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It was cool to see some of buggy and his crew!



DANG IT I just finished eating 28 min ago lmao




these 2 buggy episodes were an animated cover story. they are actually canon but toei obviously didnt pace these episodes well. 50 and 51 are anime canon which basically means they are filler. u wont miss out if u skip them.


Fr I’m over here feeling like red skull. Guiding people to a treasure I cannot possess



now u guys are fully blind to future reactions right ? lets gooo


I disagree, RZ. I think that equating all Anime Canon with Filler would be a mistake. I think it should be a case-by-case thing. With regards to 50 and 51-- I think 50 is a great episode that serves to develop a particular character, provide some cool background info on another character, besides explaining cosmetic changes that occur after it. I think 51 is fine, gives another character a little time to shine and explains how they acquire an item that is visible in canon episodes and scenes. I think skipping Anime Canon episodes outright ends up robbing the viewer of fun and enjoyment.


Yep, this is canon. Oda's cover stories on each chapter often string together into their own Storyboard narrative. As far as I know, only two of these narratives were adapted into anime formats. I wish they'd adapted more and inserted them between arcs. Maybe this is me, but I'd rather see entire original Filler Arcs instead of using Stretch Fillers to ruin Canon material. But that's how Toei handles weekly series. Imagine if One PIece got the Seasonal Anime treatment. That would've been so good.


Do not worry about One Pace, it never cuts anything even if its so small, One Pace cuts out the panning and the extra time when the scene is zoomed at or focusing on. There are scenes where a character face/reaction is on screen for a solid 5 seconds. One Pace tries to cuts that down.


Anime cannon are fillers approved by Oda, still fillers tho and I agree w original poster, theyre skippable.


Can't wait for 48/49 (50/51 are Animefiller and 54-60 are filler)


you guys can skip through the recap scenes if you want to.


One Pace has cut some iconic anime only moments as well as fun jokes, because they try to match the manga frame for frame.

Michael H

@hurryupmode Totally worth it, in my opinion. Missing a few good anime-only moments is a fair trade for being able to skip literally hours worth of poor pacing.

Michael H

If you are binge-watching, they can be fun, but for a reaction channel that does 4 episodes a week, they should for sure be skipped.

J. Arlo Mullinix

Coming up, there is going to be a lot of talk about filler and skipping it. The later filler stuff is easier to skip as early on, the anime mixes filler with cannon stuff. So half an episode will be the end of a filler arc and the other half actual cannon. My suggestion which will be unpopular is this. Go ahead and do the filler. It ain't that bad. Most of it is low stakes fluff but one is coming up that does create some minor inconsistencies later on, but is a decent little story. No need to worry about filler in One Piece too much. Most of it is a few episodes and inoffensive honestly. People get really dramatic about it.


Yes, I agree (I just want to watch those fillers again because it's been a hell lot of years).

Monkey D. Luffy

We need more one piece episodessssss


Maybe when they get to 500ish episodes, it will be a good idea. The pacing in early one piece is still very decent


They would need like 472days with present uploadrate to watch until Egghead(present arc). Fillers included. So if they keep going we have like 1 and a half year one piece until it gets weekly.


I’m happy they are going past the live action


These Episodes were shown 1999. Weekly or seasonal wasnt that big of a thing there. But i feel you. I love that they got the budget to even remake all of it this year🕊🫶.


do 3 episodes at a time. :-P


2months in now we are at the blind reactions


You guys won’t believe what her name is. 😵‍💫


Cute lil cover story episodes about Buggy. There are barely any of these in the anime, back to real shit next upload. This next arc is awesome, and the blind experience will be great!


Damn so we gotta go through all the Buggy shenanigans again 🚶‍♂️

Ricky Castro

If you liked Naruto it had 220 episodes and 91 of those were filler. Meanwhile One Piece is at 1080 episodes with 95 filler episodes. Please don't skip them. They are worth watching. Skipping filler is in the same vein as sticking to One Pace. P.s. Does anyone know what breed Teddy is? He is so flippin cute.

Liana Pagodova

did you guys forget that Luffy already asked him to join his crew but he declined. No way he would now accepted somebody else in such a short time


If they were binge watching one piece filler would be fine, but at 4 episodes a week you’re gonna be looking at almost five years for them to catch up. It took half a year for them to get past what the live action had shown them. Even if it’s just a couple episodes of filler you are adding weeks in terms of reactions.

J. Arlo Mullinix

I just double checked. They started November 1st. It is January 17th. It hasn't even been three months yet, let alone half a year. Even if they skip filler and move up to six episodes a week it is still going to take a long ass time to catch up. They have a channel to run. At least this gives them content to run with for a long time and if the live action continues to do well, interest in One Piece will continue to grow over the next couple of years.

Gjermund Norum Bugge

Im sure People have already told you, but these two episodes are actually from cover stories in the manga. It is not actually part of the main story. But they should definitely still be considered Canon, but they have more of a filler vibe to them. Next up is where you begin the real adventure! Super excited ❤️

Justin Fillmed

i enjoy the fillers but i wouldnt recommend watching them, at least right now. maybe if they wanted to revisit in the future that'd be a fun watch. also, there are many other reasons to not watch one pace other than cutting down filler moments/episodes.

Eddi3 Th3 H3ad

Next episode is the new opening. Just a heads up


would rather keep going forward. want to get to the good stuff. pacing is slow as it is no need to make it even slower by watching fillers.


I wish it was 472 days... try 5 years lmao. And over 6 yrs to be officially caught up since toei will add hundreds of new episodes during that time


Yeah, I forgot. they shouldn't watch it yet

Mike Adrian Estolas

You should react to openings as well. Welcome to grandline :)

C Nichole

Why is there always someone that compares to Naruto lmao can't we watch OP in peace