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These episodes really solidified how strong Sasuke is!



Who’s the new chick


love your new hair<3


The crazy thing is there isn’t gonna be a single slow or mid pair of episodes yall watch for like 100 episodes 😂 it really turns into straight peak

Sam F

I smell peak

Julien jackson

Literally as i open up paetreon to see if yall put it out and yall did. Perfect F’ing timing


It’s lit ! 🔥 (Travis Scott voice)

Zac Brown

I can’t remember how you guys handle watching the new intros, but once episode 129 comes around the intro implies pretty big spoiler so you guys should definitely not watch the new intro until the end of the “season”….. unless that’s already what you do that, in which case disregard.


Deidaras death was metal

Troy Straughn

Maaan I’m so hyped for the future episodes but I gotta remind myself that this whole journey is what make those moments sooo much better. Enjoy it while it lasts! There’ll never be another first watch 😭. P.S. Bangs look great Nessa 🫣


3 more weeks until the episode I cant wait

Edwini (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-23 02:49:56 I can't wait for next update
2024-01-23 02:49:43 I can't wait for next update, and also; Nessa haircut is kinda dope

I can't wait for next update, and also; Nessa haircut is kinda dope

Otter Eddy

😂 Ron is my spirit animal, he says anything that comes to mind


cry about it Riley. God you're such a snowflake

Jeremy Schultz

Love the hair Michelle, looks amazing


Just wait till you see ma boi Naruto in action.


NARUTO AINT A GAME! boi what you talking bout theres like 20 naruto games lol XD


Loving the bangs, Michelle! So cute! Yeah, Deidara being a lil baby, lmao. And yes, I'm pretty sure the change in chakra nature and what beats what is common knowledge for shinobi. Sasuke probably learned from Orochimaru or already had some knowledge from his father/brother. Naruto didn't know change in chakra nature because of his circumstances most likely (and to make sure we the viewers learn it along with him because we definitely do not know, lol).


Tobi is the real MVP here


Common W reaction


You just proved Deidara's point. Lol. To him art is everything. To him art is serious. And all he wants is for people to acknowledge that art. He is crazy though. Lol I must say. I'm not defending his craziness but his perspective of respect I can understand. Also this just shows how strong Deidara is really. Genuinely most shinobi in the show die here. What would Naruto do vs the C4 Karura? It also shows if he wanted to, he could've easily defeated Gaara earlier in the series but he had to just capture him. Same with Naruto too. He held back a lot in those earlier fights. We didnt even see that Dragon attack vs Gaara. So I respect Deidara's strength and his admiration for art. But yeah he is crazy. Looool.


Watch 132 and 133 together

Zeke Gamez

Tobi is so funny. Especially in the dub.


My anticipation as a viewer is steadily building up, but in a good way because we just have so much to look forward to (rubs hands together maniacally behind screen)


Absolutely LOVED this fight the first time I saw it! But also felt honestly kind of bad for Deidara, who seemed to just desire recognition from those he respected and deemed powerful. Not to mention this match was a complete counter to him from the get-go and to STILL be in the position he was at the end of the episode...!? You have to respect him. A lot of people underestimate Deidara, but of all the Akatsuki members that have died so far, he is DEFINITELY the strongest and, likely, smartest!


Alternative description "These episodes really put into perspective how strong Deidara is!" One thing about it, Deidara ain't never been no lightwork hmph. You gotta respect it


Legit saw the upload but waited till i got some poke to start watching. My nights set


Itachi standing there with light shining behind him was probably itachis genjutsu, he made Deidara see this to intimidate him.


Akatsuki members are free to do as they please regarding fights. Deidara doesn't care about the Akatsuki, he only cares about things that matters to him, ART. He values his art more than his own life and considers his death as Art just like when he said that the beauty of art is when it doesn't cling to this world for long... just like an Explosion


This fight made Deidara a top 5 akatsuki in my eyes. Ahead of Hidan, Kakuzu and Sasori. Art is a bang! 😤


I think Deidara's point is he ultimately just wants his craft to be respected. The Uchiha brothers have both refused to acknowledge his art or respect it. Therefore, his pride wouldn't ever allow him to try and team up with Sasuke. And he probably wanted to kill Itachi on his own, which would in turn further validate the significance and value, he believes his art to be. Not all Akatsuki members feel some type of allegiance to the group's values and reputation. Remember Deidara didn't even wanna join in the first place. But at the end of this fight, It was either conform to sasuke, who he hates or die. So, him being as prideful as he is, he decided to go out with a bang. He was not gonna allow himself to die by an uchiha's hand, and he also didn't want to give sasuke what he wants. So, he decided to die as art.

Jay rellim

the uchiha clan is soooo annoying lmao sharingan sharingan sharingannnnn


Most (not all lol) of the fights in Naruto are strategic and this fight just showed not only is Sasuke on another level because of his fighting abilities but also he’s smart as fuck lls. Can’t wait for y’all to see more of Sasuke in battle.

Jason Barber

Everyone knows what happens on ep 125👀


Deidara really is a G. the man was 19 (the same age as temari), infiltrated the hidden sand, fought the kazekage with a handicap (using explosives to take someone alive), lost his arm (which is crucial to his jutsu), used it to his advantage, and captured gaara, travelled almost non-stop, spent 3 days helping seal the shukaku, fought naruto and kakashi after, again got his other arm ripped off without panicking, avoided a 9-tails cloak naruto, kept up with team guy (who was not trying to kill him but they are a team of taijutsu experts) and successfully escaped.

Erick Barcena

Heyy, so.. Sasuke killed Orochimaru, and Deidara was the one who wanted to kill him from the Akatski, so he took it as his mission cause Sasuke and Orochimaru are against Akatski

D.j. Lachmandas

This one of the most under rated fights in this whole series. Slept on big time


kakashi didnt only teach Naruto a strong Jutsu, he tought Sasuke the Chidori so he probably told him the whole elements stuff. Or Sasukes Dad told him while teaching him the Fireball.


Oh yes Naruto. The show that loves to waste most of their episodes on constant recaps and flashbacks that we've already seen lol I don't miss that aspect of the show and trust me, this is going to happen a lot more in future episodes.


bro i’m not gonna lie I swear the first time watching naruto and this episode I don’t remember deidera getting big like that 🤔🤔

Fran Polidor

Deidara is such a cool character! He is truly strong too, he's got some of the craziest jutsus in the show. Particularly the C4, that one is crazy, I believe most people would have died to that. That said, he is still being considered as one of the "weakest" members of the akatsuki organisation. This guys are damn powerful

Christian Callahan

Solidified how strong Deidara is too. Ngl before this fight I was sleeping on him.


to answer about the chakra element thing Yes it is common knowledge Naruto is just an idiot lol

Kasyfillah Rayhan

The next episode will be .... (You know what i mean👀👀)


he was crlearly telling ajoke weirdo lol


Deidara is the true winner in my heart. He was hard countered and Sasuke still couldn't beat him. Crazy to think that C4 could probably kill almost everyone in the show who doesn't have a sharingan. ALSO HOLY shit next episode is a game changer


I think its about time you guys checked out naruto kai. It skips the replays! The replays will get worse!


I just finished eating Wendy’s lol


The akatsuki are all tactical geniuses in their own right but out of those who died, sasori for sure the smartest and deidara admitted he was stronger too

Michael H

If he went straight to C4, probably. C4 is stupid strong. But would it affect Sasori since he doesn’t technically breathe…?


Plot armor


Oh my next week!


Deidara was angry at Sasuke because Deidara wanted to kill Orochimaru, but can’t since Sasuke did it already


Yoooo Watch Ep 131, 132 and 133 together. If not, 133 must be watched as the second episode imo!


I Appreciate you for fighting through the video lol 🫡🫡 Now go get some rest! Cant wait for upcoming videos!

Lela Amboko

I'm pretty sure they said they will watch all 3 together. They have a list of triple drops that some fans gave them I believe


‘With death, I will become art’…..RIP Deidara..not the most powerful of the Akatsuki but definitely one of the most memorable and entertaining!


I do remember him getting huge, but for some reason I thought the big him was the nuke lol


Deidara is mad at Sasuke for killing Orochimaru before him. That's why he wanted to kill Sasuke. That's why he wouldn't tell Sasuke where Itachi is. He also wants to kill Itachi himself.

Maks Lesniewski

It's crazy to think about it, but both Sasori and Tobi were right about Deidara in the end. Tobi said Deidara was bound to die from his own explosion, while Sasori predicted he'd die young. Keep in mind, Deidara died at 19, while Sasori died at 35.


Sure it's their main and most talked about skill but a lot of them are also genius level when it comes to strategy and jutsu. I mean this fight is a great example of that. Deidara came into this fight with an entire strategy around countering sharingan and Sasuke still outsmarted him.

Daniel Gonzalez

Lol not me eating while watching 😃😂😋


Mark Ron's words~ XD


Anyway, Deidara doesn't really care about the Akatsuki. He was kinda forced to join cause he lost to Itachi. He only cared for his Explosion Art. Both Itachi and Sasuke disrespected his Art that's why he wanted to kill both of them himself. And he wants to kill Sasuke cause Sasuke killed Orochimaru before he could. It's about Deidara's pride and he would probably die for his Art and pride.


Michelle you look so gorgeous love the hair!


this fight is so underrated and rarely talked about in the series

kirk poss

Famous last words


Sasuke reminds Deidara too much of Itachi so he got ultra triggered at Sasuke's similar demeanor and superiority so he decided fuck it, I'm gonna blow up mini Itachi instead. He had no intentions to help Sasuke as he triggered him as much as Itachi


The opening is actually for the movie

Jay rellim

not denying that and never did. but even some strategies hinge upon the knowledge obtained via the sharingan. sasuke seeing the earth sign, the nano sized bombs, the landmines, etc.


FYI. The relationship between different elements (fire/wind/lightning,etc) is explained in the episode where Naruto started his Rasenshuriken training. Yamato told Naruto his wind is weaker against Sasuke’s lighting but Naruto saw it as his wind can help Sakuke’s fire element to be stronger. The setting is that this is common knowledge among Shinobi world.

Twin Hallow

Deidara is super strong. I dont know how anyone would beat nano sized explosions. Other than Sharingun users that is. You would have to get him in a genjutsu or be fast enough to speed blitz him before he can do these attacks.


Hi guys! (I said this in another video) but I think it's ok if you watch the openings and endings at the end of every arc 💖 (When you finish Shippuden you could do a recap of all of them together and see wich one you liked the most!) It's just my opinion 💖 I hope mods can see this

Twin Hallow

All the elements are definitely common knowledge for ninjas. They need a way to tell the audience and Naruto is just a but air headed haha.


yeah Deidara said that sasori is stronger. kakuzu too imo.


Deidara went out with a bang... lol and he died young, as Sasori said, only 19


Deidara could literally kill entire villages just by dropping his C4. And there would be nothing anyone could do to stop him.


Yeah it's basically a cheat code. It's kinda unfair to see someone develop good jutsu and strategies and then "Nope, it doesn't work, I have my sharingan lol" But that's the point I think, that's why so many people are obsessed with it, like Deidara in a hateful way and Orochimaru in an admiring way.

Renzhong Zhu

Why edit. dont tell them this ed can be watched right now ? No spoiler after all


Deidara said that Sasori is stronger than him, which is probably true. But in term of match up, Deidara is actually a good counter against Sasori because it would be rather easy for him to plant bombs inside the puppets while keeping distance from them. And if he destroyed the main Sasori, the "core" would explodes with the rest.


he joined Akatsuki when he was like 14. 14 years old and leader of the Akatsuki insists that he should be the one to replace Orochimaru, that's crazy.


26:08 playing any ultimate ninja storm game be like:


hey guys! are you gonna watch openings?


Instead of Nessa you should say Chelle is your new chick. Also, who is Nessa? Is it your ex?!




Also Itachi vs Sasuke fight be like... Itachi: You are in my genjutsu. Sasuke: Jokes on you, i used my genjutsu even earlier. Itachi: The whole Uchiha massacre didn't happen, your whole life was a genjutsu.


Are you for real? XD It's just a joke based on the part from 31:25, and doesn't have anything to do with the real story, because that doesn't happen.

Saith Uchiha

When he said Sizune might of mispronounced is gonna turn into a snake I was laughing my ass off

Alperen Küksal

I hope you are ready for the sasuke arc


Deidara and sasuke both mad talented considering their ages in this fight


I’ve always said this, deidara and sasori are people that are almost impossible to beat without very specific counters. If you don’t know about sasori weaknesses like chiyo did or have lightning + sharingan like sasuke did you’d lose.


I’m glad someone said it, I feel like deidara and sasori are super slept on because of how their stories ended up playing out.


lmao yall saying "this is a spoiler" is making it seem like this obvious joke happens or somethin. 😂 were ya'll even listening to Michelle and Ron at 31:25???


Funny you mention. I do eat while watching. Haha.

Aaron Mitchell

Ok so yes it is common knowledge about the type advantages such as ⚡️>🪨 etc something most ninjas are taught early on. And most akatsuki just go there separate ways after sealing tailed beast, and don’t exactly keep tabs on each other afterwards unless they are summoned.✌🏾😎

Marcos cruz

It's crazy the amount of spoilers people have been putting in the comments even with the mods help, like how hard is it to not say anything that has not happen yet

Braden S

They forced Deidara to join so I don’t think he was too worried about their mission

kirk poss

It’s about pop off real fast


you guys are forgetting that diedara wanted to kill orochimaru. thats why he disliked sasuke


Man sasuke,s plot armour is very powerful in this fight 😂


How? He solo captured Garra and the 3 tails. And managed to escape a MS Kakashi and cloaked Naruto.

Geo uchiha

Daddy chill 😂 but good call on sasuke electrocuting himself to stop the bomb!


If he didn't get this knowledge before, for sure he at least got it when Kakashi taught him Chidori since it implies a change in chakra nature

Mary Fuller

But fr it must be so frustrating for Sasuke, imagine everyone who has beef with your brother just taking it out on you 😂


i forgot how insane Deidara's ultimate was, bro vaporized everything within 6 miles.



MBH 77

We’re now into the peak section of shippuden. This only the beginning, just gets better from here.

Drew Jackson

Eating my ramen as we speak 🍜😂


wow I just realized what the next two episodes are, and I CAN'T WAIT FOR IT TO DROP

Flowering Ash Tree

The knowledge about different Chakra natures and their strengths and weaknesses is pretty common Chakra knowledge. It's just that Naruto is so freaking dumb and since he never actually paid any attention during class, he wouldn't know about it😅


So happy Ron like Tobi

Miles Coleman

Haha I was eating while watching


Deidara was upset cause Sasuke killed Orochimaru before gim.

NV TV Reactions

I'm pretty sure deidra just wanted anyone to admire his art (in this case sasuke) and if that happened i think he mightve let him go

KoKo JoJo

Sasuke glazing aside, Deidara proved that he is just as capable in a fight as the rest of the Akatsuki members. Bro really impressed me when I first watched this fight.


ART IS AN EXPLOSION rip Deidara one of my favs (I personally enjoyed his english va version of the character)