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Andrew D



Ron every episode, “Is this the king? 👀” 🤣

Abigail Jerry

You just gettin started fam


Neferpitou is a monster!! Also keeps getting darker, tbh that is more realistic, this is what such a cannibalistic race will do. Also you have to realise this is not human race, cant think same logic for getting nen applies to them if they are inherently on a higher level than humans.



Desto Samuels

Opening the pores, it's very similar to how Wing did the same for Gon and Killua in the earlier arcs. The ants are also significantly stronger than an average human so it's much easier for them to grasp the concept of controlling it.

Salahadine Abaine

When Gon and Kill learned New from Wing their pores got opened from Wing "attacking" them with Nen. He did it in a soft way so they wouldn't get hurt but it's the same principle. The crippled guys in the Tower learned the hard way the same as Rammoto getting straight up ATTACK attacked with Ben, which is why they're crippled. The other method is the one Sushi learned Nen with, which is from meditation gradually opening your pores over weeks or months.

Wasabi tobiko

just dont get killed by nen punch as normal human then you can obtain nen. xD


Punching is pretty much the same thing Wing used to release Gon and Killua's Nen, he forcefully pushed his nen through their body to release their pores so it always was a thing, also lmao good luck Michelle it's a dark journey ahead of you better get ready

Salahadine Abaine

they do get nen from the same process humans do. It's just that they're more durable so opening their pores through a nen attack is a more viable option than for most humans. That's how the crippled guys in the Tower tournament learned Nen


Having your nen unlocked just by taking a hit from another nen user through their pores isn't new information y'all XD Gon and Killua literally got it the same way bruh, Wing just touched them on the back while using nen and they immediately got it and he even had a thorough explanation on how it works on pores (I think it's called micropyles?? If you wanna have a refresher about nen, it's on ep29) Sooo maybe it's not that stupid, Ron lmaooo

Angel Garcia

Wasn’t both Gon and Killua pores open by Wing since it was the fastest way to obtain it rather than mediating? correct me if I’m wrong


What’s crz is u and the reactors lm reactions litteraly said line by line the exact same thing hearing nefropitious name im not kidding it was so trippy and u both said ima just call her nef I just watched them today too lol


Do you guys remember that wing had to open up gon and killua's pores as well before they could continue learning and developing their Nen. Basically, following the same principle as how Rammot obtained Nen. The only difference is Wing's method was a lot less aggressive compared to how gon and killua did it.

CE Ong


CE Ong

We need double episodes ;-;

Michael H

Even though archer guy was my least favorite of the Hunter Exam crew, his fate really sticks with me. The guy trained to the point where he was actually able to get his hunter license, learned this amazing new power he didn’t even know existed, and assembled a wholesome squad of homies, only to end up naked on a slab with a cat poking his brain with a couple bug antennas. That’s a hard left turn in life right there.


The pacing of this arc is topnotch 🤌🏼 Some finds it slow, but its really the build up that makes this arc one of the best 🙌🏼

Gary Montesinos

The idea of using an aura infused attack to open someone’s pores isn’t a new concept. It was shown back in Heaven’s Arena. However it’s very dangerous to use on someone who has not learned Nen as it can seriously harm them as shown by the trio on level 200.


the manga made Pokkles death even more sick cause you can see his brain and the pig chopping him up


Colt mainly just cares about satisfying and abiding by the queen. And now that the royal guards are being born, colt doesn't have the same authority as he initially did.


I feel like 84 and 85 def should've been watched together, I really wish Tuesday were tomorrow.

Jay rellim

this was the brain scene in the manga: basically showed the scalp torn off and pokkle getting chopped up right after https://www.reddit.com/r/HunterXHunter/comments/35u7mw/this_is_how_the_pokkle_x_neferpitou_scene_went_in/


Best royal guard is here!

Andrew Gutierrez

That’s how gon and killua activated their nen. Wing helped them earlier in the show if you remember

Alan Yau

You can say pitou for short for neferpitou


Justin Peacock

Well for one it was stated that everything has the ability to use nen, it's just most don't even know it exists except a few rare exceptional individuals.

Mohamed Osman

Are you sure? I don’t know why hxh loves making girl looking characters guys


i think everyone's born with nen, it's just about being able to use it. they said getting hit opens their pores to be able to harness nens energy and power


85 nowww!! xD


It's natural that you guys don't remember since it's been a really long time, but what happened to the ants checks out with Wing's initial explanation of how to unlock Nen abilities. He explained two methods, one of them being the "frowened upon method", which happens when someone attacks you using Nen, which causes the pores of your body to forcibly open. After that, you can use nen, as long as you survive (we saw people who got permanent injuries because of this method, if you guys remember the trio where one was missing an arm, another was missing his legs, and another was in a whellchair).


The haters will deny but here comes my second favorite character and the best royal guard


And here we are, Pitou is here. And yes, I took a break from watching after this episode too, lmao. I don't think I had any feelings about Pokkle but losing him this way made me sad 😭. Everybody's answered Ron's question so I can shut up about that. But I will say, remember, Nen is the name of the overall system/technique. What they are using is aura, which everyone has.

gustavo correa

Actually, killua and gon learned nen in the same way, wing said that there is 2 ways to learn nen, first is through meditation and second through an attack. Everyone has the nen poros but they are close, and when you receive a nen attack your poros will open, this is dangerous because most of the people would not be able to control the aura flow and can die, however, like killua and gon all of the ants are geniuses in nen and they control it easily.


…think about how gon and kill got access to their nen


I've seen people complain a lot about the pacing of this arc, I can somewhat understand, but imo, I feel like it's done that way so each episode you're made to gradually feel like there's less and less hope for the good side. Basically, the stakes gradually get higher and it creeps on on you till you realize how deep of a mess things are.

Moses T24

I always feel like people who don't like the pacing are just itching for a fight and don't care for the story progression which is honestly sad. To me HXH is one of the few old gen shows where they never waste any episode with unnecessary moments and every thing is always important.


I don't think I can wait for the next episode


Every good story has longer pacing for a reason, it isnt a 12 episode season where its straight to the point, you cant have pure fights and a good story at the same time. IMO this arc is the best and if you want to talk about pacing One Piece can be pretty extra somwtimes


Need that surprise HxH sunday drop!! so good


PORE EXPLANATION: Forcing nen into another body can forcibly open their pores. It is how Master Wing opened Gon and Killua's pores when he was teaching them. Gon's punch put nen into Rammot's body and open his pores, although there was a high risk that Rammot dies

Alante Quarles

Wing/Hisoka explained all of the nen nuances in the Heavens Arena arc but it was so long ago it’s hard to keep track of.


Just to add to this, back in the heavens arena arc, the spin top guy, wheelchair guy and their friend all didn't have nen when they reached the 200s. They received the traditional "nen greeting" which Killua and Gon received from Hisoka. Because they didn't have any nen defence, they were injured (which is why they lost their legs/arm/in a wheelchair), but it also awoke their pores.

Jake Turner

'Pores' was a weird word to use. When they learned Nen from Wing, he explained them as aura nodes. Remember there was an explanation about being able to see Nen if the nodes in your eyes are opened. And the ants learned Nen the same way as Gon and Killua, having the nodes forcibly opened, apparently from coming into contact with Nen. There's that way, or to train, like Zushi did.

Ahkenaton Furdge

Thing about the orcs from slime. Ant’s are super adaptable

Leona DiCarryo

I might be wrong on this, but being a specialist doesn't necessarily mean that you are stronger. For example, I believe the girl who could predict the future in the Yorknew arc, was a specialist. But her ability isn't really suited for fighting, so she wouldn't be considered strong. So I think every category has the potential to become top tier. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong


HxH is going by so fast you guys are near the end. Glad you guys like it!

Leona DiCarryo

I think it is unfair to say that people who don't enjoy the pacing, are "just itching for a fight". Slow pacing does not have to mean "no fights". On my first watch of HxH, I found the pacing slow as well, but not because of a lack of fights. What made it feel slow to me, was the fact that the king was hyped up so early in the arc, compared to when we see him for the first time, and compared to when the characters meet him. It was sort of like having the hype of a video game start too early, so when the game finally comes out, you sort of lost the hype. I'm not one who just wants fights all the time. an example is Vinland saga. I absolutely loved the second season, even though a ton of people were complaining about the lack of fights. So saying that people just wants fights, isn't really a fair assumption. And btw, after rewatching HxH, I find the pacing of the arc better now, because I know what's coming. I don't find it slow anymore.

Callum Hill

They aren’t absorbing Nen from others when they get punched, it releases their own through force. Perhaps that’s why you are getting confused :)


Oh no pitou is here


The nen greeting on floor 200 in heaven's arena was an attack with nen. Those who survived the attack learned nen. That's why they looked disabled on that floor.


Back in Heavens Arena Arc, Wing explained and did the same for Killua and Gon. Instead of forcefully attacking Killua and Gon, he poured his Nen to force open their 'pores' so their 'pores' open up and Nen pours out and they can learn to control it. In the Chimera Ant's case, his Nen 'pores' were forcefully opened up due to Gon's attack that heavily injured or nearly killed him.

Yoona Kim

Damn now they knw abt nen..

Damien Lee

This goes back to the beginning where Wing, their first teacher, mentioned you can forcefully induce nen to activate. Wing just did it gently


I actually feel like this arc has really good pacing. It doesn’t feel like anything is dragging along


i cant wait for their reactions to the other royal guards. Its crazy


i personally found the next episode to be one of my favorites so im hyped for the next one

Saith Uchiha

Call him/her Pitou (Pee-Toe) Ik that makes the name sound weird but yeah call him/her Pitou


PITOU’s out!!! 1/3 let’s goooo ❤️‍🔥


don't call her neph, just call her pitou (pee-toe). That's what everyone calls her.


and they thought Hisoka was weird, just wait till they get to know these royal guards lol.


I know lol it’s just going by so fast it feels like they just started the show two weeks ago 😭.


cant wait for next epp

Salahadine Abaine

Yeah I think when togashi made the specialist category he wanted 1 a special rare category only a few people have 2 a way out in case he wants to create a power that doesn’t fit the other 5 categories.


Waiting for 85!!


Lions have been called King of the Beasts and King of the Jungle. But these are basically meaningless terms, and not official in any sort of way. They don't even inhabit jungles much at all, mostly savannahs, grasslands, and shrublands. Their manes make them look majestic, and balding aristocrats and royalty loved to use them as a macho symbols of virility. I think tigers are cooler than lions, personally.


Yeah so this the method that wing mentioned (the fast method to awaken nen) but not suitable as he could kill them as kids by punching gon and kil with nen at the arena however this is suitable for the ants as they are naturally more resistent due to genes….

Saith Uchiha

This anime is rare in it hardly has any plot-holes other comments explained the pore situation. There’s some like how does Pitou have Nen when the queen hasn’t ate any Nen users yet? Guess you could say some random person in NGL had Nen to cover this but that plot hole can be overlooked with an answer like that. Almost any plotholes in H x H can be explained with your own probable answer. I will say in anime/manga it’s rare for there to be NO plot-holes h check just was very thought out.

Lamar Saw

Tigers definitely are cool but there’s actually a lot of lions in the jungle, when people think of lions they only think Africa or savanna but plenty of lions do in fact live in the jungle, also the term King of the jungle or King of the beasts for lions is a official term, they are called kings not because they are the strongest, or fastest, but the bravest. Lions are known to fight to the death even if they know they don’t stand a chance while tigers will run if they know they will lose or it’s a tough fight. Lions are called king because of mentality and bravery.


Lions don't run? Actually they do. Here's an article where a cheetah chases off a lion from trying to eat her cubs. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10107259/Brave-cheetah-chases-330lb-male-lion-tried-eat-cubs-Kenya.html

Jc full

Imagine how strong the king is going to be, if rammot is pretty strong w his newly acquired nen and pitou can fold him like a beach chair w one finger... scary.


Basically if there's something you don't get just assume it's some fancy nen stuff lol

Mohamed Osman

Yeah I thought nen was balanced. Like no nen catagory is the weakest it’s just what you make out of it. That’s why it’s the best power system

Mohamed Osman

Don’t really mess with her on first watch but I’ll try to understand why she is one of your fav char

Camille Watrigant

Pitou is here... Can't help the chills, urgh.

Jacob Limoñ

Next episode is a pretty chill laid back one.

Erick Castrillon

Ron remember what Wing said. Something, something, you can force others nen to awakened


dude, i thought my memory was fing with me because I swear they showed his brain in the anime


It was not shown but it was mentioned by the driver when Kite and the gang was on the way to NGL that groups of people recently went to NGL, including Pokkle's group. Assuming that some of those people are hunters and were killed off-cam to be fed to the queen. Because as we all know, not all nen users are strong, stronger than an average human but they maybe weaker than the chimera ants without nen.


One her ability is really dope secondly I find the design very cool and because of future incidents I find the impact she made on the main characters oversee my dislike and love for the character

Carl Andrew Bianzon

Wing did the same to Gon and Killua. He said there are 2 ways to do it: either train for years or force it open by getting hit. He did so by putting his hands on their backs.

Gjermund Norum Bugge

It was the same thing that wing did to gon and Killua to open up their pores


I feel like League of Legends made Briar champ after the cat royal gaurd lol

Marco St

No, this is the same method. Wing just didn't use a physical attack, he poured the nen directly into Nen and Gon to minimize any damage. It's still the fast, dangerous method.


Honestly one of the most horrible deaths in all of anime for me