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Super excited for the adventures in the grand line! 



Y’all can’t even imagine all the different adventures luffy and his crew will have like I swear this anime is unpredictable as hell


👀 and oh that's funny never seen the guy with the beard with all the reactions i've watched 💀

Mu Nanyo

Laboon that squeaky little fucker. ❤️ Love the predictions from you 2, keep them coming. That laboon one is a cool theory. But dont go looking up reddit threads yet, thats a whole different level you are not ready for until you are deeper in the story. “Common sense is useless in the grand line” sounds like a place luffy could be king.


Idk if you guys remember but we actually got to see when Baroque Works tried to recruit Zoro in the live action by the red headed dude with the dual swords Mr. 7. That was only in the manga so it was a cool detail they added in the live action.

Mario Prime Plays

Glad you guys are doing the wanted poster guesses! Also one of my favorite episodes coming up next.

Stephen Cruz

Yo the Laboon theory is actually cool idk how it would work but imagine the one peice was inside Laboon


I'm enjoying your OP reactions so much!! And Teddy is so darn cute

eduardo jaimes

A cool detail zoro is asleep during the day do to the fact he is always aware of his surroundings during the night


Predictions/theories is how you enjoy OP in my opinion. The world is so vast, the author is so creative, it honestly doesn't matter what theory you come up with as long as you have a little evidence. I've said and predicted some wild shit and I've been following the story for 15+ years 💀

Luis V

the music does correlate to a specific character.

Michael H

You guys definitely just gotta accept and go with the weird in this show. An otter riding a vulture dropping bombs? As Luffy says, don’t sweat the small stuff.

Ragil Pribadi

both of you will know the answer laterr 😁😁😁

Sean Miller

Remember in the live action when we were introduced to Zoro he was fighting a swordsman named Mr.7 that tried to recruit him. Really loved how they were able to tie things together


Ma-ma-ma~ As far as the theory goes about Laboon. I find it hard to believe since Roger would have been like 70~ years old, at least, when he was executed. It would also imply that unlike the story about Laboon, he did come back to hide the treasure. Very unlikely.

Ricky Castro

I'm sure there will be ton of comments about Mr. 7 and the live action. Instead I've got some sailing lingo that I was taught when I was learning. The Bow is the front of the ship, easy to remember because you "bow" forwards. The Stern is the back of the ship because stern parents discipline you behind. Port is to the left because they have the same amount of letters and starboard is the other side(right)!


Ron im willing to bet against your theory of the one piece being inside Laboon since the manga is still ongoing and you seem to love betting lmao $5 in 60 years when the manga wraps up says the one piece isnt in Laboon


yo I'm so excited for this because we all know who pops up a couple of episodes ahead


The creator of one piece, Oda, has said that if zoro was in the real world his ethnicity would be Japanese and he grow up practicing the Japanese style of swordsmanship so that’s why most of his soundtracks will have a Japanese theme to it.

Vjong Trias

Baroque works was in the live action when they introduced Zoro fighting Mr. 7.


Questioning Luffy's decision to take those two on board just for Luffy to say "don't worry about the small things" and you guys quickly switched gears was a top tier moment for reactions


Omg and the way you both looked at each other when Crocus mentioned Roger at the end. That was so good it was almost like you practiced it lmao

Ana Ignat

Goofy Luffy!!


luffy is so funny & goofy 😆

branco marolia

The only thing important about laboon is something completely and entirely different your theory though good is wrong because it would gold Roger was 70 years old and this was before entering the grand line also the existing of a surgery canal within laboons body prices that the one piece ain't there considering how easily Luffy got into the canal one piece would have been discovered....either way laboon is a very important part of the initial phase of the story which will in fact come up very very soon you guys are very close to discovering his importance and connection so keep discovering with you guys throughout this journey as always


I think it was in a fan question, maybe it was SBS, and Oda said Zoro naps because his job is to be awake guarding the ship every night


I gotta wake 5 days til ya OP reactions I love them sm 😭


Liana Pagodova

If you notied guys those animals droppin the bomb were Mr. 13 and miss (smth...) when the two weirdoes are Mr.9 and miss Wednesday. This is all one organization :) just a hint necause it looked like you might've missed that second, Roger found the One Piece 22 years ago and immediatly became the King of the Pirates, he has nothing to do with Laboon since he maybe was just a little kid 50 years ago. and they did say that One Piece was on the last island Raftel, that in past 22 years nobody has been eble to reach yet! 25:00 about Crocus... you'll know later hahahaha 35:39 each member has their own melody :)

Liana Pagodova

Roger did say he left it al there....so on that island he found one piece. it is really hard to get there so naturally only the most special, toughest and bravest would ever be able to find one piece on their own :) so roger counted on that when he said those words before the execution


I know you probably think you're being helpful but you're just posting spoiler after spoiler. You don't need to immediately tell them their theories are wrong, they'll learn as they watch.

vlone flex

Ron needs 3 earrings & Michelle her straw hat lol

No Remorse

I have money that zoro will remain Ron's favorite but there will be others that push that favoritism to the limit.


I think they stick their pinkies out to emphasize that they're trying to be snobby upper-class and also because it makes their hand look like the number 9?


Like how the Grand Line has no common sense, so is One Piece. Go ahead to speak out about your theories, who knows it will be actually right. XD Love Laboon! So excited and can't wait~ Yohohoho~


There no confirmation on what the One Piece really is but Im pretty sure it’s an actual treasure (gold collected by Roger). But when we come to find out that’s gon be wild.


The live action showed One of the Misters trying to recruit Zoro to Baroque Works as his introduction

Mavoal On fleek

When is the breathtaking world of onepice upload

Emil Yi

Just know that, at this point in the story, Roger was executed 22 years ago as Smoker said in Logue Town. While Laboon was left that the cape 50 years ago. That means Roger probably would've been way older, but he doesn't look like he's an elderly old man during the execution, in the live action as well. Also, the guy that left Laboon behind in the flashback was definitely not Roger in terms of appearance. THAT'S ALL ILL SAY.


afew things here you missed that was hinted to, but trust me I did not get them eighter until waay later xD

The CulturedGentleman

I think there will be several that competes for the title...but after the arc that just ended where it is now...it will seal the deal for him. Im just here thinking about how much this show is gonna wreck them emotionally.

The CulturedGentleman

Ofc Zoro wasnt asleep lol...He would never let his guard down around his enemies like that. Hes never beating those allegations lmfao

Jesse spika

About Teddy… wow… how can a creature be so ensorcelling, disarming, and cuddly all at once?! He looks like he jumped out of a children’s fairy tale. 😭 The way his fur looks 🥹


think back to the Live Action when Baroque works tried to recruit him

Liana Pagodova

I told no spoiler but only what was already spoken in the anime so far. And with Crocus I literally stoped saying anything there it only would give them intrigues.

Liana Pagodova

Zoro was always my favorite and it stayed that way. True as I kept watching there are a couple more of favs but Zoro is in the top 3 and even that way he is still my most favorable :)

Liana Pagodova

I myself rewind back if I missed something important in One Piece because those little clues are really important. That's why only told them what they might've missed or overlooked. When it comes to One Piece I never get distracted even a mini second because every word in it could mean something. Ans this is important for them to know if they are continuing OP everything is information that will eventuallly come back again at some point


They don't know the name of the final island yet, they don't need to be told that it wasn't Roger's pirate groups that left Laboon. You don't need to tell them that they'll know something later, they will find out when they see it in the show. You can remind them then.


Hopefully not until like episode 700 or 800 lol


Yeah, at this point idk what to say because it could be influenced by my knowledge of future events😂


Yeah but once in a 1000 years it doesn't lol



Liana Pagodova

dude rewatch the episode. Everything I wrote about was either spoken in these episodes or episodes way before


Gingers theory skills ade top tier


Also Ginger, your theory is something I agree with and your video will go viral. Crop it into the shorts also

Darren Metts

Ngl kinda irritated me that they didn’t go back and rewatch that final scene with crocus I feel like when they first read it they weren’t actually paying full attention cuz if they were they’d realize that clearly crocus was on rogers crew

Darren Metts

Crocus was on rogers crew that’s what he was saying basically that’s why he said “we”

Dominic Lorenzini

Jesus is our Lord and Savior read the Bible repent and have faith


The last island is laughtale btw it's different in sub for some reason.


it's because the correct spelling wasn't revealed till the Wano arc