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Nami might be our favorite character after watching these episodes! The anime definitely hits different. Loving it right now!




JJK will be posted late tonight


Don’t worry, our guy Luffy is definitely up there for best characters in anime


let's gooo


One piece is such a wonderful journey to go on

Harlee M

I only realized in this watch through how alike Nami is to Bellemere


We give you "the walk" ladies and gentlemen.


Yeah, one thing that's not clear in the moment, and is only clarified afterwards in the scene with Gen getting stitched up... is that BellMere knows how they operate, they'd have wrecked all outgoing boats and vessels, so she knows there's no way off the island for her girls, and if they hid they'd be discovered eventually and the retribution against the village for hiding them would have been even more brutal. So in her mind, the least bad option is just for her to lose her life now, instead of her, her daughters, Gen, the Doctor, plus others later on.

Mu Nanyo

LFG. Easy Top 10 OP hypiest moments. I jumped the gun and thought the last post was the walk to the park. And there will definitely be more of these moments. Oda is masterful at drawing out emotions. Especially in these early arcs


This is the episode that made me binge the rest, the emotions you feel watching this show is incredible


Luffy is such a goated character, every time he gets serious things turn up


I don’t think it’s saying anything bad about the live action but as someone who’s already at latest episode of one piece, the live action just never gave me the same excitement compared to the anime for the right reasons. Loving the content 🙏🏿


That's the other thing about the anime that's better. The village collectively decided that they don't want to burden Nami with their hopes if she ever decided to run away. The anime lets moments breathe, lets us sit with things to digest, develops and allows the implication of what's happening to sink in. We get way more emotionally involved.


First off, Oda is a master of backstories. No one rivals him imo. Second, this is the episode I tell people, just getting in to one piece or wanting to start it, if they aren't hooked by this episode then one piece might not be for them. It encapsulates what one piece is, so well. All the emotions you felt, this is just the beginning :)


I’ve watched and read so many manga & anime, like atleast close to 100 (or maybe more) and Luffy is my favourite character by far

Wasabi tobiko

the journey is still beginning and will become better and better and better and better and better..

just some random car guy

This is just the intro to what is known as peak, ep 44 is the final episode of Arlong park which is the 8 live action episodes. Which means you would then only be 4% caught up. After ep 44 there is nothing relating to the live action so then get your predictions ready for all of peak piece


Boi y'all gonna have some repercussions once it becomes more a journey! Y'all will get some wholesome moments, just not as much!! The reason why it's dominating it's the journey! Remember it's a SHOUNEN, out of the big three followed by DBZ! The comedy, the adventure, chivalry or camaraderie, the action will get intense one after the other, and omg the dark moments in the future that changes the tone of the series. It's impossible to not get attached to the Strawhats or any other character that you might fall in love with that ain't a Strawhat! The development is there for the characters and they will have their own moments and battles. And remember Luffy's backstory flashback eps, he said he wanted at least 10 members! Welcome aboard on the story of emotions, and let's set sail!


Nami also means wave as in an ocean's wave which is pretty sweet too.

CE Ong

Oh yes don't make Luffy upset. So many more of these moments coming up, can't wait!

Florian Martin

Luffy just doesnt need to hear namis backstory, he will help her no matter what


Can we just talk about how Luffy didnt know a single thing about what was going on with Nami or the island and he was just like “Whos the ops”

Brent Mahasi

Crazy how namis is like the 5th saddest backstory in one piece

Brent Mahasi

Also highly recommend the breathtaking world of one piece video


When I first watched one piece, this is the episode that sealed my commitment to this show. 15 years later it’s still great!

Evelio Solache

This was the “walk on arlong park” that people been talking about and the ost is called overtaken you will hear it in big/inspiring strawhats moments so fire and builds these moments so wellz

Isaac Boura

I'm 28 years old, I've been watching anime since I was 6 or 7, and after all these years, (DBZ, Naruto, Bleach,HxH,...) Monkey D. Luffy is and will forever remain my favorit character of any fiction or show that exists. Luffy will make you laugh, cry, get angry, he will give you shivers of joy and satisfaction. Bro Luffy is not the GOAT, he's a fucking God!


Stick with it guys! trust me its kinda of a slow start but man when these moments happen their's nothing else like it in any media... I guarantee it. Also Luffy as a character isnt like any other character like your narutos, Gons and other shounen characters. Luffy not running to save you unless you ask!


Once we get past the crews backstory & headed towards the Grandlines, Luffy will be alot more impactful

Mu Nanyo

Haha yeah, whenever his hat is down and his eyes are dark you know someone is about to get beat.

Koby Po

Was going to say the same thing. I’m newer to anime and my friend was telling me to get through this arc and it is smooth sailing….. he wasn’t wrong.

Mu Nanyo

Yeah, it looks like she just throws her life away to retain her pride but through experience cleaning up after pirates she realizes how dire the situation is as well

aidan decristofaro

LOVED THE REACTION!! The anime hits so damn hard!

aidan decristofaro

Also Ron your analysis of Luffy at the end was spot on. Truly can't wait for you guys to see more!

Emil Yi

Bellemere's backstory is one of the simplest, but still one of the hardest hitting tragedies in this series.... I still cry for it every time...


Ron hit the nail on the head with Luffy. That whole idea comes back immensely in 200 episodes. We are hitting the end of Arlong Park and then it's off to Loguetown! These huge emotional moments only come more and more through time.

J. Arlo Mullinix

Luffy is one of the most heroic characters in all of fiction. Upon rewatching this, it really drives home how the live action dropped the ball completely on Arlong Park. This is the first of the great arcs in One Piece and it is where Oda really solidified his structure for arcs going forward. One Piece has some truly detestable villains but that's where the catharsis comes in, because Luffy will not stop until he defeats them, usually in a satisfyingly brutal way. No matter how evil the villain is, you always know that Luffy and the Straw Hats are coming, and pain is coming with them.


In my opinion, overall, the live action polished all the arcs better than in anime with the exception of Arlong Park.


You’re 100% right Ron I started this show for zoro and shanks, but luffy QUICKLY became my favorite character in the show, he checks all boxes


Seeing Nami finally ask for help was what really hooked me originally I mean just seeing the way Luffy responded to her was so impactful even knowing nothing of the situation

Sosefa F

The Arlong Park walk was the very first thing i ever saw about OP that i thought was so badass and epic with the overtaken theme playing. I had no context what so ever about that scene, but with how awesome it looked i finally took the plunge. That is what got me into OP and have now stuck with it all the way up into the Manga. Seeing this scene in context, made me hooked with OP. Enjoy the journey guys, its been fun watching in retrospect and with you guys!

Tyler Lacy

Best East Blue moment BY FAR


You can’t rank sad backstories. They all suffered in the end of the day, it’s not about who’s was sadder or who had it easier, they all went through different type of trauma and dealt with it in different ways


This episode was the episode that sealed my addiction to One Piece. ❤️🧡 Sanji's backstory(read the manga too) got me too but Nami's backstory and this scene brought me on an emotional roller coaster. With all that Nami endured and sacrificed, her sister and the villagers silent support and Luffy and the crew. I absolutely agree with Ron about Luffy. Luffy has always been goofy and all but that was a clear strong moment we saw and felt Captain Luffy for the first time. A serious, 'Nobody f***s with my crew' Luffy. Luffy putting his most precious important hat on Nami's head, his way to comfort her, unconditionally and without hesitation, shouting 'Of course I will!' to Nami's plea 'Luffy. Help me.', is the one of absolute best moments. Then, we have (pretty much everyone would agree he is the vice captain)Zoro with all crew there already awaiting Luffy's command ready to kick some ass. Luffy has shown tidbits of serious Luffy here and there but this stood out the most.

Alan Yau

Ah the infamous walk coupled with the overtaken soundtrack 🤌🏻🤌🏻

Génesis Arias

You guys are not ready for luffy's backstory!


You have now witnessed…. The Walk Not even one of my top favorite One Piece moments because there are so many in the future that are on this level if not more. I look forward to seeing your reactions to arcs past the live action!

Danny Danh

One Piece gets more and more hyped up the more you watch, like there will be lots of scenes where the whole squad pulls up with Luffy and its always the sickest shit


This is THE episode that many One Piece fans officially hopped on and stayed hooked forever. Enjoy the ride!


Yeah this was a turning point for me when I started one piece, it is without a doubt my favourite anime. I jumped right into the manga when I got caught up and it’s even better

Mike Jfrog

imo, the OPLA did a great job with what they had to adapt to a much shorter style and a very different medium, but the changes they made to how Arlong's arc worked really hurt it. The little changes like having Arlong appear earlier, or having Nami approach them with the deal just undermine the story beats here. To this day one of my favorite things about this portion is the fact that Luffy intentionally walks away from people talking about Nami's past, and ignores anything and everything other then waiting for Nami to ask for help, and then that is all he needs to hear. Man rolls into Arlong Park to beat up Arlong and he doesnt even know who the hell hes there to fight, cause it doesnt matter.

Michael H

This arc is actually what ruined the live action for me lol. I was digging it until they got to this arc, and when it didn’t hit even close to the original, it dropped a couple points for me.


Bro that's like a spoiler by naming an arc!! Even I contained myself


he doesn't even know who tf is Arlong. Just have to beat that guy


The problem with the format they use with live action is that they've kept scenes like the walk but skipped/rushed most of the buildup. This doesn't work; the scene is good BECAUSE of the buildup. You can't expect the effect to be the same without it.

Michael H

For sure. The live action didn’t do a great job of capturing that aspect of his character. It almost comes off as uncaring, but it is just his absolute belief in freedom. He’ll let you burn if that’s what you choose, but if you choose otherwise, he’ll give his all to make it so.


Fuck i cried like damn xo how is the show so beautifully written


that's so ironic that in a story with so many backstories, the character we know the least is the main character


The walk to Arlong park and the final "Which one of you is Arlong?" gave me goosebumps...

Chris Mittoo

I force my girlfriend to watch one piece and she was set on naming our daughter Nami...but we ended up having a boy

Jordan Postle

I'm sorry. I love One Piece but it's shit like Bellemere being stupid and dying for absolutely no reason at all that I can't put it as one of my top manga/anime. Guess I'm just not a true fan 🤷 😂


The pain in Ron’s voice when he spilled his water lol


Btw, do you guys watch any dub anime? Or do y’all just prefer sub?


This episode was the one that made me respect and become a fan of One Piece. The more you watch the more you’ll love it! 🥰❤️ Excited for watching more with you guys!


OMG I've been waiting for you guys to get to this episode for so long! I was hooked on this show after this episode!


This is the episode that got me into one piece

Gjermund Norum Bugge

I can already tell that Luffy is gonna be one of Ron's all time favorite characters in any media ever. I guarantee it <3

Gjermund Norum Bugge

This is the first big emotional peak of the show. But you will, believe it or not, hit MANY even more crazy emotional peaks. Can't wait for you guys to get there <3


luffy intentionally walking away during the back story part is so overlooked and hype AF. my man has no idea whats going on but knows nami needs help and he PULLS UP

Rene Cordero

I was honestly thrown off when I first watched it and luffy had no interest about hearing nami’s story and even just walking around nonchalantly was weird to me. Until this episode I understood he really doesn’t need a reasoning to help a “nakama.” He really is a ride or die.


Btw Fun Fact: Luffy is the only One Piece character that is never drawn with thought bubbles in the Manga. He either says things straight up or out loud


Don’t wanna sound rude but that says more about your bad comprehension skills rather than you being a true fan. You clearly just didn’t understand the whole message/meaning behind the scene. She wasn’t being stupid and it wasn’t for no reason at all.

Bruce Li

Luffy is the definition of freedom and liberation. He doesn’t impose any value judgement on anyone, contrary to modern western media always trying to add some sort of agenda into everything. In live action Luffy claiming “they are good pirates” that’s so not Luffy lol, because Luffy would always let others judge the “good” or “bad”, he simply says what he wants and does what he believes in.


The walk!!!

Damian Nowak

They literaly said that ther ewas no way she can survive in the same episode


maaaan I'm 32, and I haven't seen that episode since I was 18 haha. And fuck yeah I remember that was THE one who got me completely hooked on this show. That scene where all 3 of them are waiting for Luffy, followed by the walk... goosebumps all over again, and fucking nostalgia. Thx guys for letting me relive this thing again.


Luffy is just that guy. Best protaganist period

Valeriu Irimia

Remember that "i don't care if i have to take on the world" Ron, it will make you cry in about ~150 episodes. You have no idea what you just said lol


I miss this Luffy, now we have a grown serious Luffy that cares about backstories and the people of the land starving n shit

Tom Selmer

Now you can replace jjk with more One Piece reactions 😜

Mistah Gaga

Imagine all of this emotion when Nothing Happened 🌚

Rene Salgado

I think the word Ron was looking for was "badass". Luffy up to this point was care free and jolly. Seeing Nami cry and stabbing herself put him over the edge. Someone is getting the smoke and that someone is a Fishman named Arlong

The Dark Knight (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-13 04:51:21 GOAT PIECEEE!!! Beautiful episodes, Nami’s backstory and her willing to start all over again, Luffy putting his hat on Nami and the crew looking cold asf, the famous badass walk. Too good. Beautiful reaction
2023-12-30 23:42:01 GOAT PIECEEE!!! Beautiful episodes, Nami’s backstory and her willing to start all over again, Luffy putting his hat on Nami and the crew looking cold asf, the famous badass walk. Too good. Beautiful reaction

GOAT PIECEEE!!! Beautiful episodes, Nami’s backstory and her willing to start all over again, Luffy putting his hat on Nami and the crew looking cold asf, the famous badass walk. Too good. Beautiful reaction

The Dark Knight (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-13 04:51:21 Also let’s give a fking standing ovation to Nami’s voice actress. Phenomenal voice acting
2023-12-30 23:43:01 Also let’s give a fking standing ovation to Nami’s voice actress. Phenomenal voice acting

Also let’s give a fking standing ovation to Nami’s voice actress. Phenomenal voice acting


"Burn their images into your eyes" lmao, i love how they hype them

Jordan Crawford

Dude what if yall have a daughter and she has red hair 👀


I would say names ur daughter Nami but at the same time I’ll tell u to wait cuss there’s a way better character in the gang later on that I actually did name my daughter that name and have a tattoo of that person on my back lol

Lucas Crismond

Finally the walk to Arlong park! Easily one of the best moments in early one piece and it was not done justice in the live action. I've been waiting for this episode since you guys started. The live action is amazing for what they could do but now you guys get to really enjoy the depth the anime has and brings to all these characters

Izzy Cruz

Im glad you guys are watching this series, i never had the patience to dive into it alone but wanted to after the live action series, I also play the card game and the card game is fire so its cool seeing all the cards kind of come to life. This episode was fire


Lol no please don't name your child after an anime character. There's some real people who are just as inspirational 😅

June The Blunt

I cry every time I watch this arc, gets me every time. I loved seeing your reactions to it. Nami is such a cute name for a daughter, don't care abt the haters! You guys are the best, happy new year guys ❤️ 🎊🎉


anime just has that effect for me too, idk if its the voice acting or what but i get chills from the anime compared to the Live


I can't express myself enough when I say Luffy is my king man. Hes such an amazing character and people hate the always goofy not taking things serious but thats the point he's that hope and the meaning behind it is so deep when you notice it. Also the way they were showing us the story behind the village but Luffy didn't need to hear any of that! When his people needs him he's always there! I LOVE HIM AND NAMI.

Ricky Castro

What makes Luffy great isn't really his relentless positivity or comedic presence. Over time what you grow to appreciate is his emotional intelligence. An amazing character that has literally influenced who I strive to be on a day-to-day basis.

kirk poss

You will see how far Luffy will go for his nakama.


I agree that the live action portrayed that scene badly as it felt forced making Bellemere seem stupid but in the anime, they made it very easy to see Bellemere and her daughters thought processes and circumstances which led to what she did.

Adrien AURY

Luffy doesn’t know the backstory of Nami, seeing her cry and ask for help is enough to make him super mad against Arlong. That is how he is and I love him for that


Saying “way better character” is a stretch. Not everyone thinks that way cuz I prefer Nami


Jus for this week, I recommend 3 episodes per vid so the fight will end this week, the start and the end of the battle is exactly 6 eps! I'm just recommending, but yea


In my opinion shes are way better character then nami don’t wanna spoil but every thing about her is better except navigation and she still taught her how to navigate the world

Miles Coleman

That thumbnail is perfect

Miles Coleman

This is when you really start to see Luffy as the captain


How the fuck did I miss this BRUH 4 DAYS AGO

Metal Monkey

luffy against the world? waot for strawhats against the world government first. excited for you guys to catch up

Makayla Robinson

Luffy is the goat for this reason he’s so pure and honest he said he would help her because she asked that’s it not wanting nothing in return

branco marolia

That final walk to Arlong park in episode 37 is what made me fall in love with one piece....it became meaningful in that scene till then it was just a happy go lucky anime for me


backstories in the anime hits way harder yeah


Live action can never hit the same way as anime

Liana Pagodova

oh you just wait for Luffy's backstrory! Personaly it's my favorite so far

Jahari Fields

I started reading one piece last year and am now caught up to the manga. Coming off AoT and having eren who is such a complex character I wasn’t sure if I would like what I assumed was a super simple MC. But luffy has been my favorite character throughout this whole show from this arc onwards he’s just such a Ride or die, and all the characters in OP are super lovable I love so many of them


"Even if I have to take on the fvcking world" - Ron already figuring out the plot of future episodes/arcs XD I will never forget the scene where Luffy literally makes that statement by action for one of his crew members, and I can't wait for you guys to reach that arc, because from that point onwards Luffy does it over and over again in several different ways that only gets better and better and more hype than ever


Bro, I will literally cry if you guys name your daughter Nami in the future, whether as a first name or part of a middle name or nickname or smth. Like, that's just so precious ohmygosh, and it makes me really happy that One Piece could have a special place like that in your lives.


Everyone's history is like a recurring theme, it will be added to now and then due to some situation or a certain person etc etc in future episodes. Like Luffy's background is HUGE, and what you've seen of Sanji's backstory so far is nowhere near close to learning who he is and what he's been through to get to this point!


This is one piece! What may look like a silly pirate adventure and while it is, there is so much more. What makes OP so amazing to me and lot of people are you get the entire arrange of emotions you feel watching/reading it. 1 min your laughing then your crying then angry and finally cheering and happy. Tis only the beginning but OP is full of moments like this. You dont get to 1000 + epis being midpiece.

No Remorse

I have watched Bellemere perish over a dozen times. I cry every time.


This was the exact moment I fell in love with the show.


Felt so good to rewatch Nami’s story and cry all over again. My favorite backstory in the show so far, even more than my favorite character’s, a certain lady soon to be met by the name of a day of the week. But Nami still remains my top 2 favorite (girls) of the show.


bum bum bum, BUMBUMBUMBUM!

Darren Metts

Nah after seeing how far one piece has progressed over the years and then rewatching this scene again today with y’all I gotta say the walk to Arlong park officially is still one of the single most greatest moments in all of one piece and the part that made it even greater and hits way harder after being where we are is when Johnny says “BURN THEIR IMAGES INTO YOUR EYES” 😤 after seeing what they’ve done after all this then revisiting that hits a million times harder damn I’m in literal tears even more than the first time one piece is truly the greatest anime ever written idc

Darren Metts

Nah bro shit on the live action I don’t even know how you can be a real one piece fan and accept what they did to one piece sure if you hadn’t read the manga and watched the anime I can understanding but being a true invested one piece fan beforehand and seeing how they just disregard certain moments as not IMPORTANT is a complete and utter disrespect to the legacy of one piece that completely pissed me off about the live action

Darren Metts

Only bandwagon fake wannabe fans dont think one piece gets good here personally I found it it cool and great the moment I saw shanks save luffy I knew this anime would be something different and honestly even when luffy spoke to Colby about being king of the pirates and that serious silence saying if he has to die fighting for that then I die like I don’t understand how some people really have no type of depth perception at all

dg co

Oda literally gave the live action a thumbs up with its portrayal.

Darren Metts

Lmfao 🤣 of course the author is going to approve of his own work just cuz he say it’s ok doesn’t mean it is to everyone that’s what an opinion is


Your sentence is practically unreadable. Try using punctuation, it would help.

Jn Whalien

If the live-action followed the anime, it would take a lot of episodes and a lot of budget. That's why revision always happened. One Piece however is one of the few acceptable live-action compared to a lot of live actions have done.

Mu Nanyo

You say everyone has their right to an opinion and then shit on them for enjoying the LA. Thats their opinion. You spout true fan BS when you are being exactly like the world government and trying to control how everyone thinks. Missed the themes entirely. People are free to make choices. Legacy my ass, the live action literally helps the legacy live on, bringing new fans and curious people in.

Darren Metts

Funny part is you triggered over my opinion lecturing me about freedom of opinion yet here you are not letting me have mine on the irony 🤣

Mu Nanyo

You say others have zero depth perception and then judge people literally on their anime preference. Stop trying to start shit 💩 your takes are doodoo. Not your takes on the story, your takes about real and fake fans.

Darren Metts

Not trying to start anything this how I really feel lol if that’s how you feel about how I feel so be it idc moving on see ya later

Mu Nanyo

Youtube doesn’t get to see how annoyed ron is with the midroll music. Bro is really in his feels. 11:06ish. 🙏

Michael H

And we’ve found the anime gatekeeper, lurking in the basement. There are no “real fans” and “fake fans”, dude—just fans. Let people enjoy without judging how they enjoy it.

Josh Lomax

Luffy to me is the greatest main character in anime I've ever seen. And it started with this episode. Luffy's one of those goofy mcs like Goku and Gon but he's over the top goofy, funny and carefree so that when he does get angry or serious it hits much harder

Nick Obeso

Nobody is talking about the glitch on 22:20? 🤣