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EDIT: Thank you all for the comments so far! Makes us even more excited for this journey! And thanks for the support and thoughts around comparing! We will compare when natural and just speak whats on our mind. I am sure thats what you all want to see!

lol trying our hardest not to compare to live action



First and zoro is my favorite one piece character and one of my all time favorites.


3 uploads a week nicee


It won't let me go big screen it goes black but i can still hear the video does anyone know how to fix that


The more you compare it, the more interesting it is. However, don't go in the mentality that something was "supposed to happen" in the anime because it happened in the live action, since it's technically the other way around😂


nevermind i got confused i thought they uploaded one piece on monday too but they didnt

Yoona Kim

It’s all goods I apologise what I said last week


Usopp is my number one favorite Strawhat. From the beginning. I like characters with flaws that have to overcome them.


Idk if someone has said this but you guys really should try not to read the episode titles./ title card. They’re not bad now but they usually spoil bad. I had to learn the hard way 😭

Michael H

Zoro has waaay more personality in the anime/manga than live action. Nami too actually. Also, I still think you guys should compare. The differences are so pronounced that it’s almost weird not to compare.


As a one piece fan, I would actually like to hear your comparison between the anime and the live action. You guys have a unique perspective having watched the LA first and it could be an interesting topic during your guy's discussion.


I think it’s totally okay if you guys compare it to the live action cause that’s what got you interested into the anime to begin with. I’m excited to see your reactions to arcs past what was adapted in the LA for sure though!


This is just a suggestion but you guys should skip their title cards they contain a lot of spoilers like everytitle is a spoiler


Usopp was the one that I dislike the most before I watched One Piece, because of his look 🙏😩 but later I found him one of my favourite characters because he’s funny and one nice guy 🥰


The entire East Blue Saga is build up (The show condensed it all minus two Arcs into the 8 Episode Netflix series) That's why it's kinda slow

Florian Martin

It's fine if you compare, you won't be able to do it for long any way :D Live action goes to episode 40 i guess, after that you are absolutely clueless


Yea idk about other people but I don’t mind if you guys compare to the live action, and yea it won’t be as action packed as some other shows you guys are watching (these eps are from 1999 so pretty old for an anime) but you’ll see it slowly improve as time goes on but as always appreciate the honesty in your reactions! That lil nas x comment got me too lol Illmatic still one of my favorite rap albums of all time


I think it's fine to compare when it's about things like the fights, characters and general flow cause that's kind of part of fun in getting to see two different versions of the same show! Tell us what you like more in one version vs the other! But maybe don't focus too much on the specifics like the sequence of events and trying to figure out what happens when and where because that's what's going to end up getting confusing considering the live action had to compress an entire arc into 8 episodes


Im speaking for myself, but i believe most people will share the same sentiment… personally idgaf if yall compare to the live action, its natural, youre rewatching essentially the same story shown in a different way

Minori D. Hunter

don't know about others but imo it's absolutely fine if you compare la to an anime. interesting to listen what you think about it all


Fun fact: Usopp's VA is the same as L's from death note


I know its gotta be annoying coz on every upload people are telling you to do this and that, don't do this and don't do that etc etc There's a right way of comparing. Just don't fill in blanks with Live Action stuff, like assuming Garp is nearby for example. It's okay to talk about how they did stuff differently in the Live action, I think people would WANT to hear that because it's interesting, but questioning the plot because things are different is going to bother some people 👍 Everything will make sense and work itself out 😊 Love you guys and your reactions!


Honestly, this shouldn't be a suggestion. It should be mandatory for all One Piece reactors.

Tom Selmer

I know you have other anime’s to watch, but I think you should try to react 3 times a week instead of 2 🥹 And it’s Roronoa Zoro not Ronorora 😉


Compare if you want, i dont think people really care.


Capitan Usop Is here :D


Usopp's arc here is pretty widely considered the weakest of the early arcs, but it has some really beautiful moments and more depth than the Live Action. Usopp is a character that grows on you 💪

aidan decristofaro

zoro is my favorite character in One Piece at the moment and im on ep 653. So when Ron said he hopes Zoro becomes his favorite I got hella excited for him lol


Don't worry about comparing the anime to the live action, just be aware that the live action made a few rather large changes and lots of smaller ones especially to pacing and the order things happened. The live action was also an adaption of the manga and not the anime, and the anime already changed some things from the manga, so some differences are because of that as well.

Saith Uchiha

Just know R&G you sailed the ship to this adventure. Prepare for one of the best stories ever created.

Evelio Solache

Idk who’s hating but compare all you like because eventually you will catch up to where the LA left off just remember the anime came first so like now yk about the kids who were taken out of the LA but were a part of this arc and ussops origin.

Saith Uchiha

I’d also like to saw ODA (OP author) and Kishimoto (naruto author) are respectable Rivals even Sang-aye or some guy wink* was supposed to be named Naruto but outta respect ODA changed it. ODA made a panel don’t google R&G. With Luffy n whose obviously Naruto eating Ramen.


I think comparing is fine as long as you focus on the story. But if youre thinking smth about "why certain characters or certain events in LA not showing here...? was this scene happened in LA....?" you'll definitely will lose focus. Other people including me not hating comparison, just lost of focus and losing the momentum, and assuming live action is Oda's story. I mean, you guys said by yourself that its not really a good idea to compare.

Ricky Castro

You missed the hat being handed of to Luffy by Shanks thanks to One Pace. So don't expect to see anything about that until around episode 312 for now, that will be a quick recap though. The whole scene with Luffy saying pistols aren't for threatening was a direct quote from Shanks that the live action emulates with the Buggy scene where he tells him you can spill water on me but don't threaten my friends. Comparisons are good! Don't ignore the differences. Half the fun of your reactions are seeing the differences since most viewers saw the anime first and made comparisons in the opposite direction!


I preferred when ya'll compared outloud rather than half sentences every 5 min lol Just keep in mind the anime came first


It's not Ronoroa, it's Roronoa. Your name is in the middle of Zoro's last name. (: And yes, I think he will be one of your all time fav. He's one of mine. :D I thought Killua would be up there too, but you did not mention him.


lol you should just say what you want to say. id rather hear ur thoughts than hear you say to stop comparing. i guess as long as you dont go on questioning why this or that wasn't in the LA since the LA isn't supposed to be a scene for scene copy paste kind of adaption you're all good. but hmmm i wonder if zoro really does become a top 3 favorite character... i def love him more in the anime cos he does have more personality and before starting i did think he'd be my favorite. turns out i love a certain blonde cook more tho iykyk


Like Row row row ya boat. Ro-ro-Noah. Roronoa. They'll hear it pronounced clearly when he fights Mihawk anyway


I think it’s better if you guys stop mentioning “not comparing” every 2 min and just enjoy the anime guys


hi guys y'all really have to watch Dororo someday, is one of the most beautiful animes out there, for most people is the most underrated anime of all and is just 24 episodes perfect for yall 🥹


Ok, this is going to be long but please bear with me while I get through all of this, lol. I personally think that it's fine if you compare the anime to the LA because you started with the LA and while there are of course similarities there are also big differences which are to be expected. However, keep in mind that the LA is based on the manga not the anime of One Piece and that they had to condense a bunch of arcs into just 8 episodes, they also most likely were operating under a set budget, all things that would need to be taken into consideration when creating a LA anime adaptation and Oda (the creator of One Piece) was involved every step of the way so he could help tell them what could be cut or worked around (one thing I personally liked in the live action over the manga and anime is Zoro's introduction scene with Mr. 7). I am hoping that with the success of season 1 of the LA that Netflix will give the LA team a bigger budget and a few more episodes for season 2. Depending on how you get into One Piece, whether it's through the manga, the anime or through the live action each persons experience is going to be kind of different because they all offer a different sort of feel in my opinion. -The live action was made for the fans and by the fans yes, and while they tried to keep as much of the story and characters in as possible, a lot still had to be worked around to fit their budget and limited episode count but at the end of the day I believe that the ultimate goal of the live action was to also get none One Piece fans or complete newbies to anime to watch the anime or read the manga and for the most part I think it definitely succeeded in what it set out to do which is a huge accomplishment for the live action crew and cast. -With the manga you're getting One Piece in its rawest form, straight from the hands and mind of the author with side notes and footnotes that sometimes add extra content to the already amazing series. -Then you have the anime, which in the very beginning had to censor out some things here and there (it was the late 90's and early 00's after all) but over all it has maintained the spirit of the original works for the past 20 years (and counting) and it has some of the greatest voice acting, that really makes the characters and their personalities pop! So yeah I think each medium of One Piece is good in its own right and should be viewed and enjoyed for what they are but there's nothing wrong with a bit of comparison here and there, just try not to let it distract you from the story. Also just as a interesting little side note but season 1 of the live action was shot during covid and because of that they ran into some limitations and issues, one of which was that they couldn't get Mackenyu's (Zoro) stunt team for the show so they had to use local stunt men and they could barely keep up with Mackenyu during the action scenes because he was just too quick so because of that I feel like Zoro's LA scenes suffered a bit but hopefully with the global pandemic being over, they'll be able to get Mackenyu's stunt team in for season 2.


I dont see why the comparing would be bad. its impossible not to plus its better than to tell yourself over and over to not to. Just pause, talk about how its different and keep watching. It's only till Arlong park anyway

Ethan Her

Zoro!!! My favorite character too.


The flashback for shanks and the hat was in episode 3-4 of the anime since you watched one pace they let you watch it with better animation so they already showed it. It was actually chapter 1 in the manga so you've already seen it at this point lol.


Ik but I'm not trying to tell them what to do that's why I said suggestion but yeah I think they need to skip the title cards


Haha I think Ron is just happy his name is in Zoro's name RoRONoa. (even though it's pronounced Ro-ro-no-ah) XD


I love Zoro too. He is my 2nd fave character in OP. 2 specific scenes made him my No.2 fave. Iykyk. The OP journey is a long and slow one and it feels you are the one on a journey with them. It is unlike the fast-paced action-packed modern anime you have watched. Due to the anime studio production company, they have stretched the anime scenes quite a lot to stall time so they would not overtake the manga and start animating fillers. The recaps also take up quite a bit of the episode. You may not get hooked right away like other anime but it slowly grabs and get you hooked without you knowing. And I see no issues comparing the LA and anime. But do just know the LAwas the one that left out lots of scenes from the anime manga and made quite a lot changes too.


usopp has the same VA as inuyasha and i just think that’s really funny 😭😭

Jonas Teigen

Almost every one piece ep have a bit of recap usually between 1-5 min, kinda annoying but at that time they needed to drag out time on the episodes, because I think it was a weekly anime. I am on ep 370 so correct me if am wrong. Also episode titles sometimes have spoilers.

Davis Dambergs

The animation of this show is pretty trash. Only in the very latest couple of arcs the animations really ramped up to really high quality. Until then, it gradually improves but it always has that scuffed, stiff feel to it. Although im not really a fan of toei’s animation in this show so maybe its just the art style itself that doesnt click with me And the pacing! The pacing is soul crushing!! The worst offender up there with some others!! Makes you wanna just fast forward through some of the episodes!! Buts thats 2 negatives amongst many positives. In my opinion at least, everyone has their own. Just saying, be prepared to commit to this as currently there are well over 1k episodes and still going strong!!


For me Luffy is my favourite character, I know it’s boring to pick him cuz he’s the Main Character but fans don’t give him enough credit, he’s the type of character that jokes around a lot but when it comes down to the serious moments he gets shit done


Low-key, I feel like you should compare the live action if yous want. It’s more interesting to say what’s on ur mind

just some random car guy

Crazy action doesn’t start until you meet these guys 🐟🐠🐡


You don't need to force you to be silent about the live action. I think you should just see it as information you already got beforehand. And now you are working with these information to make an honest reaction to the anime. Because you will not forget what you saw. So, it happens that you are more silent because you fear to make comparisons. But that is just wrong. You already have an impression. And this impression influences your reaction. Therefore, you just say what you want to say, even it is something related to the live action. As you already noticed, the anime is somewhat different to the live action. You will have a lot of new impressions even if you have the live action in mind.


Watch code geass if you two fucked with death note heavy, its fire


It's still a weekly anime to this day. And yes, NEVER read episode titles, trust me.


I think I have never seen a Dororo reaction though I really wish there was


You're absolutely welcome! I also recall an interview with a couple of the One Piece live action show runners where they said that while they wished they could have added every single character that shows up in the arcs, it again just came down to money and time, so they had to make some tough decisions with Oda about which characters had to unfortunately be cut from the live action show. Now that you two are reacting to the anime, I'm very much looking forward to you two meeting the few characters that were left out of the live action, at least up to Arlong Park where the live action stopped, after that it's all new territory and stories for you two to discover. I myself also just caught up to where the anime is currently at (1082) and I'm very much looking forward to the rest of your journey watching and reacting to One Piece! Btw, I would highly suggest that if you two ever find the time within your no doubt chaotic and busy lives that you sit down and try reading the One Piece Manga, even if you just do read it during your own personal time, again it just adds another layer and feel to this awesome series!


Comparing the two shows is completely fine! Just have fun your own way


Me too and it really is a beautiful history, one piece is my favorite anime but dororo just got a special place in my heart, criminally underrated too


Sorry, that wasn't a critcism on your comment. I was just stating a fact.


Sorry if its semi spoiler(mod delete this if you feel it is), but Levi’s VA is in one piece too. youll know it when you hear it. Lowkey his one piece character is one of my fav anime characters, i put him above even Levi (my personal list)


SAME OMG and the openings & endings for it😭 I love Queen Bee so fucking much man


Nami was more like Robin Hood when she stole from the marines

I’m me

well luffy has been ranked 1 in popularity votes in every country for every poll


Wauw!! Doesn't know nas but lil nas x 🤯


my opinion might guy is way cooleer then lee but youll see. Zoro easy top 3 favorite all time way better then netflix Zoro.


If you enjoyed OP LA i know you will love OP anime. It just will take longer since there are over 1000+ episodes and the anime started airing 1999. So the pacing and animation is very rough at the start if you compare it to other animes like Demon Slayer. That being said One Piece is THE greatest story ever told, and you will not find anime close to the world building and story building as in OP. Just need to be patient with it. Great moments are not in every episode, but that makes the great moments ever greater when they do happen. Hope you stay focused on the journey, YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT !

j m

The start of the anime has a very slow pace and most people years back dropped it because of it (me included), but I'm one of many who went back to it (albeit, this was when I was like 12 years old, lol) and it was the greatest decision of my life. 🥴 Once you get to the Arlong arc, there is literally no going back. It's where the story REALLY hooks you in, so just wait for that ! I'll keep following you guys !!


I heard Bleach and I'm like, oh.. you talking about my favorite anime. Great! I'm down for that!


I don’t think it’s bad for you guys to compare to the live action, the differences are interesting for sure. I think it’s just important to keep in mind that they’re both different and not expect it to be the same - you’ll miss cool stuff if you’re constantly wondering when something will happen or why it’s different. But yeah, Zoro will definitely be one of your favorites. He’s cool throughout the series, he’s Luffy’s first mate and even though it doesn’t feel like it sometimes - when it does it really does in a cool way. Lol also, you already saw the hat scene - I think that’s really the only major thjng that was in the One Pace at a different point so far, but you would’ve seen it already just in less quality by now. It’s probably best that you saw the updated one honestly.


True, they have every rights to compare, that’s the fun! I would rather see them being true to themselves than restricted 😇


I just realize that you guys would need almost 6 years to caught up with 4 episodes a week D:

Jn Whalien

I can't wait for Ron to meet his hand tattoo competitor (but it's a long way to go)

Jn Whalien

since you are not a reactor you can watch it however you want, heck you can also skip fillers and some arcs that bored you (at the time) since you can come back to it anytime as well (or just wacth with the reactors since it's not that boring compared when watching alone)


This is why One Pace, until they r almost caught up would've been better. But most didn't like it...


Zoro will 100% be one of your all time faves after a certain arc

Ricardo Fierro

im still hopping u will watch the breathtaking world of one piece video...