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Hey guys the episodes 54 to 61 are fillers and one piece being a really long beautiful anime I recommend to skip to episode 62 when the canon starts again



If I'm not mistaken most of what happens in these two episodes are filler and there are some more filler episodes to come. If you guys are enjoying it then there's nothing wrong with watching filler. Being aware of what is filler and what isn't is a good thing when it comes to understanding characters though. Some of the filler episodes have the characters do things that they wouldn't normally do or betray their past/future development so keeping that in mind is important.


Character growth doesn't happen in filler because it isn't carried over to when it returns to cannon content. I totally agree that alot of the filler is fun though.


Beware! Fillers spread from 54-61. 62 is half filler too bit it bounds on the story and needs to be watched. One Piece fillers are eytremely rare and usually pretty good but fr guys you have like a 5year journey with 4Episodes one piece per week. Better go for progression and skip everything until 62. You could do private sessh for the fillers but 90% in your community would aggree to continue on loguetown.


These 2 fillers are fine but in my opinion you should skip all fillers except 2 specific mini arcs. However, you are expiriencing the show for the first time, not me, so I'll support whatever you guys do😁


Yes please, although they are not that bad, they arent amazing, skipping them is not a detriment to the story.


This is why I am so against filler. That goes for “anime cannon” as well. In regard to one piece anime, if Oda didnt write it, it’s really not worth it.

eduardo jaimes

I watched all one piece without knowing what was filler because it fits in really well

eduardo jaimes

Also will you be watching the one piece movies once you reach the timeline they where set


Daddy? Lol I forgot about how much filler they added in this Arc (It's short Arc, maybe 5ish chapters so they added some stuff) Two filler episodes lol but at least they were good


Oh last episode - the entire bar scene was filler


I miss moments like these now one piece is too serious 😭


Oda wanted to end the prologue of the story / the East Blue saga on exactly chapter 100, so he rushed through this arc in the manga (f.e. Usopp randomly having new goggles). Later though he co-wrote a Logue Town spin-off novel & the anime adapted the Daddy Masterson story from there, so it is actually canon, unlike what many here believe.


28:06 Hol up Oda- If you know you know


Dawg no skip them filler is filler and there is plenty on actual canon development in these 1000+ eps which we wanna get into


As a heads up, the upcoming filler arc (ep54-60) has some quite important canon material intertwined with it, but unfortunately it's marked all red on that filler site, so many folks accidently skip it :/ The canon tidbits: a) -53 (then skip 54) b) first 8 minutes of 55! (ignore the little girl & then skip 56-60) c) second half of 61 (skip the first half; it's the ending to the filler arc) d) 62- So 55, 61 & 62 could make up one upload (unless y'all have already recorded way past this, then I'd recommend going back and watching b) on your own) This is one of 2 times in the next hundreds of episodes where there's a situation like this one. Besides these 2 cases, the filler arcs are usually separate, contained and easy to skip.


Oh I didn't know that also was a cover story. I hope they animate the newest cover stories too. Even tho they straight up ignored the best one. It was fire 🔥

No Remorse

Different VA but same design. Good eye haven't picked up on that till now


nono sry don't get me wrong, this is not a cover story from the manga like the Koby-Meppo & Buggy ones, this story was written in a separate light novel / book called "One Piece: Loguetown Arc", that is a collection of 6 short stories, co-written by Oda (this Daddy Masterson one, being one of them)


i just realise when ussop and nami came to support sanji they called him ichi niji sanji :D


He's an SBS joke character Oda created when somebody asked him how the door (the mountain bandit kicked down in the Shanks flashback) magically repaired itself. Since then he has made countless appearances in the anime fixing various things lol (Pandaman 2.0 basically)


Did anyone tell them about the best filler Arc in anime history (It's not yet but I'll let them know so they watch it) It's one of those that the fandom wishes was canon -

J. Arlo Mullinix

This is why I said don't worry about filler too much, especially as of now. It's kind of a mess with how its implemented. Later on, filler are self contained arcs that are far easier to skip. Right now, its half episodes canon with half episodes filler. People are already posting guides of how to skip it. It's wacky with how they did it, but most of it is entertaining. Everyone wants you to get to the good stuff quicker which is understandable, but One Piece is a long haul regardless and you may as well enjoy the ride and not worry too much about it.

Rene Salgado

Fillers add nothing to the story at the end of the day

Rene Salgado

How can they add growth if they're not Canon. Fillers should be skipped.

Brandon Otten

if u dont like them skip them, i personally enjoy all the filler during loguetown

Mu Nanyo

Imagine they got lil wayne to play yasopp in the live action.


i haven't seen this arc in years and i'm glad i get to rewtach it with you guys, i forgot how amazing and funny the start was haha

Ricky Castro

Next episodes you finish your first year in One Piece anime! Knew exactly who you were talking about when you mentioned Gangs of NY Ron. Anyone can tell me what breed Teddy is? Still wondering!


Zoro knew of the bounty hunter because he was a bounty hunter before he became a pirate. He was known as the Pirate Hunter, but he was still technically a bounty hunter so he kinda knows the biz


102 is a very good counter-example, it is even referenced later throughout that arc various times...so some filler CAN be good, if it utilizes the hindsight it has of knowing future character developments from the manga. But yeah those are rare


Bruh I never normally ask stuff like this coz I know you guys have so much on your plate but god damn it would be so good if you could get another One Piece upload during the week or maybe just an extra episode to make it 3 when you do upload. I'm not asking I'm beggin ya please help a homie out 🙏🙏🙏🙏 BUT IF NOT IS ALL GOOD thanks for the reactions 💪


Filler advise. Important info in Mixed Canon in Episode 54, 55 and 61. - Do not skip Episode 54. Watch the last few minutes of this episode from 21min onwards. It should be only about 3min. - Watch first 8min of Episode 55. - Skip Episode 56-60. - Skip first half of Episode 61. Watch from 13min onwards.


Rice & Ginger dont read, Does anybody know if they are spoiled about a certain character A.. Because if they aren't do they have filters so they dont get spoiled I have a feeling people will start spamming the spoilers once he appears


I think I stopped watching one piece around ep 570 MANY years ago and forgot how cozy it was early on. This rewatch has been fun piecing everything together that I forgot over the years


Can someone provide them with a list of what episodes are filler so they can skip them and proceed with the actual story?


They do have one. It said to watch it because it's anime canon sprinkled with a little bit of manga content. I do believe the list won't tell them to watch the upcoming filler arc tho

Liana Pagodova

good job specifying it all! I hope Ron and Michelle read this comment and do it this way, otherwise it doesn't work :) If you haven't written this comment I would've checked everything and wrote the same thing! Literally was going to check it uo but to not double comment stopped by to see if anyone already did it. So SHOUT OUT TO RON AND MICHELLE, please do 53 and halfs of those two episdes in one video please! Good day to y'all :)


Most of them are ass imo But some are a must watch even if not entirely canon


Sanji is basically brock from pokemon except he can actually squabble

Michelle Lam

well we are going to make it past that together homie! get ready! (in like a year or two) LMAO

eduardo jaimes

I would at least watch Anime cannon ones,if it’s the list I sent them I would watch anime canon and not the once that say filler


Filler eps


Oh wow that's exactly the comment I was writing. But better


Those episodes are fillers because they are not in the manga but they are actually somewhat Canon. Oda wanted to reach the grand line at chapter 100 so he cut out content from the Loguetown arc. Later he co-wrote a novel about this arc and some details that weren't in the manga were added. Those fillers are some of them. (Oda drew a canon design for Daddy but it is a bit different from the anime one)

Liana Pagodova

After the upcoming filler arc 'till ep 61 there won't be any fillers up until episode 99 (alone) and 102 (which two eisodes you can watch if you feel like it, it's totally optional) and then there will be a couple of filler arcs 131-142 -- these don't affect the story nor the characters. Just a heads up so you wouldn't have to worry about fillers for sometime :)


I like these little emotional beats that draw from Sanji and Ussops past to give them closure going forward


smal filler, but a big one comes later with like 8 ep


I just realized that one insignificant character here is in the current arc wano wtf. You guys won’t even know once you’re caught up


Not just Wano. All across the manga and anime basically lol Just like pandaman


Just like Obito said- "Fillers are trash, but those who make fillers are worse than trash"


Next episode a banger 🔥


Carpenter guy from Wano. I didn’t realize he was here from the beginning. Yeah there’s other characters but they’re characters w a bigger role to story/anime.


Right, Oda needed an excuse on how he is everywhere so he just said "uhhhhhh.. Oh, that's actually his brother!"


28:20 isn’t that the dude that’s in the wa** arc


Even though these 2 eps were filler they are actually really good. Cozy eps.


not filler, manga cover story so canon i think


thought it was from manga cover stories


Some of what happens is canon but the majority of these two episodes is filler.


Wdym??😭 The recurring carpenter in the anime always fixing doors was only a throwaway character Oda made up in an SBS as joke to explain how a door – kicked down by the mountain bandit in the Shanks flashback – got magically fixed by the end of a scene. It is only the anime that has made him a recurring character (similar to Pandaman). When we got to Wano, he made that carpenter look similar to the joke character he made up in an SBS 2 decades ago, because Toei had already doubled down on the joke + he looked Japanese already, so Oda tripled down lol & said, in an SBS during Wano, that the joke character from the SBS back in Romance Dawn was actually the long lost brother of the Wano carpenter, who went out to sea a few decades ago along with the same ship that left with "you know who's"-ancestors...so actually a funny canon retcon lmao

Dominic Lorenzini

Jesus is our Lord and Savior read the Bible repent and have faith