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We also watched the last little bit of episode 71!





cant believe its been done. i love you both. mashallah.

Jay Jay


Saith Uchiha

Thought I’d be first knowing it’s 1:25AM


Been feening for this lmao 😂😂

Kyndra Carr

Yaya! Glad you skipped filler episodes!

Sam F

This is it! This is the true start to Shippuden ladies and gentlemen

Khalid Arzamendi

Think we need an extra day of naruto this week for the tardiness 😏

Troy Straughn

Yessss been waiting for this!


Shippuden bout to REALLY start from now on. Get ready for an INCREDIBLE ride ;)


Biiju i believe


I can’t wait for these few episodes! 👀



Saith Uchiha

Edited. Hidan is from the village hidden in the Hot Springs. the guy who needs eye drops is from the village hidden in the Waterfalls< this is correct

Saith Uchiha

Yes the 2 tails is from the village hidden in the clouds

Saith Uchiha

Fun fact the Jashin religion is/was real


Also to clear up confusion with kakuzus map, that isnt specifically to target the tailed beasts

Saith Uchiha

So sad how they literally crucified Yugito Nii (2 tail jinchuriki)


Let's GO! I just made Ramen and thought I would check again to see if it dropped.


Animation looks and moves different between episodes because different teams work on them (outsourced or in-house or mixed). The artstyle changes depending on who was the animation director; for example, 72 is Eiichi Tokura (Studio Mouse). 73 is Kumiko Horikoshi (Studio Pierrot).


This is one of my favourite arcs


These episodes are where Naruto Shippuden gets real good. The episodes before this were okay but not as good as OG Naruto, in my opinion. You’re in for a treat for the next hundreds of episodes 😮‍💨🔥


I'm pretty sure Hidan and Kakuzu knows the general location where Naruto is, but the reason why they went to the temple was because the monk there (that they fought with) had a huge bounty on his head and since Kakuzu is in charge of Akatsuki's finances and is obsessed with money, they went on a little side mission since it seemed like the location was pretty near to where Naruto is. It's like, "we're on our way to get Naruto, but we might as well get some money on the way there", type of stuff XD Not a spoiler btw, all of these were mentioned in the episodes :))


Idk why but i just love watching yamato and kakashi interact its just so hilarious for some reason. Or thats just because they are two of my favourites.


Hidan and kakuzu are sick can't wait for you guys to find out more about their powers etc.

Saith Uchiha

You can look up the nations in the Naruto-verse. I don’t believe it’s a spoiler. I will say the Mist, Leaf, Cloud, stone, and the Sand village are kinda the biggest/superpowers so when war breaks out between these villages the smaller nations like the Village hidden in the waterfalls for example get caught in the crossfire. This is not a spoiler we have “super-power” nations that could fuck up a smaller nation if they’re in the way of a huge global war.

Takezo Nara

So it starts... Shippuden's finally starting the engines.

Saith Uchiha

Last comment even tho your sick u still r the most beautiful couple I’ve ever seen. One of my best friends fiancé is pregnant rn. I have his blessing to be an uncle towards this child (it’s a baby girl). If you guys have children they will be beautiful. Except Ron is 60 n prob not fertile anymore ;)


I want a comfy hoody to sleep in like that. A hoody comforter/douvet

Saith Uchiha

I won’t say my Fav Character yet but that’s very different (besides everyone love Kakashi) I’m surprised Yamato is one of your favorites in the whole show but I respect it.

Saith Uchiha

Also Itachi n Kisame already found him In the OG Naruto. Think that makes it clear lol


We need more days for Shippuden! 🥲🥲


Thoughts on doing more Naruto reactions per week??? no pressure or anything just wanna see if its a possibility? <3


Tailed beast = Biiju


True aye but I was thinking more after they finish a different show maybe they could fill that slot with more Naruto?

Uku Kivisild

Joined patreon when you were just watching demon slayer and MHA, it's been great to see you make it a full-time thing! That and some things Ron said kinda motivated me to quit my job a few months ago and now I am a tattoo apprentice :D Hope you remember the positive comments when you are having down days :)


But i thought Michelle said that she read until the story of Kakashi. If it is like that then you must have seen or read this arc already but regadless you would enjoy it much more if you don't remember or if it's your first time watching it. Let's gooo💪🏼👌🏼🔥

Ahkenaton Furdge

Yeahhhhhh, congratulations . You’ve met peak

Juan Jose

We need more episodes 4 episodes ain't enough. 2 more episodes on Friday would be great!

Maks Lesniewski

Actually, from what I heard, in the manga, Kakashi's backstory arc is the first arc of what we'd call "Shippuden", so no.


Exactly what i thought cuz they literally found him in an instant

Justin Walkins

Hidan isn't from the land of grass he's from the village hidden in hot springs.


Fyi just cuz its called the hidden leave village it doesn’t mean its actually hidden, this aint hogwartz 😂

Maks Lesniewski

It's a similar symbol, but it's not Grass. It's a small village that is only mentioned in the databooks, and later in an episode of Boruto, called the Village Hidden in The Hot Springs.

Justin Walkins

Kind of a bummer. The first three filler arcs give a ton of info plus you get to connect with the monk Chiriku that just died instead of him just coming off as some random.

Justin Walkins

In case you were curious, the filler arc covered Chiriku (the monk that was just defeated) and Asuma with the guardian Shinobi twelve. There's also a monk with jinchuriki power that isn't a jinchuriki, Sora, who's dad was an evil member of the guardian shinobi that tried to assassinate the third Hokage. A lot of other things happen like zombies and so on but it's not that important.

Maks Lesniewski

So, a couple of things there. First, the map with all the crossed out villages/nations wasn't a list of all the villages they took a tailed beast from (because not all nations on that map even have a tailed beast), but it's more of a map of the places they've looked for one. Second, the reason you might have recognized Yugito's headband is because the shinobi who, in Neji's backstory, tried to kidnap Hinata, and was subsequently killed by her dad, leading to Neji's dad's death, was from the Hidden Cloud.

jarob vollaire

LETS GO nothing but goated arcs from here on out in my opinion, and each one gets crazier and crazier.

Alex Sazo

Man I can’t wait till you guys get to the later episodes, this show gets so good


if you didn't notice, kakashi called yamato "tenzo" at the end of the last episode..

Saith Uchiha

I somewhat agree but there’s way better filler I’d like them to watch.


I love the first two arcs so shippuden that we watched already but when People say this is where it really turns up they’re right


Don’t you think yugito being from that village kind of doesn’t make sense later on in the story?? If you know what I mean


The Akatsuki knows that the 9-Tails is in the Leaf Village but they still have to find him. This goes back to the meeting that Tsunade had with the 2 advisors. The advisors were trying to tell Tsunade that Naruto should be kept under lock and key inside the village at all times for security purposes. Tsunade's counter argument was that Naruto should be left free to roam and go on missions outside the village because it'll make him harder to locate

Maks Lesniewski

I think I know what you mean, and I could try to make a case defending why that is, if I really wanted, but 1) it doesn't bother me to the point of wanting to defend it, and 2) I can't say anything about that right at this point.


Oh there are evil bad ones in the Akatsuki. You'll see. I dislike this pair the most.

GD LoreRiley

She also said she only watched half of OG Naruto....Nobody knows at this point she could have finished Next Generation for all we know

Joshua Muratti

The fillers that you skipped were literally a whole backstory of him and his old piers


Ain’t no way Michelle called the two tails a meerkat lmao


Lmaoo “we know u dk Shit” is crazy 😂🔥


Ron's suspicion about Shizune cracks me up everytime hahaha. (or does it...?)


To be clear, Akatsuki has just captured one and two tails. Those Xs were marks of Kakuzu's side job. I guess that, since he's interested in money, he takes missions in other countries for money.

john collins

lfg!! 90 episodes until the peak of all anime lmao


It's great that you guys are skipping fillers! As everyone's saying, it just gets better from here on. Looking forward to the theories you guys will come up with.

Yanis Michalowski

I know there is a lot to catch on so I'll try to make things simple regarding Akatsuki's status. When you got introduced to them it was 9 members. 1. Itachi 2. Kisame (shark guy) 3. Zetsu (plant guy with half black half white face) 4. Sasori (puppet) 5. Deidara (explosion) 6. Hidan (triple bladed scythe) 7. Kakuzu 8. ? 9. ? (there is a guy who seems to give orders, a leader ?) Now sasori is dead, but remember after his death some guy took back sasori's ring and he said he want to join


I can’t wait for the next arc, I feel like ron gonna fw sasuke way more. This arc got some fye fights too

Arbulon Rexhepi

Please add another day of Naruto, Friday or Saturday would be awesome.

Yanis Michalowski

also the giant thing that absorbed Gaara's beast in the cave was showing its hands and the 9 members standing on each finger (one finger was empty, since I don't recall it being revealed yet you can make up your own theory).


so u know the monks and asuma had an arc in the fillers u skipped thats why naruto was in hospital just saying

Aidan Ross

Love this arc so much. Sick training arc, more depth in the akatsuki, and the most goated intro.


Hmm this is getting good? In retrospect, Naruto shippuden anime for me was at this point was a vastly inferior product to the first anime. quite boring but this arc is where it starts to get solid


This is when shippuden really starts to get crazy

Joshua Moua

That Gojo hoodie is fire.


Kakashi Gaidenwas in the manga between OG and Shippuden, but for some reason in the anime it was pushed way back. I actually would have preferred them to react to it in the manga order since it sets up a couple neat things more smoothly than in the anime, which could have been cool to know before Shippuden but it's not the end of the world, they will get there eventually.


actually it is. The villages are inspired by real life hidden villages in Japan's history. The purpose is that the villages are hidden in order to avoid getting infiltrated or attacked. So basically, Leaf village is hidden in a forest behind leaves, Mist village is hidden by the mist surrounding it, Sand village is hidden in the desert which makes it hard to travel etc


Just cuz its hard to travel to doesn’t consider it hidden you can still travel to the village at the end or the day

Ahkenaton Furdge

ron saying this is his best show without seeing any of the best arcs on this series is so wholesome. cause same. I knew in the gaara retrieval.


More Naruto Shippuden videos please, it will be so good with your reactions


That map wasn't showing Jinchurikki that they killed. Akatsuki members are assigned one each. The map was just showing areas they searched for theirs.

Michelle Lam

WOW lets go! That is so dope! Love to read this! We are rooting for you! Chase your passion! Please keep us updated on how that is going!!!

Saith Uchiha

I wish we were homies irl you guys seem like such good/cool people. I love you guys even if this is just the internet

Takezo Nara

True, still in order to get to the fifth we need to go all the way up. European here, sorry we drive manuals.


This is false. They mentioned in an earlier episode that they had 3 or 4 of them at that point.

Mary Fuller

I believe Hidan said it because Kakuzu didn't tell him what they were up to

Jay rellim

it's nice to see these iconic animes hold up well today. There are def things i can complain about, but one thing the author does super well is show Shonen Jump's motto , "Friendship, Effort, Victory", in Naruto and Shippuden. Readers/Watchers love that kinda stuff regardless of age or time period


They have also been introduced to Tobi (Akatsuki member in the mask) who replaces Sasori back at the end of Kazekage Retrieval Arc episode 32


Kakashi's story is supposed to be before Kazekage Retrieval. It's why they were confused in some of their reactions. There were some things you were supposed to know before the first arc of Shippuden


Ron at episode 500: "Shizune is supsicious"


Yeah, if Kakuzu told Hidan about it, i don't think he'll cooperate as much or would just whine about it (like he's been doing throughout their journey)


ron will get absolutely mind blown with the amount of plot that comes in around 300 episodes


yes the filler does show them and other akatsuki capturing tailed beasts. Don't forget that the "filler" is just content that wasn't in the manga. Kishimoto had a tight schedule and editors breathing down his neck to move forward with the plot so he sometimes didn't have time to cover some of the other stuff he wanted to. A lot of the fillers compensate for that, and some have important backstories adapted from novels aproved by Kishimoto, but are "filler" because they weren't in the anime.


"Maybe she will help teach naruto" hahaha sadly not the Akatski is too strong

Rik De Greef

Can’t wait for them to see Naruto’s new Technique!

Rik De Greef

I can see that Ron already considered this his fav anime. Just you wait my guy!

Yanis Michalowski

I thought he only said that now that Sasori is dead, a seat is vacant… we don’t know yet what happened. From what I remember.


I reviewed manga sources again, and it seems they've captured a lot of tailed beasts near this point. The anime and manga contradict a little in this regard. My bad. Thanks for the correction.

kirk poss

The animation went to widescreen awhile back and recently went to hd. It’ll keep getting better throughout the show.

John Doe

I feel like I'm appreciating Naruto's greatness the more times I come back to watch this show. Literally a genius in his own right just like Sasuke, Neji, and Lee with what he is doing. For them to increase the bridge length after telling him how much power he needs to have so Kakashi recommends keeping the clones to a minimum even though he can do more. Naruto does more and still can perform the technique. Not to mention using only his chakra, not the Kyuubis which requires an enormous amount of chakra reserves to do what he is doing.


Watching Ginger saying Naruto is his favorite Anime made my day, This is just the beginning of Akatsuki. This team seems Unstoppable. There will be so much.... PAIN.


not the plums xD

Anthony Cano

This is probably one of if not the best archs in Shippuden. Hidan and kakuzu are my favorite Akatsuki team

Saith Uchiha

Makes since I’ve watched Naruto OG n ship 5-6x it’s copium show anytime I’ve had a prolonged traumatic event I rewatch Naruto


Michelle sus o_O

Nati Sabio

buy they have 3 days for another shows so I think It is possible

Charles Liu

Hey guys wanted to mention yall can watch all the openings, I highly recommend it forreal


The filler you guys just skipped covered the 6-tails Jinchuriki, as far as I remember it's the only one that's shown in fillers. But it has fillers usual low-quality, and it is content that wasn't on the manga, so it's optional.

Renzhong Zhu

god damn just watch that op and ed if u want it so bad LOL

B rub honeycomb

Itachi is from the leaf, he would know where it’s at

Igor Costa

This show is great, but ithas alot of things that does not make sense


The village hidden in the leaves is a village within the Land of Fire just in case you weren’t tracking that


Yeah, in the actual story, Naruto was never in a hospital.


Fillers will create even more confusion. They will start questioning why Naruto and other characters don't use certain jutsu and techniques, or to even start wondering if X filler character will return to help or whether new/known characters have the ability to use filler jutsu. Fillers were created by Studio Pierrot just to avoid catching up with the manga, they're just a mean to let the manga go forward.


"no Jinchuriki here" could also be related to the filler episodes. If you recall in an earlier episode Naruto had a "dream" about a beast-like monster. This was from a monk in training that was at the temple. He had some tail beast chakra sealed inside him so he was like a "pseudo Jinchuriki" (has chakra of a tailed beast, but no actual beast sealed within them). They may not have suspected Naruto was there, but there was a possibility of another Jinchuriki being there. Also, they didn't mean Naruto is the last one. Each Akatsuki duo has their own quota to find. Hidan and Kakuzu basically need 1 more for their quota. There are still other Jinchuriki out there.

Living Tribunal

they are searching for jhinchuriki not particular one


Ichibi => One Tail (also known as Shukaku) Nibi => 2 Tails Sanbi => 3 Tails Yonbi => 4 Tails Gobi => 5 Tails Rokubi => 6 Tails Nanabi => 7 Tails Hachibi => 8 Tails Kyubi => 9 Tails


Some fillers cover a bit of some jinchuriki backstory (mainly Rokubi's in 140~150 episodes, Sanbi after this arc and Nanabi's much later in Shippuden). Note that the fillers before this arc covers a bit of Asuma's backstory.