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Sokka got that rizz!



Ron misunderstood the sandbenders offered to escort them out of the desert, and in the scene by the water fall they say "now that we're out of the desert"


I think Toph couldn't make a land bridge probably because water dampens vibrations so she probably couldn't "see" the earth underneath the water very well


sokka just couldn't kiss suki the first time bc they were talking at night in front of the moon and he didn't want to kiss in front of yue :( since she's basically the moon spirit. but yeah i LOVE suki and sokka together they match each other so well. she's super badass too

Mr. Man In Black

The couple with the baby were the ones Zuko almost robbed from a couple episodes back btw!


What did Ron do?

Michael H

Honestly, after seeing this episode a few times, Katara and Sokka really don’t seem to care about Appa lol. I get that they need to focus on survival, but the zero shits given by them about Appa’s wellbeing is actually pretty messed up.

JMK 24

The kid in me was so pissed off at aang for blaming toph. I was like she could’ve let yall sink to death lol.

Sambat Phu

The sand benders offers to get out of the desert not all the way to Ba Sing Se.

JMK 24

They’re no good to appa if there stuck in a desert. If they didn’t meet the sand benders they wouldn’t have gotten out. Or it would’ve took longer for them to make it out. Survival was definitely more important at that moment getting out than searching for appa was the best course.

Michael H

For sure. I agree with their actions, but this is the first time it really struck me that they voice almost no concern at all for their friend. Sokka even immediately jokes about asking the owl for a ride. There’s just no urgency at all in them to find this companion that was literally just enslaved.


When the woman at the refugee reception said one cabbage slug could destroy the entire ecosystem of Ba Sing Se, you can actually see a cabbage slug in the destroyed cabbages. It's only visible for like 2 or 3 frames when the cabbage leaves are flying around


Is there no upload this week?


I love how Michelle had a That's so Raven moment to figure out the middle evolution 🥹🤣🤣

Kanye Sibblies

When is the next episode dropping?

Demetron Dotson

Did you all notice this was the same couple Zuko was going still from during his solo journey? Love the connection of all the side characters and world building.

Juan Contreras

I know I’m late to post but to Ron’s question I’m the only one in my family that knows how to swim


Late but no I don’t know how to swim lol I don’t think it’ll be hard I just never been in a body of water before. It may be surprising for someone who knows how to swim but believe it or not it’s not common knowledge. It’s interesting though I think.