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This has exceeded our expectations completely! Super excited for more! 


Aaron Mitchell

As someone who JUST finished the manhwa. PEAK INCOMING🔥🔥🔥🐐🐐🐐. And fun fact jjk is based off of or is meant to have a similar power system to hxh


This show is crazy. AOT first episodes vibes. We here for it


I agree with Aaron as I am someone who just finished the manhwa it gets insaneeee


lmao ron was flabbergasted


This epsiode got me so excited for this show, can't wait for more


Nah he lucked out and beat the timer otherwise he was dead dead. I think if everyone else stayed they wouldve passed but because it wasnt certain they ran which is fair. This show is lit. Kingdom just came out today aswell. Lassgo


For me, the last part was never about a sacrifice, it was to prove your faith staying there and the doors open were like a way to make people doubt and fucked the other because they couldn't focus on every statue. At the end jinwoo survive because the timer end, I think it was never about a sacrifice


Just to help understand a little without spoiling anything, he survived all the blue flames going out, or the timer he was talking about. He was the only one left inside the circle, so he's the only one who got the qualification. If the others had stayed in with him, they theoretically, should have also gotten the qualification. EDIT: ALOT of your questions get answered fairly quickly otherwise

Prince Sone

you will get why there is a double dungeon in here if this show makes it to s2 or 3 lol, i doubt this season is gonna go til that far


so there is a reason why no one else stubbled up on something like this before, and why the quest was finished.


Yah he was alive long enough for the trails timer to end giving him a gift that everyone could have gotten if they waited the timer out is what I believe happened


12:04 here i thought "oh shit bro gotta offer this baddie as a sacrificial lamb to appease this God" Lmao


I have a feeling Michelle is going to really like Sung DripWoo

Prateek Sridhar

I really like the art style of this anime too, reminds of the art style of Chainsaw Man for me :p

Prateek Sridhar

Based on what I understood of the commandments and the temple, the last commandment wasn't to sacrifice someone, it was to prove your "faith". In this case, proving their faith meant not falling for the false hope in the face of fear and danger, they had to stay within the circle without having the temptation to run to the open door. In the end when three of them were left within the circle, the reason they suggested atleast two to get out was because they didn't have enough people to have eyes on all statues so they couldn't stop the statues and wouldn't last till the timer ended. So they suggested atleast two to leave so one could stay behind to keep the door opened :p. I think despite all the injuries he took the MC was still alive when the last timer flame went out so he passed, he was literally 0.02 seconds away from failing. That's how I understood it :p


For anyone who recognize my profile picture. I got super hyped during the opening. It's also crazy to think that while the animation is good. It still doesn't hold up to the quality of the art of the Manhwa. I still can't wait to experience the rest however. Good reaction as always!

Abigail Jerry

The way my jaw was on the floorrr


The opening got me Soooo hyped as a source material reader.


I agree that jjk's power system is complex, but it's Interesting that you don't find hxh to be complex. If someone asked you to explain the ins and outs of nen, would you honestly be able to do it? Like if someone said explain ren, ten, ken, zetsu, hatsu, gyo, in, en, ko etc. and then the different nen types, specialist, transmuter, emitter, enhancer, conjurer, manipulator. I don't understand it to where I could explain it, however when watching, I can follow along well enough. But jjk is a different story, I'll be confused when watching, and afterwards too lol.


basically, timer ran out and got qualification and so completed "the courage of the weak" quest

Devron Love

I was thinking this in the first ep, but didn't say anything, but I'm wondering why Ron thinks it's like a game? It's their actual real world, it's not a game at all. Maybe the game comparisons are helping him understand? But they seem to be also confusing him a bit, but since it's not a game it makes sense that it doesn't function like a game lol.


I love the manhwa and I love what they've done with the anime so far. Just bought volume 8 at Barnes and Noble today and can't wait to read it!


it was actually never about sacrifice. he just beat the level (barely) cuz he survived until the last blue flame went out. the last test was just about seeing if enough people would stay to keep their eyes on the statues until the timer ran out.


I hope so I really wish they don't rush it


So does he have the ability to level up now as a player? Is this another way of calling everyone in this world an NPC? Video game NPC's typically stay at whatever power level the game devs set them at, which would explain why no one is able to get stronger lol


This show is killing me with the waiting!


I watched this first ep and I was like fuck this waiting and went on to binge the manhwa. I m on like ch 123. This is top tier epic shit. Can’t wait for the fights.

Aye Dave

Saw this on reddit: There were two rules at play. 1. Everyone stays, possibly everyone lives. 2. Everyone leaves, only the last person dies. There's no guarantee with the 1st one. But the 2nd one shown a chance of survival for the selfish few willing to sacrifice at least one person.


Mentioning a hidden level made me think of another manhwa SSS-Class Revival Hunter, definitely recommend it There’s so many good manwha that I’m just now discovering in this genre


So similar to Aot everyone dies, the statue has the face of a Titan that killed Erens mom, the main character lost a leg and hand like Eren and the music is also similar damn


Opening produced by Sawano Hiroyuki and Ending produced by TK from Ling Tosite Sigure!!! Let's go!! Because this is my first time watching Solo leveling. I want to prove a point about watching the opening and ending for anime. This is a new anime many have not watched it before and watching it for the first time. When you watched the opening song I believe there was spoilers in the opening, but you did not know it's a spoiler because nobody is screaming and telling you "Don't watch the opening! There are spoilers!". See my point. You guys watched it normally with the opening and ending, see some characters you don't know yet but it does not spoil because nobody is yelling "spoilers!!!". There were scenes of main character in blood in the opening but you did not expect him to die or live. Silence is golden.


Ok so watching solo leveling for the first time. I interpreted the last commandment scene to be that they would have all lived and also get to choose to be a Player if they stayed and looked at the statues until all the blue flame goes out. However, the rest were selfish and left leaving the last 3, the leader, the girl Joohee and the MC. But because the MC was the only one left he barely stayed alive until the time was up. The time was up and with 0.02seconds before he died, time froze and the question to be a Player showed up for him to choose. Of course for him, he can only choose Yes since he would die in 0.02secs.

Gee Games

If that was me I’d be so selfish if I got out 😂


I recommend "Pick me up" I've read almost all of them and it's by far the best imo


this episode was made wayyy better than i expected. also, the notification at the end of the episode also looks way better than i expected, it got me hyped


considering how manhwas chapters are longer than mangas, u either had a lot of time or youre just a fast reader. i wish i could read as fast as that but then again i feel like people who read that quickly barely remember what they read


The fact that all of your questions will be answered in the future is so exciting AHAHA! It's because you guys are so on track with the speculations that your discussions are so enjoyable to listen to. I've reread the Solo Leveling manhwa a least 5 times, and the truths they reveal eventually always make me a little emotional. I'm so stoked to see your reactions to the rest of the series guys! Keep up the excellent work:)<3


I fully agree on that JJK is very complex if you want full understanding, honestly think most just accept they have their powers and for now ultimate has always in JJK been that different reality power.


I love the predictions!! But this is not a spoiler. The world they live in is not a game😈


Honestly this opening didn't have spoilers like what the actual word means. Almost no opening have spoilers, but even this what people mean for not watching opening is not to see future stuff which is always shown. So even this situation where our MC was at the end would have been little bit more harder to see if they didn't see opening and him still kicking around in that. There was only one thing that I did fully dislike them showing in the opening, but OP intention is to make people hyped for future situations.

onew's falsetto

i read the novel and the webtoon and i can tell you now that it is fkn crazy and ron will be getting a tattoo from it lmaoooo

Michelle Lam

Yah thats totally fair, and I think i could have phrased it better. Its not that i FULLY understand the ins and outs of every aspect of nen, but what i mean is im not confused by it. It doesnt prevent me from following the story or the abilities or fights. I understand the foundation enough without having memorized every name etc. In other shows like JJK, if you dont remember or understand some parts you literally are confused and lost lol Thats what i was trying to say. just fumbled lol

Michelle Lam

ehh i actually disagree. I know this is their real world, but this show is clearly based on video game mechanics. Its like any mmorpg ive ever played. With skill levels, dingeons, raids, etc.

Michelle Lam

We know know its not a game! This is their world! But this portal def turned their world basically into a life with mmorpg like mechanics now

Devron Love

I mean I get it, there are for sir aspects that are mmorpg-like, but there are many that aren’t. I was just afraid you were getting confused thinking it’s a game when it’s not. Like if you think only one way and pigeon-hole yourself into that thought, it will be confusing when things don’t match up, you know what I mean? Anyway that was my concern 😆


minor spoiler below: i think its pretty dumb that the people who left selfishly actually got to live

Jordan Crawford

This is how RuneScape feels trying to figure out a new raid

Michelle Lam

haha no thats totally fair and we have done that before so we appreciate the guidance! haha btw your pfp is DOPE AF!

Aye Dave

It's accurate, selfish people get away with being selfish all the time.


I wish u guys will just react to inros and outros normally from now on, like u did just now. They really add a lot of hype and excitement to watching to show, especially when one episode per week releases


cliffhangers a bit too much imo, would've been better if episode 1,2 was 1 episode together


Its definitely fair to clarify that this is set in the "real world" but its also very much a "game". They have classes (healer, assassin, tank, etc), magical gear, and follows pretty much every rule of an mmorpg. They even "beat" dungeons that are like timed events in a game and receive gear from it. Its even like monster hunter because you make the gear out of "monster materials" aka essence stones. I mean in this very episode a literal game UI pops up lol. I get what you mean for sure but I think your comment probably could have been simplified/cleared up that you were just reminding that its centered in the "real world" and that the "mmo rules" can be loose sometimes.


Omg yes I got to 137~ I had heard of it before the anime and was interested but was putting it off for the longest time because its a bit edgy/cliche imo (almost all manhuas tend to be) but thats completely fine it doesnt take away from the fun experience/story and the manhuas art is incredibly!! (I heard about the artist though. Thats really unfortunate and sad.) Watching episode one was such a giant cliffhanger I couldnt handle waiting so I read up to 137 in two days.


This anime/mahua can be a bit cliche at times imo (like the extreme emphasis on how dog the MC is, typical underdog story) but that does not in any way stop it from being an amazing experience. I hope this show gets animated asap (obviously considering the artists sanity and health) because I really recommend taking a look at the original art when you cant be spoiled anymore. Unfortunately the amazing artist who drew for the webcomic adaptation passed away. Their name was Jang Sung-Rak aka Dubu.


damn this show seems f****ing awesome. Love discovering it with you two


That’s how I felt when I was doing raids blindly in Destiny 1 and 2 with my clan when they came out


yes but for all the other tests, the ppl who didn't follow the rules died. it's not consistent

Michael H

This episode gives me way more hope for a good adaptation than the first episode did. I’m pretty hyped now.


I never knew the artist died. That's such a shame. Solo Leveling was probably the only Manhwa that I took the time to tilt my head and everything to examine the panels and the art.


watch Sword Art Online, you wont regret it


I mean only the first season is good. The rest are okay-ish.

Devron Love

No problem! And thanks! I did that Lensa AI thing awhile ago where it changes your photos to AI versions.

Tengen Uzui

Not to hate but why do I feel like many characters are insanely dumb like they are in a bad horror movie


if you want to see people go into games that suddenly becomes real etc, you should really check out Isekai animes like Sword Art Online, OverLord etc :D Isekai is really good! But you know alittle about this since your watching the Slime anime :p


Michelle calmly: "Kiss his feet."


Wanna give props to Jin-Woo's VA in those last minutes of the ep. Impressive stuff.


For me, the animation style is called "Big budget animation" 😂


I've read the manhwa thrice now and I'm loving all of your questions and theories! I felt the same way when I first read Solo Leveling!

Melker Linderoth

Have you heard of Jojo's? It's a very popular show that you guys should check out.


I don’t think he got hit by the last strike, i think he just survived until the last flame went away despite being the weakest, therefore he met all qualifications for whatever quest line was mentioned at the end.

Carmen Villanueva

this is so good! i read the manhwa so im am so excited that it got animated! so yes it’s so good that i was excited to start a new chapter.

Justin Moore

Why watch the opening right away?


You should! Thats the anime that made all the other gaming isekai`s popular :D But OverLord is one I recomend as well, its abit darker then others :P

Boss Akane

Solo Leveling is really good so far every episode feels like a teaser to me tho (since I read the Manhwa) but awesome that you're enjoying it you're in for a ride 😁

Mu Nanyo

Log Horizon is nice and comfy too, imo sword art falls off pretty hard, my fav is actually the spinoff gungale arc which was closer to pubg than an mmo

Mu Nanyo

Yeah those screams in the background of that A-Class monologue was chefs-kiss

Mu Nanyo

I heard thats how it was planned originally but someone along the lines wanted to draw it out.

Mu Nanyo

Yeah you are forgetting pride and fear, both powerful influences on whatever wisdom we may have. Also it is essentially a bad horror movie.

Tengen Uzui

Without kinda spoiling will it be like this the whole way? Cause personally I can’t stand it


I don’t mind it bc the manhwa felt really fast paced at times, I agree maybe these episodes could’ve covered a little more material but I don’t mind if the show takes some more time on things


It’s consistent bc it’s not breaking the rules to leave. It’s not testing your ability to stay in the circle. Its testing your faith. Everyone had to enter the circle to start the last phase. The statues were moving toward the circle when not being looked at, so it’s offering you a choice, have faith in your group, and by extension have faith in the dungeon to let you live after the given time, or have faith in yourself, and leave the others behind. That’s why the doors opened up before the timer was done instead of after. That added layer of “I can escape right now” is exactly the point of it.


Michelle spent the whole episode cussing lol

Ricardo Fierro

there was a couple of things that make this scenario able to happen, first one, maybe this wasnt the first time, where a second dungeon open it, but maybe no one cross that one, like happened here, or even if they did, he was the only E rank hunter that gave the right amount of necesary experience to survive this long, cause all the other hunter, were running and trying to escape, no one analyze their surrounding like he did, again cause he has the experience of almost dying always.


Watching the intro at the beginning of a show is okay, its different if you watch it every episode, because then you can piece things together and accidentally spoil yourself.

JR Reed

Yeah they kept showing the flames, backing up Sung's original theory you had to last till the blue flames went out. Which he did in the final moments. Of course if the others would have stayed in theory they'd have kept the enemies at bay by all watching them and passing the test..


i wasnt going to watch this show because I couldn't get through the first episode but now I'm hype!