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Hopefully you guys can clarify a few of our questions without spoiling!



yall are funny😭

eduardo jaimes

Don’t worry it eventually explains and ads more story to what your told you job is to eventually put thing you learned here and in a couple episodes and put it together this shown tell you but it doesn’t explain it to you u have to use your brain

Moses T24

Everything will be revealed soon but its always interesting to hear your theories. Some of them theories be wild but to be fair there's definitely some crazy curve balls from this show.

Tyler Lacy

One of the things that makes this show so good is the pacing. Everything is explained very fast, which is good from a weekly release standpoint as you don't have to wait long for new info, but can be rough for people watching it now at a faster rate since its so hard to keep up with the sheer amount of stuff to take in.

C Nichole

Lmao i think you will get answers.....there is nothing to really clarify without possible spoilers.....no worries

Jake Thompson

The war's been going on for 9 years, Shin and his brother was born in the Republic before the war but kicked out to the 86 district when the Alba only mandate was passed. Kaie was a minority race even among the 86, and was harassed because of it. If Shin and his brother were in District 1, close to the palace, safe to assume they were fairly well off. Good spot on the symbolism with the flowers, there's also a more practical reason for that scene: Kaie was the one who took care of the flowers, since she's gone nobody is watering them. Shin's comment on losing the war shows the scope of what's been going on: in 9 years, so many 86 have died that the frontline forces are teenagers now. If they're gone, there just won't be anyone left to fight besides literal infants. The Republic doesn't know that the Legion are replacing themselves to extend their operating time, they just think that in two years they'll all shut down and the 86 just have to hold the line until then.

Tyler Lacy

As the show explained, the Legion are mostly robots that have a 2 year timer. The black sheep are made up of damaged brains recovered from the battlefield that basically make that timer longer. And as Shin said, an undamaged brain recovered allows for the Legion to make "Shepherds" which are basically the leaders of the Legion. Shin is able to hear the voices of those black sheep and shepherds because he almost died (which we can kinda see how with his scar and 3 frame flashback). The show does explain in more detail how all this stuff works, especially the PARA-Raid devices [which are not normal voice transceivers but use the brain to work (which is why Annette said that Lena needed to chill on the calling because of the stress on the brain)]. This show is really damn good and yall have some interesting theories cooking. Imma let yall cook for now and the show will tell you everything soon enough. Great reaction!!

Vaer Lebox

okay so to talk about your questions: Firstly, shin's parents dont matter at all, they arent mentioned at any point after this. Their background in terms of where they lived doesnt really matter either, atleast not for the duration of the anime (didnt read LN so idk about that) About where they lived tho, what is being said in the episode is true as far as anime watchers know. They came from Giad and had their kids (shin & brother) in Magnolia. They lived in district 1 and got "kicked out" when the war broke out and 86th district was born. Now very important about the Republic's Mindset. The Republic doesnt think as deeply about where someone is from or who does what and so on. For them its very simple: Silver/White Hair and overall their looks = good anything else = bad no matter if they have been citizens of magnolia for generations or just moved there. About the whole Brain part and so on, i dont want to talk too much about that, since it becomes a very interesting part, especially in season 1 part 2 but basically yes, brains are the processors for the legion, similar to the 86 being the processors of their machines and these brains rot. as far as i know there is no "healing" the brains but more like taking new ones, after all during every fight they kill people and just take their brains then. Maybe im wrong about that part tho, its not discussed during the anime so thats something Light Novel readers would have to confirm or deny. Idk if you guys had any other questions, been typing away at this for some time so i lost focus on your discussion ^^' hope this helped a bit and i dont think this gives anything important away since all those infos either are already given or dont matter at all/have no importance to the story besides the obvious. feel free to ask if you have anything else you'd like to know a bit more about

Vaer Lebox

a small addition, about the whole brain topic. idk if it was said during the anime, maybe i didnt pay attention in that moment, but thats the reason why shin shoots them before he takes their chip thing. If he shoots them, he damages/kills the brain and prevents the 86 from taking it and powering a new legion unit. if he doesnt then things like kaie happen, where she becomes an enemy, you dont want that

Yoona Kim (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-10 07:28:41 bro nerd alert
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2024-01-10 07:28:41 bro nerd alert
2024-01-10 07:28:41 bro nerd alert
2023-12-22 01:47:02 bro nerd alert

bro nerd alert

Yoona Kim (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-10 07:28:41 jk
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2023-12-22 01:47:26 jk


eduardo jaimes

At the end of the day if you watch the missed details 3 part series u will be more blow away of things that they show but you dont know until it’s explained to you


Great reaction to another episode of eighty peak


i feel like you guys might be setting yourself up for spoilers. Personally, I feel like any questions you have will get explained at some point during the show. Anything they don't explain immediately, is left unexplained on purpose because it'll still come up at some point and be explained. This is one of the very few anime i'd advice anybody watching it, not to ask for immediate explanations.


I agree, even if you don't understand immediately, with more scenes and dialogues, you often get more clues to fill in the blanks and you eventually end up understanding something you weren't sure about before.

Luis Amaya

It hasn’t been revealed yet, who’s to say they won’t down the line

Christina H.

don't worry most of your questions will be answered in the anime. The anime doesn't go in depth about his parents and even in the LN it wasn't until volume 6 i think where more information was revealed about his family


I'm actually anxious about all the people writing essays in the comment section. I'm pretty sure there's plenty of spoilers there, ngl dangerous territory. For Michelle & Ron, i'd advice to not read too much into the comments.


I've been thinking, Shin reminds me of Ayanokoji from classroom of the elite. And speaking of that show, you should really check it out. the third season comes out 2024.


Ron pretty much got it right. No need for extra information yet


Haha your ending theories are so funny, I can understand as this kind of science fiction futuristic show is so out of your knowledge. Btw I really want you guys to actually do a reaction to the original first Star Wars movies. Just the original trilogy and stop there no need to do more. As everything made after 2000 for Star Wars is utter crap.

CE Ong

Wow Michelle went crazy with her theories in this one.


Revenge of the sith is a masterpiece how dare you haha


The romance in the books is fucking beautiful and so real like jeez wartime romance, the truama etc it's just incredible


They have the same VA too lol and look like twins 💀


shin's family does actually become important later, even later in the anime, so you shouldn't just disregard that information

Vaer Lebox

At which Point in the Anime do they get important tho? Maybe Manga/light novel but Anime definitly not


I’ve never seen such wrong theories in my life 😭😭

Falatugatuga Kerslake

These theories are just hilarious and im all for it🤣🤣