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So glad this went in deeper to Zoro's backstory. A lot more details!



Curious if you yall have been spoiled at all in regards to OP


You guys already watched ep 19 earlier when you did one pace


It's funny that just after you finished syrup village, Oda, the author of one piece drew those 3 lil kids in a cover page


Drop more OP pls



Though the show obviously romanticizes adventure and the journey etc, Oda has stated that the One Piece is not some "the friends we made along the way"-bullshit lol


It's only random locations w/ 0 context and wildlife


Oh yeah episode 18 is the first episode that was completely skipped in the live action. A lot of people over time have theorized that this lil story with the man in the chest and the empty chests is some microcosm of the greater One Piece mystery. If not then its a cute side adventure lol It wasn't filler. Here's a good filler guide if you want to be prepared: https://www.animefillerlist.com/shows/one-piece Skip the numbers that are red 😊

Ricky Castro

One Pace cuts out A LOT of the episode though so it's good to rewatch it and get the full context. I actually commented on that video for them to watch the full episode.


When you guys get to the Grandline, you should 1000% make a "predications video" with maybe a Q&A. Get people to ask questions on Patreon and answer some. Make some big predictions and then when you're hundreds of episodes in, or caught up, look back at those predictions and have a laugh :)


eh I feel like it shows too much. I think it'd be better if they just experience those places when they get to them in the show


Zoro was just a kid when he challenged the dojo. Kids can get the most random ideas or plans in their heads - who's to say what originally sparked him to challenge a dojo 😂 Suffice to say he was definitely got a new (or at least more defined) motive after getting his ass kicked


No, even seeing all those islands and places is kind of a spoiler. It would be cool to see them reacting to it, but I'd rather they discover everything in the anime itself first


They better not skip G8 though. Might be filler but it's by far my favorite one piece arc


G8 is so fun and its comedy is the best the show has to offer, but fav arc is insane😮

Noe Romero

Zoro says “todays the first time I’ve ever held a bamboo sword” emphasis on bamboo

Aman Gupta

ok, so the context for "fell down the stairs" has a few connotations around bullying, suicides, and physical abuse as it's the common reason given when someone is undergoing one of those situations. For example, police brutality is covered by saying the detainee fell through the stairs so they have bruises etc... or like a son telling their parents that they fell down the stairs to cover up being bulied in school. In this flashback, its heavily implies "suicide from poor mental health" as a darker undertone since kuina suffered from severe frustration of being born a girl, especially after having no support from her only family (her dad, who was also her sensei). The author confirms none of this, but it is a common takeaway in the community since this is supposed to be a kid's show and this is too mature of a topic to flesh out like that... but any of your theory is as good as this.

Aman Gupta

[NO SPOILER] https://onepiece.fandom.com/f/p/3343172654596325887/r/3344233352137261805 The actual manga panel when zoro finds out about kuina's death, he shouts -- "now you are running away?" after the promise...


Gaimon is canon! It's a little breather chapter before Baratie and Arlong Park.


Sanji Arc then you'll finally be in unfamiliar waters 😁

Ricky Castro

Oda LOVES parties! Often he will slide in a short arc that are more lighthearted between the heartbreaking ones like ep 18. It's nice because it gives your tear ducts a break and also allows him to do more world building. Often they will have more details to explain the past and hints of the future than the action packed arcs, so pay attention! Example: Buggy hating Shanks over the last treasure/treasure map. It most likely wasn't even there in the first place, and may have gotten him killed/hurt trying to retrieve it. Making his misplaced hate even more pointless(or pathetic IMO). Edit: grammar

Rene Salgado

You're gonna see Baratie and arlong park are very different Can't wait


Reminds me of when tengen channeled his inner zoro vs gyutaro


Yeah, I think the anime adaptation of Zoro's backstory is better than the manga. It added so much to it. The One Pace episode you watched back then cut up this episode to match the manga frame for frame, and lost a lot of the characterization, like Zoro's trauma-fueled rage training. Glad you guys watched it.


i will be the pirate king!!


We finally met the strongest character in the verse

Michael H

Really cool video; I’m glad you posted it so I got to see it. It definitely does get you hyped for the journey. However, it also spoils the entire crew lol, and that can’t be risked.


If the one piece is the friends you made along the way or the journey many are gonna be mad including myself


There is a theory that Kuina committed seppuku. Because she didn't accept what she was told, that she wouldn't be able to be the strongest because she was a woman. this was portrayed by the dojo elders as an "accidental fall from a ladder".

J. Arlo Mullinix

About the Gaimon episode, you'll see a lot of diversions in One Piece because so much of it is about the adventure and the world itself. Oda really has the soul of an epic fantasy novelist because so much of what he does is meticulous world building. I've noticed a lot of fans of western fantasy novels tend to really get into One Piece and I think this a crucial reason why. One Piece doesn't really rush from one plot point to another, so much as it tours through its world, wanting you to see all the sights and meet the people who inhabit it. The great thing about One Piece is how sneaky it is about its setups and payoffs. There are times when you don't even know there has been a setup until after a big payoff and you see it in hindsight. So far, it really is an incredible achievement in longform story structure. Yes, it gets slow at times but it really does form one of the most vibrant and imaginative fictional worlds ever created. And now this is where One Piece gets good and where Oda learned how he was going to structure his arcs from here on out. In my opinion, next episode is where One Piece becomes One Piece.


its a valid theory if it weren't for her promise with zoro


tbf this is only a sentiment most will start having once they get past the East Blue saga and learn ...more about the world


I feel like the fandom is pretty much 50/50 on the "suicide" vs. "meaningless death cause that's life sometimes" thing (especially since the latter is much more in line with Zoro's motivation and its authorial intent)


People try to give a deeper meaning to the stairs death thing but im pretty sure its just what it is a sad death that can happen to anyone. Like the Master said Humans are so fragile. You can have the biggest dreams and ambitions but death can come out of no where.


The filler guide has eps 54 and 55 as pure filler but there are two canon scenes. One at the end of 54 and another at the beginning of 55 where they are stuck in the CB. Without that, you won't know about the CB or its inhabitants until much, much later.

Jn Whalien

If you watched something filler-ish but actually canon, it sometimes for bonding or something with characterization. It was to show each other (+ to us as viewers) what kind of person they are. It might be a small detail but relevant for their character and for getting to know each other (Ofc you can also theorize if the new character will show in the future arcs and their relevancy as well). Also it's the adventure that matters. <3

Jn Whalien

This early on, it's logical to think that it's the friends we made a long the way, we call it bullshit now since so much already happened 😂


Oh yeah sure at the end of East Blue saga you don't ACTUALLY know anything about the One Piece world yet


I thought they've seen some parts of the zoro flashback already in One Pace already


what are the next anime suggestions has anyone recommended parasyte ive been wanting to re watch it it would be awesome if y’all reacted to it 🙏

Michael DeArmas

Just fyi that theory comes from a misconception that "falling down the stairs" is a euphemism for suicide in Japan. This was false information spread throughout the One Piece community as a theory but has since been debunked by native Japanese fans. That being said, I think the idea is still valid and interesting to think about.


Don't be so confident about not getting spoiled. I unfollowed One Piece page on FB so I won't get spoiled because I stopped watching the episode when Wano arc started (because I love to binge-watch) but I still got spoiled on One Piece in Naruto page I followed. So many spoilers everywhere.


I'd like to suggest for the later episodes, especially when you reach grand line, not to read the episode title because sometimes it's a spoiler (more of a tease but still..)


Idk how far you guys are ahead of the uploads, but in case you didn't catch the warning recommendations, please don't watch the title cards. It going to get even more spoilery later on. Just closing your eyes should be fine until Luffy's voice stops reading the titles cards.

Hend Taha

will you react to Toyko revengers anime , it is very good anime , you will really like


Gaimon is such a meme, but people be making theory about him these days lol


Just to add some nuance, dojo is a place for learning and training, mostly martial arts but it could be anything. For Kuina's father dojo, it seems like a dojo for swordsman but in other places, there are dojo for karate, judo, etc. (In recent days there's even software development dojo lol, just using 'dojo' as a word for learning place) So Zoro might not know anything about sword at that time, and just wanna beat strong guys in dojo but ends up in swordsman's dojo so he has to learn sword 😂


Oh my god the irony of Luffy showing off his flag here right after I just watched the latest episode of One Piece 😂😭


I can't WAIT for you guys to reach the Loguetown Arc, Luffy and Zoro's characters get a bit more depth there

Galaxy Shogun

I thought so too. Just checked One Pace put it in episode 2 they did see it already.


It's Gaimon. One of the running gags in the community. Its just a joke or is it...


Maybe it's a little to early to ask, but are you guys planning on reacting to the one piece specials and movies? While there are some boring ones, some of them are a must watch in my opinion😁

Lucas Crismond

At this rate it'll only take about 6 years to catch up to the anime 😅


Nah it’ll take them 3 to almost 4 years at max

Monkey D. Luffy

As the story progress you guys are going to love Zoro even more.

Lucas Crismond

Yeah to where the anime is now but it'll have 200 more episodes after those 4 years so it'll take another 2 years to watch those


If nobody has told you yet, dont read episode titles, they spoil episodes for you

Liana Pagodova

not always tho I mean I watched them all and wasn't dissapointed one bit. And I hate spoilers

Liana Pagodova

Oh trust me, nobody has found the One Piece yet, and it definetely holds something big that when someone finds it the whole world will know, I promise you that. Keep watching One Piece and come to your own conclusions but it's not just some joke

branco marolia

You guys are definitely in the right path when it comes to kuina keep watching to find out 🤣

Darren Metts

They might be right cuz this gaimon episode is literal manga canon and well we all know what happened in that flashback in that arc