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It feels like no one is safe in this show but that's why we love it!


Otter Eddy

Started watching with you guys since the start crazy to see y’all watching a lot more anime’s then me 😭😭

DB Cooper

Fulcrum come in 🧘‍♂️ yodie gang


Shikamarus time to shine. Rip to big homie asuma.


This episode was eh-luma-nadin

Justin Trenka

Soo. Kurenai single now right?


Asumaaaa!!! 😖😢


episode 82 and 85 have good animation teams, no “stilted animation”. Also mentioned this before but after you guys see every akatsuki member you should check out “the birth of the akatsuki”. Compilation of clips from a naruto game that shows every member joining and their reasonings n such. Its not official cannon but its still done really well.


Tight the belts just saying , we need more shippuden 😭😭😭


petition for more Naruto>


It’s so funny how Ron went from clowning on Aoba for his sunglasses to loving him lmao


Also these are great questions ^_^ also the correct questions!


Yall just got a sneak peak of the best akatsuki member


The 3rd Hokage officially died in episode 80 of Naruto and so did Asuma in Shippuden


That's his opinion tho, I agree with him too.

Matt Brock

The Skies wept when The Third died as well. The Sarutobis must have that effect on the world. Also I never thought I see the day that Aoba would have someone mark out for him Hahaha.

Ahkenaton Furdge

You’re right Ron, this show got so many peak moments you’ll start to forget them. Peak series. So much has already happened in shippuden for you guys. Gaara retrieved , Sakura beat an akatsuki, sasuke pops up like he’s on top. Ugh, enjoy!


It’s a top 3 arc imo my second favourite and a lot of people like it


We love teary eyed and tears, Naruto is truly goated at making you feel so much for these characters

Prateek Sridhar

Ron in the intro made me think of like a Southern Dumbledore xD "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light"

Victor S

Howdy partner. Dattebayo Cowboy




I think the word you are looking for is realistic. It is not realistic for all your friends and loved ones (or main characters) to be safe in a world where battles happen on a regular basis and the potential for war exists at anytime- much like the real world. That is what makes Naruto as well as Game of Thrones so good, because it maintains the reality (just like in our real world), that no one is indefinitely safe. Your best friend, loved one, or a family member could die at any time.

jarob vollaire

nahhhh Ron really got me to fuck with sir swag a lot heavy lmao 🤣

Teddy Roo

I won't say when, or how, or why.....but your questions will be answered.

William Howard

I’m so excited for y’all to see these next few episodes.

Mario Sesana

We need more Naruto, the wait from Wednesday to Monday is so long.


Ron has orange/red hair. The leader of the Akatsuki has orange/red hair. Ron is the leader of the Akatsuki

Chayanne Acosta

Watching him die never gets any easier, I cried again with you guys and I’m sure I’m not the only one who did. Love the reactions you two, keep up the awesomeness!


Day 13 collecting signatures for triple episodes or three times a week

EJ Roldan

The feels hit hard, I blame the femen


Ron always got me laughing in the intros😂


RIP Asuma. No one is safe. :(

Victor S

Episode 82 in my opinion is one the best episode of Naruto series in terms of direction, can't wait.


episode 82 is actually one of the best in shippuden in terms of animation and character development. So I look forward to the reaction!

Miles Coleman

Wow. It has been years since I've watched this. This is way more emotional than I remembered.

Victor S

As metioned by Orochimaru him self in Sasuke Retrival Arc, he left Akatsuki as soon he realized that Itachi was stroger than him, and he couldn't took over Itachi's body and gain possession of the sharingan powers

Eric Graham

No plot armor in a Shonen anime lol

Kasyfillah Rayhan

Asuma died in the 80th episode of Naruto Shippuden, his father, the Third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi also died in the 80th episode of Naruto.


i need 3 episodes every monday and wednesday and friday 😆

Emil (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-25 03:09:51 sheesh that tease of one of the best characters in all anime
2023-12-12 04:18:32 sheesh that tease of one of the best characters in all anime

sheesh that tease of one of the best characters in all anime


it'd be cool if the next 2-3 episodes were watched together, for peak purposes ofc.


no matter how many times i see them i always cry thru these episodes :( cant wait for u guys to see 82 its such a well done episode !


Day 12 of asking for more Naruto. 😭😭😭

Tandon English

Yes please add another episode on Monday or Wednesday or add another day with two episodes it’s killing us waiting during these intense moments of the arcs😭

Juan Jose

You'll learn why soon behind their cause. 😉

Juan Jose

Please please watch the next 3 episodes next!


Thats fine, but with all due respect, I wasnt curious about your opinion. This is Rons channel so, Im only curious about their thoughts


Just curious, do you have mods that moderate and delete comments on Patreon? Like if they have spoilers I hope you do


Y'all want shikamaru to get revenge and bet it'll end up well for him, but... remember Asuma died trying to get revenge for his best bud chiriku. I would be scared for anyone tbh. Great reacts as always!

Flex i cute

If you’re both so curious about why certain members joined the Akatsuki you should watch the "Creation of the Akatsuki" on YouTube from one of the Naruto games it provides further clarity. Only watch that like after episode 125 though so you’re not spoiled.


Yes, direction and animation was so well done in that one.


Man I cant wait. I love the theorizing after the akatsuki goals being revealed! Just keep on watching


I would never forget Pierrot for changing/censuring shikamaru starting to smoke as soon as asuma died 👎


You say you like when there is no Plot armor, Check out Akame Ga Kill if you guys have never seen it. Such a good anime, but Manga is a bit different and worth checking out

Sam Brown

The beginning of this video had me crying!! Nation wiiiiiiiiiiide is oooooohaaan yooooouuuuur siiiiiiiiide 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I wish you didn't take on so many different anime shows and just added at least one more day of Naruto :(


Slight spoiler: The leader of the Akatsuki got commander Erwin to do the sales pitch and recruit the other members

Davis Dambergs

Akatsuki goals are more nuanced than that but as with most stuff in this series, it actually explains everything along the way. Even stuff like who is the “king” etc. Enjoy the ride, now that Akatsuki has come in properly, it will be one hell of a ride.

Emil (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-25 03:09:51 Akatsuki are THE goated cast of villains for a reason. Excited for whats to come
2023-12-12 09:41:41 Akatsuki are THE goated cast of villains for a reason. Excited for whats to come

Akatsuki are THE goated cast of villains for a reason. Excited for whats to come


I love naruto, but naruto is nowhere near to be realistic in terms of "deaths". It has a lot of plot armor compared to other shonen like AoT


The first time I cried in Shippuden was when Asuma died. But what made me cry a lot more was Shikamaru's reaction to it. Asuma was his greatest role model and like a second father to him. Seeing Shikamaru lose him is so damn painful every time. 😢😢


Name one show that was: 1. Made around the same time Naruto was 2. Has less plot armor than Naruto 3. Is touted to be as good if not better in terms of being GOATed

terrance trueheart

You’ll learn eventually why certain members joined it’s actually pretty crazy


And my guess, Michelle will be all about that Paper.

Florian Martin

Hey Sushi Squad, Naruto is my favourite anime of all time, since I watched it, nothing hits as hard anymore. If you also felt that way and got some animes that hit the same, please comment :)


“You ever drank baileys from a shoe” -Old Greg


Welcome to the saddest ost ive ever heard in my fcking life. Its called Burial

Rondog 03

Don't get a tattoo of bro😭😭

Yoona Kim

rip my boi Asuma


like hidan said each of the akatsuki have their own circumstances and use the organization to their benefits and like u said there is way more to the plan than u just heard so yeah have fun finding out

kirk poss

You might want to watch 86-88 all at once otherwise you'll be watching 88 and then the next arc.

Mohamed Osman

I feel it’s shikimaru seriousness that’s off putting and hits on the feels. He is usually laid back and chill, but in this situation he becomes serious and him saying that’s Asuma last words like that hits so hard

Nero Luv

The Naruto games show how they got many of the akatsuki joined. You guys should watch it one day


You definately need to watch the special in naruto shippuden ultimate ninja storm revolution(video game) once you get to a certain part in the series


With 2 episodes, you'll & start new arc next week - 88 & 113 (24 episodes of filler is wild)


You can look up the cutscenes on YouTube (be careful with spoilers)

Hessen Herz

1 minute in and Ron got me dying 😂

jarob vollaire

fr this like my 5th go around and i still tear up thru damn near the whole show. Its too emotional for my sensitive ass


I think 89,90 and 112 are filler-mix with canon so there’s that too. Cut out all the fillers?


I hate when they do mixed canon - you know which minutes are canon so they can watch the canon parts


Fun fact. Who died on the 80th episode of Naruto og


If you guess his father the third hokage you are correct. He made both father and son die on the same episode number in each series


That reaction to Nanami clone in Naruto :D


Fun fact in the manga shikumaru starts to smoke at that moment on the cliff with the lighter


Funny they show that character on a episode you feel pain hehe


There's a "filler" arc that adapts a part of this (well it's an adaptation of a Light Novel though).


lol I hope u guys do know what plot armor is right?