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Loved the direction of this episode and how they showed the emotions from Knov. So good!




To To

Let’s gooooo


this is one of the first episodes i been waiting for

Sosefa F

Dude Knov is real one! Playing a massive role in this plan. I love how raw this show gets with displaying characters emotions.

Nick Obeso

The aura wasn’t pitou, remember pitou is currently healing the king so she can’t unleash her aura or knov wouldn’t have been able to enter the palace due to her range. It was poufs (butterfly man), which is actually a less effective aura. So what gon and killua experienced was worse, and very close to pitou.

Indiana Sampson

Fun fact that was actually Pouf’s aura that traumatized Knov

To To

I think it was pufu’s En which is not as big as pito’s and pito had no aura at this moment. But the viciousness between them are similar


Pouf’s aura is a no no


The blue aura is actually Pouf's En (the butterfly guy)! Pitou's aura is shown as a deep red. Pitou is healing the king which requires ALL of the aura she has. So, Pouf spread his En/aura instead. I feel this was a great way for Togashi to show that, YES, all of the Royal Guards, even the pretty butterfly, have extremely malignant and strong aura. Knov was just around it and it terrified him. Gon and Killua were literally covered in Pitou's aura; it felt like pure malice. And they're willing to go back and fight that? Yeah, Knov is probably having an understandable and regular response. Those kiddos are nuts lol.

Miles Coleman

Knov was talking all that good ish earlier lol

Saith Uchiha

HxH is a lot of people’s fav mine will always be Naruto. I saw a funny video where this guy has a chalkboard, and his favorite anime is Hunter hunter, but he analyzes everything to say what’s the best anime and he said full metal alchemist is flawless.

Leo Bencek

Chrollo steals or takes nen powers and Leol rents it And in the last episode you can see that pitou fixing Kings arm and Pouf the other royal guard says that he will release his En but also says that his En is not even close to as strong as Pitou thats why Knov was able to come so close to palace


The purple aura was not pito's, shes not able to use nen because she is using it to heal the king with Dr. blite, last episode shaiapouf said even though his aura is no where near as vicious as pito's hes going to use it on the defense while pito's was being used to heal the king.


The aura knov sensed wasn't Pitou's, it was Pouf's. Remember pitou had to temporarily turn off her En so that she could focus all her aura on healing the king's arm. So for now, Pouf is filling in for her, and using his En.


seeing knov, such a composed character break down is what gets me feeling bad man


I love how 11 people wrote the same thing XD With that said... -Fun fact that was actually Pouf’s aura that traumatized Knov


9:05 The translation on last episode said those women as "bodies", but it's actually "meat" in original Japanese. So the Japanese word is consistent but the translation messed up. I think it's just a code for that bastard to "order" those women. Basically it's a human trafficking but they refer to it as "meat" so it won't be tracked.


Morel is too cool. Somehow I didn't recognize it well when I dig into the story for the first time. The more I rewatch it, the more I realize Morel's ability and his way of fighting is so dope.

Jermaine Glodd

I think it was actually implied that pitou's En is better than pouf's, not necessarily that his nen is actually more or less vicious than pitou's! I feel like they're probably on the same level in that sense but that's just my thoughts

Nick Obeso

Yea I’m talking about the aura though! Their vicious intent is probably the same, but her aura is more effective which is why she can cover the whole palace with it. Gon and killua had it harder as they were at arms length with her


Crazy to see Knov do full 180 from seeing Pouf's aura and Gon and Killua were in Pitou's aura which i believe is more evil than pouf's. Goes to show how strong the Royal Guards are so imagine the Kings!

Andrew Gutierrez

This episode just shows you how gon and killua really standing on business. Even a veteran hunter got his resolve shaken

Jay rellim

knov was in zetsu. this is closer to if the gon and killua who couldnt even walk down the hallway at heaven's arena bc of hisoka's auro met a chimera ant


finally caught up again lol

Gjermund Norum Bugge

Leol explained that anyone that owes him a favor he can borrow their Powers. Something like that


Knov's scene is superb, and it is largely because Miko Shinichirou is such a great voice actor ❤️


Also, even if it has less range than Pitou's, I think Pouf's En would be more menacing. He is the one that has less empathy out of the 3 royal guards (love him though xD)


It’s only my peak right now because the author hasn’t finished the story

Gggg Hhhh

Yoo chat i got a question yall know the scene when "a far greater threat" ok so now that you understand, my question is should they watch that episode in english aka dub or should they watch it sub im ngl both narrators are good however i think Michael McConnohie is a must in this

Gggg Hhhh

Yeah Michael Mcconnohie definetly cooked sum delicious there

Gggg Hhhh

Fr i feel the oposite rewstching this with them has made me recognise that his nen is bullshit and he shoulda gotclapped by cheetu and the the guy that goes pouf and dissapears

Gggg Hhhh

i literaly dont see anything wrong with this, they didnt say it was without their consent and the women are blushing☠️☠️ so not only that but they came prepared with feminine clothings now if we go by the premise that they didnt consent then thaats bad but they literaly blushed and bizef is an important its only natural that these women will flock to him i cant stand moraly high grounded opinions like urs makes me tingle😭 once again let me remind you that they blushed when he checked them out..(and yes its bad in the scenario of which they didnt consent to get there

Gggg Hhhh

i agree and depending on how you interpret it poufs en is more vicious because he got extremely scared and for pitou he didnt get as scared and with both of them he didnt touch the aura or maybe he never saw pitous aura? And only saw poufs aura that would make more sense idk im just thinking out loud at this point🤣


It's not good no matter what. Even if they made this choice, it could be to get out of poverty more than anything (this happens in the real world too). Also, they didn't blush (lol), it seemed more like they were relieved. If he's interested in them, that means he's not going to kill them or get rid of them anytime soon.


And poufs aura isn’t close to pitous level

Hisoka Morrow

Well, it's different power from Chrollo. Leol just borrowed from others while 2 conditions have to be met. First, Leon must saw or know the name of that ability. And second, he has to do something to favor the ability's owner and have that person said something to confirm his/her gratitude. And while he borrowed it, the owner must stay alive or the ability will disappear from his Rental Pod. While Chrollo's "Bandit's Secret" was the ability to literally steal the ability from that user. The victim, of course, no longer has access to the stolen ability. The theft happens under strict conditions: 1. Chrollo must witness the Nen ability in action with his eyes. 2. He must ask questions about Nen and be answered by the victim. 3. His victim's palm must touch the handprint on the cover of Bandit's Secret. 4. All of the above must be completed within one hour. But the ability will also disappear from his conjured book if the owner of that ability has died.


I don't get what you mean, I'm just stating the fact from the translation because the reactors got confused with different terms used in English translation: "bodies" and "meat", while the Japanese word is consistent with "meat". Also, most likely those women agreed to come, but Bizef still trading them using the word "meat". If he wants sexual service of multiple wives or whatever he should've just say it. And just like in other comment said they didn't blushed, they were relieved because they got approval from "Mr. Secretary", which could implies their family would get money or important position whatsoever. Knov also clearly stated about it in last episode about these women.


The purple aura is seemingly like Pitou's in Knov's perspective but it was actually Pouf's(The butterfly royal guard) Because the last episode, Pitou mentioned that she needs to use all her aura on healing the King's arm, so Pouf would use his En during that time period even though he admitted that his isnt as effective.


Its been years since I watched this and this episode remains to be one of my fav just bec Knov's scenes were so well done.. I was never nervous and holding my breath for any anime ep than this one.

Alante Quarles

Side note: where tf did you get that jacket and sweater!? They’re awesome & I want em 🤣