc is like a lvling game or MMO, where you get stat / talent points. BUT its still real life, so if he dies he dies and prob only got that one 2nd chance to become a Player. You can leave a dungeon without defeating the boss, but the risk is the dungeonbreak that we saw earlyer then. He cant leave an instance dungeon like he did solo, only by defeating the boss or with a teleportation stone I dont know anything about this anime exept what I see in each episode, but thats my take on it :D


I think the game setting is just for him to measure his stats since it’s kinda easier to explain in a game way. 🤔

규환 김

Why did the friend with the same name as me play a villain? To be honest, I thought it was too much. It would have been better if he had just appeared as Sung Jin-woo's friend or colleague. But my name wouldn't be easy to pronounce, so it was nice to hear the name better than I thought. As expected, the voice actor is great.

규환 김

I'm sorry for trapping Seong Jin-woo and Yoo Jin-ho.

Toasted Toad

You can come and go from a dungeon as you please. Only 2 restrictions: 1. the gate will close 1 hour after you kill the boss, so if you want to take any goodies out, you've got to do it before then, and 2. you've got to kill the boss within 7 days of the gate opening, or the monsters can come out. And I understand you thinking Jinwoo was dead. TBH I wondered it myself for a bit, thinking maybe there was some big twist coming up. As I haven't actually finished the manwha yet (although I'm nearly there), maybe that twist is still coming (although I don't think so)!


Okay mb bro, I was a little too harsh lask week. It's true that you can't really know, the manhua is read very quickly and we didn't have to think about it, the answer was obtained by reading. With the episode format you have more time to think

Reina Panda

Jin-woo is 24 so its safe to simp to all my fellow adults out there


I completely understand the whole game logic, Ron. I mean, he even needs to increase his stats. You only see that in games


Next Ep is gonna be good


this is just early stage sung drip woo baby daddy aint pop out yet

Jasper Tan

people who finished the manga having the time of their lives watching people guess what's gonna happen next. XD


i think its the same VA just with a deeper tone


Unfortunately Solo Leveling anime is highly japanified, koreans just have a different mentality compared to japanese. The manhwa is a lot darker, serious, determined, rational and stoic instead of japan's chaotic never give up or arrogant detached MCs, or that japanese subservient bowing to everybody. Even his relationship with the sister is japanese cute instead of "giving a hard time" to each other while deeply caring. These differences are easy to miss, but our brain intuitively notices subtleties in people’s expressions and voices, which makes a huge difference. Imagine japanese trying to remake Disney or Marvel, it will be just really different. Same with them trying to make korean stuff.

Mu Nanyo

Yeah ive noticed that as well. Korean media is like a midway between cold stoic chinese martial art stories and the more crazy supernatural plots of japanese media.


I'd say the emotions and behavior of characters is more rational and determined, somewhat western. But the worlds and plots are fantastic in Japanese style. In my opinion Koreans are just much better with emotions, that's why their movies, music and fashion are popular globally. Japanese are very different, entertaining in their own way, but they can't capture Korean mentality.

Izzy Cruz

Honestly its because they wanted to split it 6 ways, they know they can kill the spider, its about the split of the crystals.


You can actually leave a dungeon whenever because in the first few episodes, the team we were with were voting on whether to continue into the uncharted or leave the dungeon. Beating a boss only closes the dungeon off.

Michael H

I’m pretty sure Jin Woo is in his early or mid-twenties. 24 or 25, maybe? Been a while since I read it, so I might be off on that.


I’ll try to explain, higher level dungeons need at least 8 party members by law. Its basically illegal for them to enter without the remaining. By taking 2 people with them not only can they enter, but also kill said 2 and steal any valuables from their corpses, loot the dungeon and repeat. Finally, yes, you can leave a Dungeon anytime you want, but if the boss is killed the door closes some time after, and you will be stuck there forever if you don’t leave. Only some “special” dungeons don’t allow people to leave, but they will let you know when that is the case.

Rimuru Tempest

The VA is the same and the voice is the exact same as well.😂 It's just a mental thing because he looks different.

kirk poss

Jin Woo seems to be solo leveling his rizz as well.


The VA might be the same but the voice is not the exact same, you can literally hear the difference after he kill the snake.


1. You can get in and out of the dungeon. When the boss is dead they have like an hour to leave before the portal closed. 2. I think the manhwa did a better work showing the evil side of this group, they just want money and their plan is to kill this two so they don't have to give them anything.


I think same va but he slightly changed his own voice


its not a mental thing lol the VA is purposely making his voice deeper

Rimuru Tempest

I did check before fighting the snake, and this episode. In the two scenes I chose, he sounded the exact same, so he can't have changed it much, maybe it's easier to tell when he's speaking to somebody else?

Kevin Depoppe

i actually think they just want to rob the expensive gear from the new kid. They even said it that even an amateur is strong wit expensive gear.

Jacob Elliott

Can I post a leading hint to a spoiler (tried to post the spoiler but it wudn't let me do the read more if I hit enuf enters which is annoying so I don't want spoil accidentally and won't post it if u don't want it) and just specifying it isn't major if u know this bc I won't give any background to it, but it is a major part of the story that will 100% not happen in this season

Jacob Elliott

So ik for a fact that some ppl explained this b4, but the only dungeons that u CANT leave are the RED dungeons (not shown yet but were mentioned) and the INSTANT dungeons that ONLY Jin-Woo can enter. REGULAR DUNGEONS can be freely entered and exited whenever they want...This is just a hunch but I believe that the Dongsoo squad went in that dungeon b4, possibly with other lower ranks and maybe multiple times and knew about everything, using it as a gold mine, however it was nvr explained in the manwha or the anime so idk


dungeons only last a week, after that there is a dungeon break, so it doesn't make sense for them to keep going into the same dungeon over and over with new people they would get found out fast. Also regardless if it's a minor or major spoiler you should delete your comment. since it's a spoiler


Anyone read the screenrant review and laugh at how out of touch the reviewer is?


dont see why u felt the need to mention red dungeons like alr we get you have the knowledge

Jacob Elliott

SirCatelot: I nvr posted it, was asking if I cud post one. Thanks for reminding me of that part, it completely slipped my mind. The part about them being found out I kind of ignored bc they cud probably enter a lower tiered gate w/o letting anybody but the hunters entering the gate

Jacob Elliott

luquzii: lol I was mentioning the special gates that u can't return from, which the red gates are one of them


idk but only looking at 1 scene and calling it a day when ur trying to compare is just lazy

Devron Love

I'm sure people have already cleared it up, but they can leave these dungeons. The only dungeon Jinwoo can't eave are the special solo dungeons, and even then he can leave if he has that one item...stone thingy. With these dungeons you can come and go as you please but the longer its open without killing the boss, the greater the risk of a dungeon break happening. So they are not only sacrificing people so they can mine the crystals, they are also putting the area around at risk of a dungeon break.