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Already feeling a stronger bond with the anime characters!



bow wow lmao


Don’t let people saying certain arcs are slow, bad, or good sway your opinions about the show and it’s arcs some people have different Tastes


Ciara and bow wow lol

Jn Whalien

people keep telling reactors about the pacing like bruh, give it a rest. let them watch one piece in normal pace like yall can just skip the episodes however you want but don't make the reactors doubt their decision to watch this. they're not in a rush like you

Michael H

“Weak arc” for One Piece is still a decent arc for most shows. One Piece standards are just different.


usopp didnt miss and hit zoro. rather zoro stepped in the way to block it. zoro didnt want the enemy to target them


Calling it right now… episode 1062 will solidify a tattoo on Ron. 3-5 years to see if im right haha 😂


Luffy is way physically stronger then portrayed in the LiveAction


@michelle the statement that the important characters are shown in the live action isnt completely true. Without spoiling, there are some characters we should have seen in the live action that later come back in later arcs playing pretty big parts, so im curious how the live action will handle that later on

Minori D. Hunter

it seems like you guys missed a point. Usopp didn't miss that shot, Zoro took it on purpose so those cat brothers don't start attacking Nami and Usopp.

Juan Contreras

Enjoy the funny parts while you can. I sure miss them 😭


Yes, they were distracted as always and weren't paying attention to what was written, but that's not really a big deal here.


I think Usopp actually wanted to help Zoro twice but Zoro and Nami stopped him :') He assisted with a shot but "missed", and when he offered to get the swords so Nami wouldn't have to go, he was turned down due to injuries. I admire Usopp despite getting pretty beaten up (probably for the first time??) and being a scaredy-cat (hehe) he's trying his best and keeps fighting his own way ( ˶'ᵕ'˶)੭


dont worry, Usopp never missed a shot :)


I didn't realize how impactful the live action was to Zoro and Nami shippers


The humor and sound effects are so over the top and almost weird because of the era. It's like that with a lot of old anime but especially with one piece


Waaaay too many insane moments happen before that


I cant wait for yall to get passed where the live action stopped so yall can compare the live action to the anime instead of the other way around.


I love how Kuro pushes up his glasses with his palm. If he tried to push them up while wearing his claws, he'd cut himself, so that's like a habit he must have developed when he was pirating. Just one of those quirky Oda details lol

marty s

don’t listen to the comments LOL one piece fans r notorious for caling every arc trash, just enjoy the anime it’s an adventure


The live action did amazing, I'd say this captain kuro arc was one of the ones where they did the arc better then the anime.


Michelle your singing voice sounds so pretty 💕💕


You guys dont realise yet just how much of a big deal it is, that Zoro even managed to find the shore on his own xD


Yeah, I’ve been saying Luffy looked and felt a lot weaker in the Live Action for awhile. I think it mainly had to do with the budget on the stretching and the actor not being able to do certain stunts so they couldn’t go all out. And for Zoro, he felt and looked way stronger than Luffy in the Live Action but in the Anime/Manga they’re somewhat “equal” at this point of the show. Luffy is probably a bit stronger though


Also, Luffy not being able to find his way North was way too funny 🤣🤣 Never rely on Luffy & Zoro for directions lol, they definitely wouldn’t survive without Nami as their Navigator


Some running themes/gags were cut down or made more subtle in the live action, like for example the constant theme of Zoro being absolutely terrible at navigation. It was slightly hinted in this arc in the LA when Zoro climbed up the well and was on his way back to the mansion when he ran into Luffy and the marines going to the mansion, which hinted that Zoro was actually walking in the wrong direction. In the anime it's more clearly shown. Another thing is Luffy's obsession of having a chef and a musician on his crew. It wasn't mentioned a single time in the LA but in the anime Luffy expresses those as what he needs most in his crew. Which is hilarious considering if you wanna find the One Piece, one would think that you want to recruit the strongest and most skilled pirates and fighters but Luffy being the empty headed dude he is, he just wants food and music

Chelsea (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-18 21:10:44 I overall agree with the feeling of having a deeper connection with most of the manga and anime characters, even though for me there were a couple of characters I liked better in the live action then the anime but that's my personal opinion, anyways I digress. I think when it comes to the live action vs the anime characters, the difference in feeling a deeper connection with the anime characters has to do with the fact that with live action actors, you are inevitably going to have some of their own personalities bleed over and in to the characters they are playing and they can only make the manga and anime characters look and act as close to the source material as possible. Like the show runners have said, don't expect a live action anime adaptation, expect a live action manga adaptation with a more real world approach and feeling.
2023-11-18 21:05:37 I overall agree with the feeling of having a deeper connection with most of the manga and anime characters, even though for me there were a couple of characters I liked better in the live action then the anime but that's my personal opinion, anyways I digress. I think when it comes to the live action vs the anime characters, the difference in feeling a deeper connection with the anime characters has to do with the fact that with live action actors, you are inevitably going to have some of their own personalities bleed over and in to the characters they are playing and they can only make the manga and anime characters look and act as close to the source material as possible in the live action. Like the live action show runners have said, don't expect a live action anime adaptation, expect a live action manga adaptation with a more real world approach and feeling. I think one of the biggest things the live action has going for it over the anime is that they have the ability to add certain things here and there from the foot notes of Oda, things that we may not see in the anime so even though some scenes or characters from the anime might get left out of the live action, maybe we'll still have the chance to see some cool new action scenes (like Zoro's introduction), etc...

I overall agree with the feeling of having a deeper connection with most of the manga and anime characters, even though for me there were a couple of characters I liked better in the live action then the anime but that's my personal opinion, anyways I digress. I think when it comes to the live action vs the anime characters, the difference in feeling a deeper connection with the anime characters has to do with the fact that with live action actors, you are inevitably going to have some of their own personalities bleed over and in to the characters they are playing and they can only make the manga and anime characters look and act as close to the source material as possible in the live action. Like the live action show runners have said, don't expect a live action anime adaptation, expect a live action manga adaptation with a more real world approach and feeling. I think one of the biggest things the live action has going for it over the anime is that they have the ability to add certain things here and there from the foot notes of Oda, things that we may not see in the anime so even though some scenes or characters from the anime might get left out of the live action, maybe we'll still have the chance to see some cool new action scenes (like Zoro's introduction), etc...


yeah its really not too big a deal at all i just couldnt let them slander my boi USOPP THE GOAT


adding pacing would be helpful since this is a long series (:


true! seriously, a few days ago I had time rewatch OP because the official channel on yt keep live streaming all episodes, and I still cried in early arcs :'


Fuk pacing the full anime is better just enjoy no need to hurry the anime


One piece is definitely the funniest anime (with the funniest characters), and no, the East Blue arc isn't trash you watch the crew grow little by little and that's awesome ;)


Its not trash but there are definitely other arcs that are way better in regards to backstories, foreshadowing, overall plot progression and animation improvements.

Galaxy Shogun

Apply what you said at 32:40 to the ending of AOT and you may understand a bit more clearly why people think the ending was BS lol


So apparently the author of one piece has stated that there will not be any romantic relationships between the crew, but he also likes to change his mind a lot so who knows.


sometimes the one-pace removes the goofyness of the crew which is a downside of enjoying the crews characteristics. Hope you enjoy it though.

Bryan larsson

The design on kuros jacket looks like two turds


Usopp didn't hit Zoro because of "bad luck" or "no skill". Usopp is a master in sharpshooting, they explained that Zoro took the hit on purpose


Jesus you literally talked over why usopp shot Zoro🤦‍♂️ it wasn’t a “fuck up” it was Zoro jumping in front of it. That was an important scene you missed

The Lazy Genius

29:59 he stil alive? lol nobody dies in one piece