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This was kind of a shorter one because of One Pace, but for the rest of the episodes going forward we are reacting to the actual anime so don't worry!



I can't wait till they get to baratie!


Buggy wants everything to be flashy like Tengen … Also its pretty crazy how much the animation and action has evolved when comparing the early episodes to now. Watching this anime is definitely gonna be a journey but its super worth it.


Let's goooo one piece

Saith Uchiha

I love buggy honestly. I will say my personal opinion the live action Buggy I might like even more than the animated version. They are the same character. So plz don’t hate too much for this comment but I think buggys LA was the best character in the whole LA.

Saith Uchiha

I also would like to add pirates, are not good people even to Luffy he does not believe pirates are “good”.


In the anime, episode 4 is Luffy’s back story(you have see the different version of it), episode 5 is the main part of this episode, the last 1 minute of this episode is the beginning of episode 6.

Saith Uchiha

My last Comment Oda the creator/author of one piece specifically wrote in a panel that there are no romantic bonds between anyone that is a straw hat. I guess that could change, but he did write that along time ago, and he really seems to respect his art. If anyone thinks I shouldn’t say this, you know, the author himself came out and said it because people were thinking it. Please let me know, and I will respectfully delete my comment.


^^ yall should watch the original ep 3 and 4 there's important stuff u missed


Do y'all plan on watching past where the LA stopped?


If y'all keep watching then y'all gonna need to watch One Pace after a certain arc that I won't mention until y'all reach it, pacing gets terrible after it


i do think they should watch some of the remastered versions for the quality though, like zoro vs mihawk, etc


more is better with one piece


This one is criminally short lol excited for wensdensnesday (Idk how to spell it autocorrect gave up on me)


One Pace uses fansubs for their translations, so they called it the Part Part Fruit. Official translations are the Chop Chop Fruit.


Two notes: 1) Pretend the Live Action is an alternate universe. 2) Don't assume One Pace only cuts out "fluff." If you actually watch episode 5, you'll see they didn't cut out much of anything. Just shaved off a half-second here and a half-second there. Remember that One Pace is trying to follow the manga frame for frame. They cut out everything that doesn't match it, including additional backstory that's expanded and fleshed out compared to the manga. This doesn't always work early on, because things are moved around so much.


I think the only thing the live action actually did better is buggy's character. The anime takes the rest

kirk poss

The one piece waaaaaa


Guys, Eiichiro Oda, the creator of One Piece, said himself that there are no romantic relationships within the Straw Hat crew, so no, Nami and Zoro are not becoming a couple or something 😂😂


I kinda wonder if they want us to actually answer them when they ask these type of questions


Ehhh I love buggy character in the anime so I have to disagree with u but I can’t explain further cause I don’t want to spoil for them

Michael DeArmas

Yeah it's slightly confusing so don't feel bad, they just made his hand invisible when they first showed his power to purposely hide what it really is. And yeah, this is part of the issue that people have pointed out with One Pace, they have slightly different translations, some of which I do think are more accurate, some of which just add confusion. This case is actually a little of both. Buggy's fruit in Japanese is Bara Bara no Mi which the official English version of the manga translated as Chop Chop fruit which is how English fans have called it for over 2 decades. Now technically speaking Bara Bara doesn't translate to Chop Chop. From the wiki: Barabara (バラバラ/ばらばら?) is a Japanese onomatopoeia meaning disconnected/disperse/in pieces/asunder. Barabaraninaru (バラバラになる?) means "to come apart/fall apart". The issue here is there is NO English equivalent onomatopoeia for falling apart. Best I could personally come up with would be something like the Pop Pop fruit because the sound it makes when he splits apart is kind of like a pop. Maybe even the Plop Plop fruit. Idk, the point is there's not really a good way to directly translate it. So in a sense Bara Bara translating to Part Part could be seen as more accurate because it expresses more directly the nature of his power being he can split himself into pieces and "fall apart". On the other hand, the reasoning for translating it as Chop Chop is similar. This name more directly expresses the facet of his power that he can't be cut (because instead of being cut and hurt he just automatically splits apart which doesn't hurt him). At the end of the day the vast majority of fans know it as the Chop Chop fruit which has been consistent in the official English translation since the start. So calling it anything else just adds needless confusion.


I cant wait till they get out of east blue tbh 😅


Not sure if anyone mentioned it yet, but the episode titles and the openings have spoilers, sometimes they're big spoilers. Since you've seen the LA it shouldn't affect you much for now, but it might help to get in the habit of avoiding the ep titles and op's for when you finish arlong park.

john collins

I think you guys could consider doing 3 episodes at a time for one piece. If you skip the intro and recaps most of the episodes are only like 15 minutes each.


yes, someone can clip it and whow it to them

Nick McGuire

the buggy hand thing is dumb dont worry about it. also really glad u arent continuing one pace. it doesnt hit the same


Buggy’s Devil Fruit is called the Chop-Chop fruit, the One Pace must have mistranslated it to the Part-Part fruit

Valeriu Irimia

I don't think it's a problem that you compare it with the live action, after all it's your only other interaction with this universe. If you want to react to something that is one piece spoiler free and will probably get you hyped even more to watch check out "The breathtaking world of one piece", it is quite the video.


only one episode ?? SADGE

Rene Salgado

It's not belly but berry

Rene Salgado

Can't wait after along park so many surprises

Saith Uchiha

I think it’s fine he said it a long long time ago in a place called Japan that could be far far away “Knock off Star Wars music starts playing*

Saith Uchiha

I said this earlier the only character that was better live action was buggy and yes, I’m caught up to the anime and manga


One Pace has created some issues lol but its fine, I just feel bad for you guys having to read so many comments with slight corrections 😂 Really digging these reactions and can't wait to see you guys get a bit further in! Sometimes when we first meet people with powers, their powers will be obscured a bit so we don't know what they are straight away. It's fun to guess what's going on before truly finding out


It’s a blessing that they don’t kill each other, not to mention becoming a couple 😆

Juan Jose

Can't wait until next arc after arlong. Until they meet the doctor lol


Nami is a thief who steals only from pirates, that's why in live action I found it's odd for her to steal from marines, it doesn't line up with her policy 😅


Damn one pace.


Ron said it best imo. He gets his crew and then the story starts from that point forward. Very similar to how I see things. Luffy's story starts on episode 1. The Strawhats story starts on the grand line.


No lie, that second half of that episode got me so hyped. Seriously one of my favorite episodes of the entire series.


True but in like ep 3 I believe she was at the military base trying to take the map only to see that Buggy got it. That part in the live action wasn't too far gone, this is from the original anime not One Pace.


Yeah, the crew is all about building a strong bond of friendship. The live-action kinda gave off the vibe that Zoro & Nami would have a thing only because their actors were both extremely attractive. If Luffy, in the live action, had the same conversations with Nami that Zoro did, I doubt people would’ve assumed they’d have a thing tbh


Btw Zoro in the Live Action was good but this Zoro is a lot more fun 😂The Live Action Zoro felt a lot more like Sasuke than Zoro, in my opinion


At the current pace it will take over 5 years for them to catch up to where the anime is at. With 4 episodes a week and 52 weeks in a year. If they do what the OP requested and do 6 eps a week it would be about 3 years for them to catch up. 😅 Part of the reason I was coo with them using one pace at least until after Arlong Park. I mean in my humble opinion, besides the strawhats back stories and certain moments, the whole east blue saga which was already portrayed in the LA for them is one of the weakest sagas of the series…


From here on the East Blue each arc just builds on the last one. Arlong Park and Syrup Village are so much better in the anime. Baratie too in my opinion.

Lu Bu

breh Nami and Luffy arent a thing and you should also consider doing 10 hour live streams LOL how the hell are ya'll gunna catch up :'D

Galaxy Shogun

Thank god they will be reacting to the regular episodes going forward: One Pace did so much damage to their experience in just 5 short episodes. One Piece Anime is a adaption of the manga, trying to cut scenes to make it closer to the manga was silly. One Pace is terrible all around early story.

Ricardo Fierro

at the point that were left on the LA, i think is episode 52 or so on the anime, so u will find more changes and things deeper explained, but i can agree that the LA did a very very good job


No I mean in the original manga there was no such scene of her going to marine. So not only the anime, the live action isn't following the manga concept either. I think that's why One Pace cut that part, to make it more align with manga character. Tbh when I watched the anime it's weird too that she was stealing from other ships too at the beginning.


they should bring back One Pace when we reach the Rebecca arc

Minori D. Hunter

no way we don’t get chouchou flashback(


If you want do more then Two episode can also , it so many fans one piece here it up too you , but health free ❤️❣️


Bro was edgy af. This Zoro has more personality in him




I am so glad we are moving to watching the original. Painful to watch these eps that have so many short comings, cause further down it kind of ruins the tension also. Kind of wish we coukd get these reactions 3 times a week lol but thats just being greedy.

Akmal M

Yes One Pace follows direct from the manga but it strips the charm, humour and goofiness of the anime. Chou chou was filler but was actually my fav part of this arc. I enjoy watching reactors react to chou chou's story hehe. I feel rice and ginger wouldve instantly connected to the anime through that story. From laughing making fun of the human yawn and barks and crying over chou chou' losses.


In the anime Nami steals from non-pirates a few times, her introduction is her stealing from a civilian ship, but One Pace cut that because it wasn't in the manga.


He does exist in the manga… its literally the next episode.


what are you talking about, they will watch the story. Chouchou didn't appear yet, not even in original and they watch EP 6 and after that original

Michelle Lam

happy to explore this as we get a bit deeper into how much time each episode takes. :)


They had to change so much for LA. If y'all are wondering the LA condensed the East Blue Saga (6+ Arcs) into 8 episodes

Michael H

I might be in the minority here, but I say compare away. It’s your experience. Besides, despite how different it is, there are some things I think the live action did better than these early parts of OP.


Zoro in LA has lost some Zoro Anime vibes, but more Law Anime vibe 😅


I am also fine with the comparison. Don't understand why they can't compare with LA. It's nice to understand from their perspective

Vincent Baierl

They literally left soooo much important things out, sure the liveaction was good for what it was but saying its better than this Part of the anime is craazy to me

Michael H

As someone who already knows the story, I’d agree. But taken as a new viewer, just comparing these first five episodes of the abridged One Pace against the first two episodes of the live action, I can absolutely understand how they would prefer the live action at this point.


dood i need one more piece vids PLS

Michael H

Yeah, the LA was good, but they did Arlong Park arc dirty, in my opinion.

Theo Traumato

Buggy is a lot more comedic in the live action? Huh? I felt it completely different, in LA he was kinda edgy and everything was super dark, anime is much more light hearted IMO