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Sukuna just playing red light green light mid fight 😂


I know this wouldve been very unlikely but I do wish toji joined the good guys along with Megumi and stayed alive


sukuna is an absolute menace i love it


But damn yo Sukuna bringing the 🔥 (no pun intended 😂)


Oh he said revealing his technique petty because that would make it stronger 💪

Erik ponce (edited)

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2024-06-07 07:39:48 Toji a demon too🔥
2023-11-10 03:53:52 Toji a demon too🔥

Toji a demon too🔥


He was running off of pure instinct so when he got self-awareness back and ask for his name and was happy that he didn’t take the zenin name, he killed himself, so he wouldn’t keep trying kill him because his body was a murder machine going after strong on auto pilot


RIP Toji, went out protecting his son

Cash Caleb

Oh man, I can't wait for next week...

Yoona Kim (edited)

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2024-06-07 07:39:48 This is what you want from Sukuna he is killing every human being in the world just like Light Yagami.
2023-11-10 04:16:20 This is what you want from Sukuna he is killing every human being in the world just like Light Yagami.

This is what you want from Sukuna he is killing every human being in the world just like Light Yagami.

Juan Jose

Be careful with spoilers of getting answers on the comments.

Mason Schutz

Michelle is on the right track: pretty much, Toji was just happy that Gojo listened to him and took Megumi in rather than letting the Zenins have him. His last name would have been changed to Zenin if that had happened. But instead he kept his mothers name (Fushiguro, who Toji also changed his last name for). It’s understandable why he would be happy in that moment of realizing that. And no, he didn’t come back willingly. It wasn’t even supposed to be possible, remember? But his soul was too strong for the grandson to handle. The scene with Toji ultimately killing himself was him realizing that the person he was attempting to kill was his son, and to stop himself from proceeding with trying to kill Megumi, he killed himself instead because otherwise he would keep trying since he was programmed to not stop until he killed his target.


Truly monstrous. I dont see how gojo defeats him, he has lived for 1000s of years too.


My theory as a anime only watcher and this comes from something he says in s1 about cursed techniques I feel he was a sorcerer originally

Erik Torres

Papaguro was just happy that he took his mothers last name and not the zenin’s. Toji also took his wife’s name instead of his own.


the principal was really saying that shoko can heal people with reverse cursed technique on a level that not even gojo can do


I hope ya'll don't read those youtube comments, cause I see a good amount of people in there just don't give af, they will say anything lol

Jake estes (edited)

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2024-06-07 07:39:48 I assume sukuna looks like yuji because it’s literally the same body lol
2023-11-10 04:49:58 I assume sukuna looks like yuji because it’s literally the same body lol

I assume sukuna looks like yuji because it’s literally the same body lol


GoatKuna doing what he does 😤


fr bru😭 - good guys - bad guys - toji - sukuna

Mersefius Akapito

Notice how how sukuna called jogo strong while Gojo called jogo weak.

Ezekiel Saunders

U got to give Jogo some respect cause he fought 2 of the most powerful special grades. He fought Satoru Gojo and a 15/20 Sukuna. Gojo said he was weak and Sukuna said he was the better ones he fought and the Jogo were strong. Both of them were playing around with him


Megumi has kung-fu bunnys 🐇😂 Not sure why he decided to use it against Toji lol 😂 These bunnys are not for "straight-fight" in the manga, only for massive distraction, so it's pretty interesting the anime team did that. But then I remember again they also made Nanami split the fish in domain not in 7:3 form which means they ignored the setting of his technique, so I can't really accept everything the anime team has expanded unless there is a confirmation by the author 🫠


18:00 that Toji scene is easier to understand if you read the manga, because there is a narration/monologue there. The anime decided to cut it out. Anyway, both for Geto and Toji, the author said its not like their soul/willpower/consciousness is still there, its just "an information" of them etched on the body. So it's not something like the soul regained consciousness. Just "an information" that suddenly acted that way, kinda like a bug in an app. Of course it could mean that Toji's care about his son and that makes "a bug" happened.


Sukuna is the definition of black airforce energy😤


Kusakabe is my favorite character, he is a 2nd year's teacher 😁 Glad to see him in action. He's very humanly reasonable, scared of shit happens in Shibuya, but still got that confidence in fight when he met Geto's ex-crews, means he's obviously stronger than them.


Toji didnt come to save megumi he simply had a fight and recognized him midfight and asked for the name and decided to off himself rather than fight his son.


Rather than rewatching, I would to suggest read the manga up to this episode. Because the anime cut a lot of explanation to make it flow as an animation. That's why you won't get it just by watching it. And also there are additional infos that the author wrote on manga in between chapters and fanbook. So rewatching is fine but I don't think rewatching will help anything that you guys confused at 😅


Toji killed himself inorder to protect his son, because the curse technique was still active however toji was able to bypass it by regaining a bit of his memories due to the fact he recognize megumi when they were up close and megumi was about to stab him. I’m his own way, toji was able to rest in peace knowing his son is alive and isn’t fully apart of the zenin clan

Scott Brown

I think Toji understands that he's basically just a mindless puppet and that he won't be able to control himself for very long, so he kills himself so he won't kill his son.

nathes stevania

it just got updated 2 hours ago omg. there’s a lot of comments already. before i watch ur reaction, i immediately watch the anime first then come here right away haha. this episode got me fired up. i hold on not to squeal when i watched this on the bus. anyway thanks for another enjoyable reaction✨🖤

Harsh Sharma

I think a good way to understand Toji's situation is to look at his eye color. His eyes are black when he is fighting Dagon indicating that Toji is not consciously there but just fighting on instincts. This is up until the scene when he looks at Megumi's eyes (Towards the end of their fight) and when Megumi says his name is Fushigoro, the next scene shows Toji's eyes to be like a normal human again, indicating he regained consciousness. IMO he ended himself because he was glad his son did not turn out to be a Zenin, AND also he has no other purpose to be there

Harsh Sharma

Uraume was also seen a couple of episodes ago when she accompanied Haruta (the guy who hurt Ichiji)


Side note: Jogo even said that Sukuna feels the same as Gojo but in a different way. Which makes it even cooler that while Gojo called Jogo weak, Sukuna called Jogo stong. Also...Gambare, gambare, Seeenpai! Gambare, Gambare Seenpai!

Davis Dambergs

Toji essentially has lost himself and is fighting only on instinct. He regained self control when realising that Megumi is his son. After finding out he has his mothers name (Fushiguro), he was glad and kills himself as he knows that 1. He doesn’t belong in this world anymore and 2. He doesn’t want to lose his mind again and in turn hurt Megumi. He was happy to die because he realised that Gojo fulfilled his dying wish of taking care of Megumi.


Toji ended up killing himself because, firstly, as Michelle suspected, he knows that he is already dead and don't belong in this world anymore and secondly, because he didn't want to take the risk of hurting or even killing Megumi. After Granny brought him back, Toji was nothing more than a killing machine who acted purely on instinct. But then, while fighting Megumi, he realized that Megumi is his son and his consciousness came back. He asked Megumi what his name was and was happy when Megumi said his name was Fushiguro. For Toji, this was proof that Gojo fulfilled his last wish and Megumi was not sold to the Zenins. By the way, the people who talked about Geto (I mean the blonde guy, the two girls and the other curse users) were all in the movie with Geto. So they were all part of Geto's group. They're not new.


Do I hear Bleach’s Urahara Kisuke and Aizen in this episode? Kusakabe sounds like Urahara, and the guy with Nanako and Mimiko sounds like Aizen to me.

Sylisen E.

Sukuna is still as today in the manga the most mysterious character in jjk + Sukuna original form doesn't look like Yuji, is a demon figure with 2 fckg FACES and 4 arms !!!

The One-Eyed Ghoul

Gotta feel for jogo, could take down grade 1 sorcerers with 1 shot so he was hella strong but unfortunately the only major fights we see is him getting pooped on by the 2 strongest characters so he seems weak.

Sylisen E.

love your theories discussion , i was having the same with my bro when i red the manga back then !! your truly hooked !!


Toji had no control over his body. If he didn't kill himself he would've kept fighting Megumi and ultimately killed his son. When he got that brief memory and moment of control he took advantage of it to end himself.


yo man sukuna is truly a master in reeking havoc that don’t move shit was so random💀


do you guys think megumi will ever realize that was his father? i mean the only one who recognized toji was scorched like a kebab last episode and you need a wild imagination to connect the dots for how the dead toji was in the game. (manga readers don’t answer me cuz i don’t want spoilers lol). that actually brings another thing to mind will the “good guys” ever know how sukuna woke up or how many fingers yuji ate? bc all those who witnessed it got killed and i can’t imagine sukuna kindly explaining things too but maybe yuji can sense it?🤷🏻‍♀️

Zenru Renari

Loving the theories but guys pleasee try not to Google anything because JJK Manga Reader fans are spoiling everything online. All the manga panels and stuff are being spread around and every character is gonna play big parts so searching them up could lead to another Armin incident that happened with AOt. So if you guys have any questions try asking a trusted friend who reads ahead or mods who read the managa and are ahead so they can inform you without spoiling you. Or even ask us and we’ll tell you if we can. But loving the theories Non the less, great reaction. Sukuna the goat! 🐐 And R.I.P to the Goat Toji😭 Also next weeks episode is gonna be even better than this episode 🔥🔥


27:28 "Don't worry. I won't do anything petty like revealing my technique." So in jjk if u reveal your technique to enemy it makes the technique stronger. It has said before but just to clarify


Toji didn’t want his son to have the last name zenin, that’s why he killed himself.

Vaguely Vivid

Apparently toji sensed sukuna too but didn't want to fight him


Jogo is the most underrated character is the show. As a manga reader, I still consider him as the strongest after Gojo and Sukuna.


this doesn't even make sense he just didn't want to lose control again and try to kill megumi so he offed himself


He realised it was his son because he used the same technique (hidden weapon) that's the hereditary technique they were talking


That too, but he didn’t want his son to have the last name zenin that’s why he smiled when he said fushiguro, they mentioned it in this same season.


Sukuna would've taken the deal with healing Junpei if he could but there are two things to consider. 1) He already made a pact with Yuji so he cannot make another one even if Yuji's offer was better this time. 2) It wasn't made clear if Sukuna can heal Junpei since Mahito's technique affects the soul not just the body.

Edwin John

Toji was currently an uncontrollable killing machine, bc of the seance resurrection, it was a glitch in the spell after the old lady died and Toki's body being unique. He had a temporary realization by seeing realizing this is his son and killed himself so that his rampage would end, at peace knowing Gojo saved Megumi from being zenin


he did not kill himself because he didn’t want his son to be a zenin.. lol, he didn’t want to his son to be a zenin yes but that has 0 to do with why he killed himself


I think he killed himself so he wouldn't hurt megumi , he was a killing machine with only instinct I think he knew him being conscious wouldn't last long so he just offed himself.

Art of Trolling

Idk if anybody knew this but Mappa Outsourced the animation and had many other companies animate this episode

Nicky D

Toji killed himself cuz he can’t completely control his body and once he goes back to being a killing machine he didn’t want to kill his son


From what I understand, Toji was letting his instincts go and fight the strongest jujutsu sorcerer or jujutsu curse. Megumi was the next strongest so he fought Megumi. However, during the fight when he got close enough and saw Megumi, he might have recognized him or the technique he was using therefore he asked Megumi for his name. Remember there was the theory that the body is connected to the soul. It may have triggered his memory of Megumi and his wife's request to take care of Megumi. Based on his memory, he had thought that selling Megumi to his family the Zen'in clan would be good for Megumi if Megumi does inherit the family bloodline curse technique since Zen'in clan values those who inherits the family or powerful curse technique. But as we all know the Zen'in clan is just a distasteful clan who rejects even family members who lack curse energy. Toji asked for Megumi's name to check that it was him. Megumi said his name was Fushiguro (Japanese introduce themselves by their last name) and Toji was glad that Gojo had prevented Megumi from being sold off to the Zen'in clan and he was relieved. He then killed himself to stop himself from killing Megumi.


Nice! I only found Kusakabe voice familiar but didn't notice it was Urahara VA too. You even noticed Aizen's VA for Larue.

Danny Nguyen

Love that y’all are also rewatching!! Makes the discussions in the reactions that much better


ooh Michelle is really playing a dangerous game with all the googling. Especially with the way this fandom is, they've been spoiling shit online left and right. You might think you're looking up something and being specific enough to where you won't see any spoilers, and then next thing you know, you get flashed with a completely unrelated spoiler.


Monk girl was the one who gave the hand sword dude order to kill black suits


First time watcher here: for the end, to add to the discussion Michelle and Ron was having, I actually thought that it was like an unconscious ability that Megumi had?

Matthew Styles





Just a note, Crunchyroll's subtitles were wrong at a certain point. Principal Yaga mentioned that "Now even Satoru (Gojo) can heal others with reversed curse technique". THIS IS WRONG. He cannot heal others with RCT, only himself. Ieiri-san is valuable because she CAN heal others, which is rare in jujutsu society. Principal Yaga won't leave her alone because she could become a major target for the enemy.


Yea avoid googling stuff. JJK right now is way too hot on the internet and too many spoilers.


That’s hella risky googling JJK 😭


I think when megumi used his shadow technique and toji stepped in it he realized he was a zenin and just happen to ask his name, notice too his eyes are white and under the spell their black so he gained his consciousness for a brief moment but probably knew he would lose control again so he killed himself to save his son!!

Yoona Kim (edited)

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2024-06-07 07:39:48 nah i do it too so many new names bruv we cant remeber it all
2023-11-11 06:33:39 nah i do it too so many new names bruv we cant remeber it all

nah i do it too so many new names bruv we cant remeber it all

Yoona Kim (edited)

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2024-06-07 07:39:48 u guys don't google when u don't know a new name damn
2023-11-11 06:34:05 u guys don't google when u don't know a new name damn

u guys don't google when u don't know a new name damn

Yoona Kim (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-07 07:39:48 Big Daddy definitely knew that it was his son
2023-11-11 06:34:58 Big Daddy definitely knew that it was his son

Big Daddy definitely knew that it was his son


I just realized it lol never really paid attention to subtitles because I speak Japanese, but I feel like there are so many errors in subtitles for anime (not only JJK). Seems like manga translation is better but idk why they don't use manga translation for subs.


the reason Poppa Fush Fush killed himself is so he wouldn't unwillingly kill his son.


DO NOT GOOGLE ANYTHING PLEASE!!!! YOU'LL GET SPOILED (don't forget that Armin spoiler 😭)


y'all bold looking stuff up ngl


Nanami cutting the fish without 7:3 bothered me, but I think Megumi used fleeing hares so he could run and move the fight closer to Shoko.


Gojo can’t heal others. The only characters we know can heal others are Shoko, Sukuna and Yuta (JJK0)

Antonius K

Yo please do not look up anything about this series. Spoilers are already crazy enough as it is. Nonetheless I can’t wait for you to see next weeks episode

Savannah cat

The way I interpreted what Tojo did was that he took his life because he was not sure if he could control himself and might have ended up killing Megumi. Because before that split second of lucidity when he recognized his son, he was on autopilot. It was not a guarantee that he would be able to remain in the aware state, so he would have posed a threat to his own son’s life.


OMG can you PLEASE stop googling things !!!! did you not learn your lesson still? when you're this excited and into a show like this the spoiler will hurt even MORE !


I did not know Jogo was that strong. Gojo was playing with that dude like food on a plate. Also now I see why Ron wanted Sukuna back. RIP to the guys but this shit is hype af now


after rewatching this video and read the subs, I just realized that Toji said "I'm glad" is a wrong translation, it's "Good for you". I wonder how many wrong translation out there 🤧


I mean yes he used that to get closer to Shoko but the bunny didn't do kung-fu in manga 🤧 its more like a technique to distract, according to the author, not to attack directly.


Toji killed himself because he was still a murder machine and for a few moments of clarity he was able to make the choice to stop himself before he hurt anyone else.

Sparky Reynolds

f@#$ studio mappa and all there abuse to their animators and directors....so many on jjk just breaking down mentally and physically.... its hard to watch....the next episode is suppose to be even more amazing? but also so many's breaking point..... I think we'll start noticing quality deminishing after the next episode...


You need to handle the urge to spoil yourself, just wait until the season is over and then if you rewatch checkout things. As you will 100% spoil yourself for this season.

Madison Corbett

Toji didn't recognize Megumi for a while; a lot of the Megumi-Toji fights took place over a distance or with shikigami/buildings in the way. When Toji got up close, he registered Megumi's appearance and processed who he was. Toji asking Megumi's name was to see how he chose to identify as an adult. Seeing that Megumi kept the name Fushiguro over taking the Zen'in name meant a lot to Toji. He chose to kill himself over killing his kid.

Camron Mallory

Probably better cause you watched it all without having to watch every other anime known to man at the same time so you can actually remeber something

Dale Diaz

halfway through this episode. not sure if you guys figure it out later but what i got from toji's fight with megumi was, he was just going on a rampage because he resented sorcerers, and he just assumed he fucked everything up with his son when he was alive by selling him to the zenin to basically lose his identity, so when he realized that his son kept his name, he felt the best thing he could do for him was not corrupt him and definitely not harm him. In that moment he was content with megumi being his legacy so he killed himself

Dale Diaz

how will they spoil themselves by re-watching things they've already seen? its just theory crafting


Replying to 3 month old thing, but wasn't in this reaction they talking on checking things from their phone. Which was my point for them not to spoil themselves.

jeffrey chang (edited)

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2024-07-27 02:34:07 Michelle is spot on about Toji killing himself
2024-07-27 02:34:07 Michelle is spot on about Toji killing himself
2024-07-27 02:34:07 Michelle is spot on about Toji killing himself
2024-07-17 17:37:39 Michelle is spot on about Toji killing himself

Michelle is spot on about Toji killing himself