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Mihawk is SICK! Can't wait to get deeper into this journey!



You guys don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this episode


You guys should watch one episode a day together. 🤣 you guys should catch up to the current anime episode with your schedule on patreon in 5 years 😂 but a day, should take you guys a year.


You know what they say "If it's a 1v1, always bet on Pearl" 💯

Ej Evangelista

It really is all about the journey. Very good intro/life lesson to a lot of people that just wanna rush everything


Yeah take your time guys! I’m glad you’re enjoying it! Though I will say, I recommend skipping the filler arcs and some others. For me personally I thought I wasted my time with some of them, and just waited for the arc to be over, like the Foxy arc. But heed what you will, this is your journey and I know it’ll be worthwhile no matter how you tackle it!


im sorry gang but mihawk and hisoka are nothinggggg alike lmfao


Ben Barnes, is the dude you are talking about for the mihawk actor. I knew him from the Punisher netflix series and i think hes in that one t mobile commercial with patrick mahomes


Only LRLL can be skipped. Absolutely nothing from it connects to the rest of the story. It is canon, but functionally filler.




This journey is gonna take about a year at least for you to catch up so yes do enjoy it cause once you catch up the next episode doesn’t come fast enough


You guys actually saw don crieg in live action. When garp called mihawk, he was fighting and destroying ships. That was him😅


Give em time man once they're a bit further in they won't be able to resist upping the amount a bit


All my homies hate Pearl. This segment with Don Krieg is a bit slow but it has some good moments as well. Enjoying the journey with you guys 💪 Mihawk is like Hisoka, minus the erections :)


actually it'll take over six years, they will add hundreds of new episodes while they are catching up lol


Haha, well at least they are positive which is good, I always encourage new fans to get into the series because it’s one of the best pieces of fiction EVER. But it’s only for the strong. A lot of reaction channels that get into one piece started doing daily episodes after a certain period and enjoyed the current amazingness with all of us. Wish yal well in the journey lol.

Justin Trenka

Zoro already acknowledging luffy's goal of being pirate king always gets me hyped.


🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ this is mfs saying 'Skypiea is skippable' all over again until the events of the last arc unfolded lmfaooo Can't wait for the upcoming arc in the manga to prove LRLL doubters wrong


My question is WHY the hell did Zoro decided to fight Boss Level 100 ?? LOL


I actually really enjoyed Skypiea. I don’t understand all the hate for it 😂

Michael H

A year? Are they going to be switching to One Pace later on? That would be cool if they did, but if they stick to the original anime, it’ll be more like 4-5 years.

Tyler Lacy

At the current pace I’d say like 3-3.5. I feel like once they finish Naruto they’ll be at TB and they’ll probably do 3 at a time or an extra upload a week of one piece. The burnout in the 500s will be crazy 💀


Pls more naruto


I’m so dumb yeah you guys are right I didn’t do my math right 😂 about 3.5-4 years I did the math at watching 4 ep per day not 4 per week

Stephen Cruz

“So that my name will reach the heavens” god damn I love Zoro

Michael H

Ah, early One Piece…where people just have random, inexplicable powers lol


The way the live action just said "f don krieg, he doesn't deserve an arc" is still hilarious to me😂


Is there a one pace for dressrosa? Because as much as I enjoyed dressrosa the anime was so horribly paced there


He was referring to the specific act of "I will let this person go because I see fighting potential in them and want to fight them later" which very much is EXACTLY alike. I get not liking Hisoka but this similarity/decision is more of a fact than opinion.


Comparing early One Piece to where we are now... Man what a journey. Early episodes were kinda random, but stick with it and it will be worth it :)


Nah fam, the more episodes you do the more hype it gets. Trust 🤞

Juan Jose

The only problem well not technically a problem but I just wish you guys wouldn't start after the arlong arc. I would just watched the important episodes from the beginning arcs.


Where are you guys watching this? the translations are different than what I'm used to


Pacing is great rn compared to later one piece


Zoro's unconditionnal trust and faith in his captain so early on... I love that


Yeah I see that, I feel like the main difference is that hisoka just see’s the whole world as his toys doing things on whims for enjoying it later. Mihawk has actual morals and probably wouldn’t of killed zoro even if he didn’t have potential out of respect of his character. But that’s just my opinion


Don't worry, the pacing only gets really bad in the later episodes. I mean eps. 500+. BTW the insane power of Mihawk makes sense later on. The power system behind get explained in future episodes. The strongest people in the world aren't always devil fruit users...


Seriously, LA was like don krieg only deserves death, and gin deserved another meal 😅


Love that yall are always giving people the benefit of the doubt lmao, she stole the ship but yea she warned them haha


Please don't listen to the people telling you to skip certain arcs, I get full filler yea but personally I think y'all should experience the show like everyone else instead of not watching things because people have already seen them and wanna get to a different part of the story faster

kirk poss

yeah the voice acting seems different and so does the art style not sure if i like it as much


try 6 years, 5 years to catch up to current episode today and another year and a half to watch the hundreds of episodes that will be added while they are catching up


Watching this again brings back when k first watched this journey and it feels amazing


I don't really agree with skipping any filler since there isn't much of it to begin with. But at the very least they better not skip G8 (best arc).

The Dark Knight

“Scars on the back are a swordsman’s shame” That’s my glorious goat


The voice acting and art style aren't different, the aspect ratio is 16:9 instead of the original 4:3 which makes me think its probably Netflix. Unfortunately Netflix translations are usually less eloquent and sometimes even gives off the wrong meaning.

Brandon Otten

I think Hawkeye left so that Luffy and Zoro could get stronger by beating Krieg!

Jesse spika

The statement ginger said about there being no finish line is very true. Both human achievement and gains in happiness are temporary and we all run on a hedonic treadmill, looking for the next thing to apply ourselves to.

Liana Pagodova

I don't suggest watching one pace because it cuts off many meaninful moments and it's just not the same. I mean yeah the recap of previous episodes are gonna be long sometimes but all the people who react to OP say "everybody is saying the next arc, the next arc but it never really comes. and when the pacing is there I rather enjoy it because it's in the right places" so don't believe people who are just trying to scare you off. the recaps can always be just jumped I mean what's the big deal right :)

Monkey D. Luffy

Wish you guys did more One Piece. at least 3 days a week for One Piece.

Michael H

Yes, I think One Pace for Dressrosa will be necessary, despite what some One Piece purists will say. The original anime just saps a lot of the enjoyment from the arc with how much they stretch it.

Michael H

I mean, if they continue as they are, with 4 episodes per week, it will take them 6 years. There are around 1000 canon episodes, so at ~200 episodes per year, that’ll be 5 years, but then there will be an additional ~200 episodes that will have aired in the meantime. But if they do One Pace for Dressrosa (makes it so much better) and 6 episodes a week, it’ll probably cut the time in half or even more.

j m

I suggest you guys start One Pace once you hit the "Dressrosa" arc. That's the only arc that felt like forever... However, it is a tricky matter because they do throw important details here and there.


Let’s just say Zoro is him later literally you guys are gonna love peak piece

Hend Taha

i want to watch Marineford arc the best arc ever

branco marolia

Man wait till you see the sacrifice that Zorro undertakes for Luffy this episode was just the beginning

Mu Nanyo

We always want that greater dopamine hit and instant gratification so we rush things that should be paced and enjoyed. (Are you guys going to skip some of the non-relevant filler?)

Darren Metts

The finish line is death

Darren Metts

Don’t ever disrespect mihawk comparing him to hisoka ever again not even close hisoka is a clown and not in control of himself mihawk is composed and truly a great character

Darren Metts

Don’t watch that one pace garbage