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The balance between comedy and seriousness is perfect in this show



It makes me genuinely happy getting a notification from yall Edit: Ron wtf lmao "good to know his powers work underwater" I thought his neck being stretched for the last 3 eps would have made that obvious lmao


don’t wanna be annoying but was wondering if you were gonna post the avatar reaction tonight?


Are episodes 46 and 47 filler just wondering since i just watched them and they feel like they are filler.

I’m me

I know a few character do give middle fingers in manga but all get censored in the anime, I do remember they do it to sanji, I know they change it to index finger so it probably was a middle finger.


I believe those episodes are filler with some mixed canon in there


Doorbell ring was synced up to Ussop twitching his hand


I’m really loving your one piece reactions 😁


Fun fact : in real life sanji will be french ! That's why sanji's attacks are in french ( collier, épaule, mouton...)

Ahkenaton Furdge

There’s no seriousness in that show

eduardo jaimes

Is it a spoil what oda said about all the pirates he incouters in the fan question

eduardo jaimes

Remember at the end of the book there’s a page that asks oda certain things


their mods need to make sure they avoid every filler but g8 arc to make the 6 yr catch up as short as possible lol

eduardo jaimes

I mean it never tells you the only people find out is by reading the end of the book with the questioner


Can't wait for the next one :D Im hyped on your opinion on the progress after the live action.

Saith Uchiha

OF content? *(Rock Lee/ Might guy smile thumbs up and bling)*

J. Arlo Mullinix

This is the part the cemented Usopp as my favorite Straw Hat. He is a normal guy completely over his head the entire anime and he always manages to come through exactly when it counts. His fight with Choo is the first step on that jouney and he continues one being a clutch player for the Straw Hats.

panashe garise

best part bout one piece is how versatile it is and has everything u can think of…. comedy, action, trauma, mysteries, whole lotta plot twists, world building is amazing, heartbreaking backstories… also i would say it hasn’t gotten serious yet


Just got home from work to watch some one peak!


That's what so wonderful and enjoyable about One Piece. It is so well balanced making all sorts of emotion well up in you making you cry, laugh, angry, serious, nervous etc.


Depends at what point he said that and how much context we had, compared to how much they are caught up


Not anymore. They switched to the original after the first few episodes


I've been thinking about rewatching the series(funny enough, not even for the second time) for a while, but your reactions are the perfect "excuse" to convince me😁


are you stupid? haha then you havent seen this shit, im not gonna mention spoilers but yeah

Federico Carnebale

I know its pretty slow this part of the show guys, but i promess it gets better and better

Ahkenaton Furdge

I watched up to ep 1080 I believe , because fans said it would get good, still waiting lol


Is this even one pace? Bc i think it all matches the episode numbers of the og.


People always think I'm exaggerating when I say this, but Usopp vs Choo is one of my favourite fights in all One Piece. For everything that fight meant to the character of Usopp. Seeing him so proud of himself after he fell from exhaustion always makes me smile.

Hans Wurst

Usopps fight are always quite comedic but there is so much heart in them because alone by fighting he is improving himself and getting closer to the goal he set out to achieve.


And your obviously lying, cuz no one in their right mind would watch 1080 episodes of something if they didn’t enjoy it 🤣


LMAO in case you didnt know, every one of Sanji's kicks are named after food/ingredients. XD So when he said "guess you dont want dessert," he is referrring to the fact that he just fed him a buncha food/vegetables (aka his kicks) LOL

Brandon Otten

One of the most gut wrenching “hold your breath” scenes of all time

C Nichole

I forgot that these two episodes were slow asf lol this reaction made it easier to bare, thanks

Darren Metts

34:08 so glad y’all understood that Arlong realized how strong zoro really is I can’t stand when people don’t understand that scene but basically Arlong is saying without those scars zoro could probably beat him


Zoro injury in the manga looks way worse than the anime to me lol