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Naruto looks so sick in that form! What's gonna happen with grandma chiyo 😔



Just look at his sharigan it looks different. That’s his mangekyo

Hunter Uchiha

Bring back the twitch streams

jarob vollaire

I promise you that they wouldn't have something as important as how kakashi got his mangekyou in a filler episode lol


3rd day of naruto when

C Nichole

Lemme grab the snacks🍿🍷


Man Wednesday cannot get here quick enough lol.

Abdul-Rahman Lawal

No wonder Michelle wasn't crying😂😂😂she remembered that shit😂😂😂


Hope u guys will not skip Kakashi Gaiden Arc..it will show Kakashi backstory & how he get Sharingan

Yoona Kim

Gaara will still have his ability sand powers he just wont have the enhance sand power u get me/

Juan Jose

On this day October 10th, I would like to say happy birthday to NARUTO! Well it's not the 10th already but still.


Michelle is right. You won't find important lore in fillers. You just wait Ron. You'll learn a lot as the story goes on.


Since this arc is very close to over. A cool detail that's already been essentially hinted at. The reason why Sasori hates to be kept waiting is because Granny Chio lied to him and told him his parents would be back soon, never telling Sasori when he was a child that his parents actually died in the war. Thus, Sasori has always resented the idea of waiting for things. (Because of it was essentially his childhood trauma of always waiting for parents).


dammmmm need to wait till wednesday for next reaction


If not for Neji’s byakugan and Kakashi’s kamui, they would all be toast! No matter how many times I have seen this, I cry. Naruto’s dialogue at the end broke me the same as his with Zabuza when Haku died!

Rene Salgado

I didn't know you use to watch the 2x back to back 1993, 1994 blockbuster video game champion and international video gaming super star 😯firm handshakes


oh damn I accidentally deleted my own comment instead of editing it lmao Every Mangekyo eye has its own ability. Itachi's right creates Tsukuyomi, the nightmare realm, and his left Amaterasu, the black flame that can't be put down. Kakashi's Kamui is a black hole. More about Kakashi will be explained later, but he won't spam it since it drains a lot of chakra and strains your eyesight. It was hinted in Shippuden when Kakashi asked Itachi "how much has your eyesight weakened already?", to which Itachi replied "Don't tell me you also..?" hinting about Kakashi having unlocked it too. In the manga more answers were given between OG Naruto and Shippuden about Kakashi but the anime decided to move it later, which is why I at least would've prfered to do the reaction according to manga order to avoid confusion as it is not filler just changed order but it is what it is


Yes all your questions about his sharingan will be explained in depth


Sakura hater never miss <3


*episode 362* michelle: "oh wait i think i remember this" 😭


The Mangekyo Sharingan is nothing but an evolution of the normal Sharingan, but each Mangekyo Sharingan has its own ability. And the reason Kakashi didn't use the Mangekyo Sharingan sooner is because he's not an Uchiha. It's twice as difficult for him to use the Mangekyo than for a real Uchiha

Arbulon Rexhepi

Can you make the frame a little bigger?


Kakashi's mangekyou sharingan will be explained.


Every mangekyou sharingan is different

Sam Al

the mangekyou is the final form of the sharingan not an jutsu itself but an power up that can unlock special jutsu like the sharingan. The sharingan as two pupiles who represent taijutsu,ninjutsu and genjutsu. Itach just specialize in genjutsu with what we seen until now. Essentialy every mangekyou are different and have different ability. What kakashi used was not an genjutsu but an special ninjutsu.


In terms of kakashis eye They kinda hint about it in one of the first couple episodes of shipudden but nothing crazy

Randall Woods Jr

I’m not sure what will happen next I’ve seen Naruto but I don’t remember all the details except the important parts and haven’t finished the whole thing. I’m not going to say where I stopped for spoilers but I thought they would have to protect the other Jinchuriki or whatever

Braden p

Hey guys love the content, the most entertaining react channel I’ve seen just cus y’all’s reactions and chemistry in ur relationship. Keep it up! Oh and it’s Dey-der-uh :)

Prateek Sridhar

Everything gets an explanation, just be prepared to wait a while to get all the answers :p


Idk if it’s a spoiler but she said before with this Jutsu she can even breath life into puppets she made that jutsu for sasori and she’s only able to use it

Brie Reia (bribri0775)

Ron, you are nowhere near the mountain top. You have not seen Pain yet

Ricardo Fierro

just clarifying some little miss here, whe michelle said that the jinchuriki gives them more chakra etc, well, jinchuriki is the name for the people that carries inside the tail beasts, not for the beast itself

Brandon Tyson

Did you just say CHAI TEA!?!?!?


Y’all will learn more about the mangetko sharigan they aren’t all the same.

Aidin the SEX GOD McDickens (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-29 20:33:15 The Adult Swim Show she was thinking of was "The Oblongs".
2023-10-29 20:33:15 The Adult Swim Show she was thinking of was "The Oblongs".
2023-10-29 20:33:15 The Adult Swim Show she was thinking of was "The Oblongs".
2023-10-29 02:31:27 The Adult Swim Show she was thinking of was "The Oblongs".

The Adult Swim Show she was thinking of was "The Oblongs".