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Jeez... Light does not give a F


Saith Uchiha

Unrelated but I’m back in College and I’ve been very overwhelmed with work n school. Im falling behind but when you guys post I feel much more relaxed. Thank you for all the content. Im sure I’ll feel a lot better after watching this and taking a much needed break (been doing assignments for almost 5 hours now)

Devante Vickers

I just thought about it. That mean Light's dad was going to die soon anyways since he didnt die by the death note.

Devante Vickers

He gave up half of his remaining time. That mean he barely had any time at all lol.

Devante Vickers

Honestly, I don't think L ,Near, Light, or Mello have any empathy. It's probably for the best Light is detached from his family. You can't afford empathy trying to do what Light is doing. If he did, he would have been lost.

Maruey Coelho Paranhos

Can someone explain it to me, please? How did "L's team" have 2 notebooks? I only remember one, when L and Light were in the helicopter, but what about the second one? When did they get it? I don't remember. One notebook was Misa's, the other Kira's. They took Kira's old notebook, and then Light took Misa's. That's all I remember.


Rem had the dead shinigami's notebook which makes the total into 3


I think you need to see Mello's face or a picture and only Light's dad saw his face. The only thing they had of Mello was a drawing but I don't think that counts even if Light write's Mello's name. Matsuda and the others also didn't see Mello's face because of the gas mask he wore.

Antoine Cooper

As someone stated above, Light's dad was the only one who actually saw Mello's face there. When the others arrived, he'd already put on a gas mask. That's why Light was so desperate to get his dad to write Mello's name even on his deathbed since Light can't do it himself. Light has only seen that drawing sketch of Mello which isn't sufficient to kill. Also I agree that Light doesn't really care about anyone else at all.

Saith Uchiha

I’ve always been team light tbh I loved L but I wanted to see lights future you can say he’s evil but he thinks he’s doing what’s best for the world. I wouldn’t be as cruel as he his but if I hade a DN I would use it…. The Apple phones we have today made by child labor is real evil no one’s trying to stop it because most 1st Wrld countries use them. The people who decide to use this type of labor are not trying to make the world better. Like even coffee 70-80% if made from MODERN SLAVE LABOR. Esp Starbucks. They just want money in their pocket n I respect that’s not lights goal. Light is psychopathic, but at least in his mind he’s trying to make the world better. I would not say he is 100% evil. He is just psycho


you guys have to watch anime house by rdcworld1 has a lot of characters you’ve already watch and light n L are the main characters, please watch it

okay striker

but that's literally how every infamous person IRL who ever committed atrocities thinks. they all thought the ends justified the means. Plus, we can see that Light is clearly not truly committed to killing only villains. It's just what he tells himself to make himself feel better.

Rene Salgado

I think they're all in the spectrum That's why they're so good at what they do. Almost as if they gave up certain traitsto focus on a few

Saith Uchiha

Ehhh I Still n Always be team light. We are different breeds in my opinion.

Saith Uchiha

Bro does really think he’s doing what’s best for the world . Imo he IS different then ppl associated with the most atrocious people in history

Saith Uchiha

He made the world better. he may be a psychopath but he’s obviously swear enough to get results


Yeah, only Light's dad saw Mello's face so only he would be able to write his name in the notebook


No, that's the one that Rem gave to Misa (Gelus's). Light has one from Ryuk, which was stolen by Ryuk from this new Shinigami (can't remember his name). The third one is Rem's; Light picked it up from Rem's ashes after she died in episode 25.

Yoona Kim

I mean at least Yagami's father was happy that his son wasn't Kira so yeah I feel pleased and sad at the time. BTW whose notebook did Mello take or did he just get away with the explosions also did Sidoh the shinigami get his notebook back?


so sad ,but I'm so glad that his dad didn't use notebook, or he will never go to the Heaven :(

dmc 1219


Jonas Teigen

just wondering when koruko no basket?


Ron, Light can't kill Mello even if he has his name because you need a name and face. Light has never seen Mello's face because and there are no pictures, only the rough scetch drawing.


Also as Ron pointed out, now we can see that Light has spiraled into being a narcissistic sociopath with a god complex. You can even see it in his design, if you watch the first episode again for example, Light has bigger, rounder and friendlier eyes an smiles naturally. Now his eyes look cold and every time he smiles, it's the shit grin he mde to L

Michelle Lam

We are here for you! Keep moving forward, and reward yourself with breaks when needed.

Saith Uchiha

I respect your opinion. I’m not at all saying he’s a good person. I just respect that in his mind he is tryna make a better world. The reason I’d say that is cuz he’s not using the DN for money. I think the people who own Apple n Starbucks for example are 100% evil people who use slavery or child labor to put money in their pocket. In lights mind I will say now he has such a god complex n is obviously a psychopath so I agree he’s not a good person I just wouldn’t say he’s 100% evil he’s just a lunatic. (He at least believes he will stop all evil if he’s the necessary evil). This is one reason this is one of the best shows ever made.


i think he did care about his dad, but not as much as his mission. you can see he genuinely cried when he died. This is a contrast to when L died when there were no tears, just fake panicking.


no he wasn't fake crying here, he had actual tears. when L died, there were no tears.

okay striker

I would argue Light was always like that to begin with. He always took a very brutal approach to the people in his way (who btw are not the people he's supposed to be killing), and clearly just enjoys the power of the note. btw I do like him as a character and what he adds to the plot, but I think it's wild that people actually support what he's doing. i'm not sure how the world is saved by killing off criminals that are already convicted. It's nothing but an excuse he can tell himself to twist his actions into a good thing.

Yoona Kim (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-24 03:10:12 oh i thought u needed a name wtf
2023-10-24 03:10:12 oh i thought u needed a name wtf
2023-10-24 03:10:12 oh i thought u needed a name wtf
2023-10-24 03:10:12 oh i thought u needed a name wtf
2023-10-24 03:10:12 oh i thought u needed a name wtf
2023-10-24 03:10:12 oh i thought u needed a name wtf
2023-10-24 03:10:12 oh i thought u needed a name wtf
2023-10-24 03:10:12 oh i thought u needed a name wtf
2023-10-24 03:10:12 oh i thought u needed a name wtf
2023-10-24 03:10:12 oh i thought u needed a name wtf
2023-10-24 03:10:12 oh i thought u needed a name wtf
2023-10-24 03:10:12 oh i thought u needed a name wtf
2023-10-24 03:10:12 oh i thought u needed a name wtf
2023-10-24 03:10:12 oh i thought u needed a name wtf
2023-10-24 03:10:12 oh i thought u needed a name wtf
2023-10-24 00:59:31 oh i thought u needed a name wtf

oh i thought u needed a name wtf


True, Light was always pretty brutal but since receiving god's power (the death note) his decline to a full blown sociopath went turbo mode. But I would argue that in the beginning he would not have been ready to sacrifice his sister and he was merely testing out the death note on people on death row. Now L managed to pin him down and with Mello and Near increasing the pressure, he's do anything to win. Similarly to how Walt in Breaking Bad had countless chances to stop cooking but got addicted to the thrill of it, Light could have slowed down or even stopped after defeating L but his ego is in the way And I agree, Light is by no means a ethical character, like Eren, but that is what makes him a really interesting character. I always love characters with flaws like Light, Eren & Erwin and Lelouch who aren't your typical anime characters