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One episode left and so curious how this is going to finish off this season 😂


Prateek Sridhar

Akatsuki = Aka (meaning red) + Tsuki (meaning moon) so it means red moon or crimson moon as the subtitles said here :p


Yeah, the Tamaki fan service is excessive (everybody feels bad for her tbh) but it's an actual power/buff?/debuff? for her. It's like one of those annoying skills in video games you want to turn off but can't. 😭 I just think it's well played by the mangaka in the sense that he took a familiar & stupid trope and made it a legitimate thing for the character that actually affected her growth. I can only hope she starts stacking bodies like Maki.

Terrell Lewis

I’m not sure how old it is but I just saw a post today saying season 3 in in production!!!!!


86 best new gen

Saith Uchiha

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