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It is with great regret, that I must inform you all, that life finally caught up with us...(I am being super overly dramatic 😂).

But Both Michelle and I got hit with flu like symptoms yesterday, but we thought we could power through it, and almost did. We stayed in, drank tea and rested. And today seemed like we were heading in the right direction...Then, BOOM! Teddy dislocates his knee 😩. So we spent about 3.5 hours at the Vet! He has what is called Luxating Patella (common in his breed), and will see a specialist on Monday.

We are back at the Airbnb now and taking tons of medicine and will just rest. But unfortunately that does mean that we will be late on our uploads for today (HxH and Slime)
:( We promise to power through and get HxH, Slime and Death Note all to you guys tomorrow (Sunday) by the end of the day! But wanted you all to know. We were doing so well too! We havn't been hit with a cold/flu in so long! Sucks its while we are still traveling, but still could be worse. Hope you all understand! We appreciate you guys so much, we wouldnt be here if it were not for you, and we promise to make it up to you guys. :) Love you Sushi Squad! 🫶🏻




Get some rest!! Get well soon you three 🙏🏼❤️

Marianna Garcia

I also thought something happened to teddy 🥲

Angel Garcia

Hope you all get better soon and don’t worry about the videos

TJ Major

It's all good. Life happens, ya know? Take care of your family and we know you'll be back when you can.

Fatguyatwork26 .

health > entertainment yall good 😂


Take your time no worries.

Marianna Garcia

Hope you both feel better soon and that teddy recovers quickly too

Issak Cardenas

Awwww😫 hope all three of you guys will be ok😓❤️ speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹

Chris Bogomas

Hope everyone gets better 🙏🏽take your time

Tomas Barreda (Tomyhill)

Take your time to get better guys! Lots of positive vibes 🤗🤗🤗

Saith Uchiha

I feel like shit rn also. DONT PUSH YOURSELVES TOO MUCH. Get better we can wait. Focus on your health and poor Teddy.


Poor chicken nuggie! Hope y’all get better 🫡


Wish you speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹 take your time, hope you all feel better 🙏

Ashante Chavis

Awww hope y’all of you feel better soon much love ❤️


Take Your Time Guys Get Well Rested 😌 We’ll Be Here


I hope you threee recover quickly. Btw I also had my knee dislocated a few years ago. It was really painfull and could not move for sevral minutes. I even had do to a surgery. Sometimes I still have issues with it. And i hope that poor little Teddy don't have to go throuh that. Best wishes from my side 😘


I hope y’all get better soon, and wish Teddy a fast recovery🙏🏾 I know having an injured pet can be really difficult (& expensive) after my cat had to get hip replacement surgery😓

James Lau

Family comes before work just get some rest and hopefully he gets better. 👍


Thanks for the update guys, but your health comes first. Focus on yourselves and Teddy. We love you guys and know you will get the videos out whenever you can. Get well soon ❤️🙏🏾

jarob vollaire

Damn, take your time guys. Hope y'all recover fast, especially teddy


Health First. Take care and drink plenty of fluids and medicine. Speedy recovery. Teddy 😢

Cadari Johnson

No need to be so apologetic, anyone with pets knows that their health is important and will understand the time you’re taking. Wishing you all the best

Joseph Nelson

Take your time we can wait


Get well soon!! 💙

JP Bandoy

Do not worry about it!!


Take care and get well soon☺️

Tengen Uzui

Nothing but the best wishes! Selfcare and healing is everything

Jordan Crawford

aw man hope everything goes well with teddy and wish yall a speedy recovery! really cant wait to see yalls reaction to this double episode though


You’re all good take care and enjoy your last couple weeks there! We need to go bowling when y’all get back my treat 🙌🏽


Scared me little


Just focus on getting better!

Dale Diaz

Don't sweat it guys. You have the most aggressive upload schedule of anyone I've ever subbed to. I appreciate the standard you guys hold yourselves to and the diligence to keep us in the know but we're chillin. Put your poochie back together <3

Riley C.

Hope you all feel better soon! Being sick is awful, and having a vet emergency on top of that is so much worse

Sid M

Don't worry! Take your time to rest! Hope you guys get well soon!


You good fam, don’t sweat it ✌🏾 rest up!


Please take time to properly get healthy again. We will wait for u. Sushi Squad loves u <3


Take care, rest well and speedy recovery! All 3 of you~

Renzhong Zhu

Stay healthy, no needs to worry about the updates. btw corona new version 2.86 is widly spreading, be careful all u guys


i don't think a single reactor does as much work as y'all ... take as much time as u want (some reactors un ironically leave shows for months without an update even) :3

Skyler Anderson

You guys don't need to worry at all. Rest up!


Someone cursed you. You need spiritu al protection! You think Im joking ...


You guys are really consistent 99% of the time. It's OK to take a break at times too. Sending love to yall and Teddy!


Rest up, feel better.


Rest well guys, i pray for Teddy😭

Amelia Imperial

Thanks so much for the effort. BUT please rest up first we can wait ^_^

Malik Ford

Hope all three of you feel better


Goodness, don’t worry about uploads, just rest and get better and take care of yiur precious dog!

Melker Linderoth


Prateek Sridhar

Get well soon you guys! Please prioritize yours and Teddy's recovery over recording. We will still be here regardless, we would rather have you all better than have an episode sooner :p. Love yall! 💖❤️‍🔥

Caleb Crampton

Take care of yourselves first. We are here to support you for the great content you make. Can only make good content if you are taking care of yoursleves first. Take all the time you need!


Get well soon and take care of your health first and for most.

Corey Rickard

Best of luck to all of you, hoping for a speedy recovery to you all.

Jacob Martinez

No need to apologize. No point in getting even worse just for us. Stay safe and healthy and I wish the three of y'all a speedy recovery

question mark

Take your time to get healthy and get well soon

Brandon Gomez

I have a minpin with the same thing! It barely affects his life though he’s still very mobile too

Elieser Diaz

don’t even worry about us, focus on yourselves!!! I hope it’s smooth sailing from here on out for you guys <3

David Waller

Focus on yourselves and get better, no worries here. Poor Teddy luckily luxtating patella is very manageable. A Glucosamine supplement works well with that if you guys haven't tried it.


Take it easy! No pressure!!!! Your's and Teddy's health is more important! 💕


Luxating Patella? Dude that happened to me while playing basketball (I’m a human being not a canine), my kneecap popped out and it was the most painful thing ever. Much love and prayers to poor Teddy ♥️

Randall Woods Jr

Awww I hope you guys get better soon. I love watching your reaction and love your personalities you guys are funny especially together. I also hope Teddy gets better as well he’s so cute.

dmc 1219

Get well soon guys 😃

Luka Zrnic

Y'all just take all the time you need to get better. Nothing is more important than y'all's (and Teddy's) health. Get well soon and all the best🙏

Ophelia Lau

Take care guys!! Health comes first and don’t push yourselves too hard:^)

Sambat Phu

Get some flu shot you guys.


Always remember your health comes first we can wait it’s alright love you guys take care

Tyler Lacy

health is first always! take as much time as you need


hope it all goes well, do your thing i got no complaints. there so much content on here i could stay busy forever

GD LoreRiley

Bro had me thinking Teddy died.

Troy Straughn

No worries! Hope all goes well!


Sorry to hear all this trouble is going on. Super random but you should put tokyo ghoul on your next watch poll. First few seasons are so good.


Honestly just rest nothing is more important than health stay safe guys.

Leona DiCarryo

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. If you are feeling sick, you should take some time off. Just like with any other job, you should be allowed to have some sick days. And since you are in a fortunate situation, where you are your own bosses, you should really do what you can to put yourselves first. I know it can be difficult, because you feel like you owe us something, but the fact of the matter is, we are all human, and we all need breaks sometime, whether it be sick days, or vacations. You should also be allowed to take time off.

tatu somppi

hope everything goes well <3


Wishing you all a speedy recovery, please take all the time y’all need 👍


I'm leaving to Portugal and from there to Brazil for my gap year. I'm a bit sick so I have to rest so I'll be healthy when traveling. Take care of yourselves and remember to rest, we all need a break sometimes!!!

Alex Boll

I hope you guys feel better! Take all the time that you need; you guys are definitely one of my favorite reactors! We can wait til you get well again❤️ It's not fun being sick and having to bring your dog to the vet.

Kevin Abraham

As much as we want the reactions it’s also important you guys take care of yourselves. It’s beneficial to everyone bc we get quality reactions and you don’t feel ill 🙃. No need to power through if it’s that bad …👀 but them reaction tho


No need to make promises, take as much time to recover as you want lol. Community will understand and just wants you guys to be well.


I thought it was bad news 😭 I was so scared! We completely understand you guys take your time. We won’t leave 💜 appreciate all you both do!