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Watch or skip openings and endings?



Skip them for sure


Since ppl keep telling you to skip openings and endings, mods or us can maybe let you know which episode is safe for you to watch the opening and ending before it changes to the next new opening and ending.

Randall Woods Jr

Usually in anime when you start it they’ll show the intro song at the end of the first episode then in the beginning afterwards in every other episode but yeah you shouldn’t watch it for spoilers.


Predator skill definitely one of the more op skills in anime lol

Jay Like the Letter

You can definitely skip them. I usually only watch them the first episode that they show them then skip. If I remember though sometimes this anime does the outro during scenes. So don’t always skip immediately lol.

Emil Yi

The magician girl's VA may sound familiar but she's a singer I believe. I think this was one of her only few roles in VA for anime. Could be wrong, anyone fact chect?

g c

Definitely skip the intros of all anime plz lol

Divine Simp

I'd say skip the ones from season 2, but if you do, watch them at the end of the series please


Hope you watch Goblin Slayer one day :)

Tony Wallace

Skip too many spoilers


You can decide when you want to watch the OP and ED. Slime Season 1 OP1: Ep2-14 (You can watch on Ep14. It still does show characters that appears in future episodes but you should watch or else you may just forget to watch it entirely.)(But it was played in Ep1 ending so you actually already watched it. Therefore you don't have to watch it again.) OP2: Ep15-24 (Watch on Ep24) ED1: Ep2-13 (Watch on Ep13. It does show a character briefly that has yet to appear in the anime but still to advise to watch before you forget. ED2: Ep14-24 (You can watch on Ep22 as Ep24 the ED plays with the post credits scene so you will not actually see the actual Ending song visuals. Ep23 did not play the ED.)


You can probably watch 1 time then skip you won't remember the op once it's done

Anthony Cano

The Isekai genre is definitely saturated however, this is one of the best out there ez top 5


This show has a lot of scenes after the ending so make sure you guys keep an eye out for those, they can be pretty important

Divine Simp

There's an isekai called "uncle from another world" where the main plot is a guy who got isekai'd for many years and then comes back to the real world, sharing his stories about the other side, it's a great short comedy it should be in the polls moving forward


regarding if there is a anime like X or like Y, the answer is generally yes. Anime is like rule34, if you can imagine it, then there is probably a anime that has it :D but the real struggle is finding said anime.


Ron This is closer to one punch mans style of not being overcomplicated and almost meme like, so not really anything you have to think too hard for, just enjoy the ride and the laughs!

Prateek Sridhar

Whether to watch or skip intro/outro depends on the anime for me. For Slime, I suggest skipping intro/outro until the last episode where that particular intro/outro is being played (you can let Sushi Squad tell you when :p). Do remember though, some episodes, the outro song blends into scenes so don't immediately skip when outro song starts playing :p


I think is important for you to know. 'Isekai' in English means another world. Reincarnate in Japanese is 'Tensei'. It's 2 different words and meanings. So ReZero is Isekai genre because Subaru was transported to another world. However, Slime is Isekai and Tensei genre because he reincarnated and into another world.


Literally cannot wait for yall to get to season 2. S1 is great, but season 2 cemented my love for the show. As for Veledora, The Storm Dragon. Rimuru ate him and the shield so Veledora could weaken the shield (and possibly destroy it) while Rimuru tried to find a way he could also destroy the shield. It also allowed Veledora to not perish to the timer that was put on the shield. That's how I interpreted it.


Don’t skip the intros. The spoilers are spoilers only in hindsight, you won’t get spoiled on anything your first time watching

Sam Al

for your infromation emilia and subaru VA are not in this show. Its different people but their VA are in hell paradise and many great show. Its Rie Takahashi and Yusuke Kobayashi if y'all want to check it out;)

Yoona Kim (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-22 08:33:47 I agree with you Ron this is easier to watch than that mid as Re:zero you guys watch.
2023-09-22 04:27:44


after that you can add to poll Goblin Slayer


Just watch, this isn't a mystery show and people over react to opening showing things you have not seen. Only anime shows that I would say don't watch opening is when it explicitly show what will happen in the anime, not just new characters that you have clue who they are.

Sylisen E.

you can watch the op and the ending, you'll just see characters that you've not met yet ^^ it's as you prefer


Re zero is definitely a top 3 isekai, it kinda sucks because it sets the bar really high when in reality most isekai are just trash shows that get pumped out every year and are extremely mediocre and forgettable. Slime is fairy good compared to most isekai though so im curious if you guys will like it or not. Slime is more of a kingdom building anime than an isekai imo


Also you guys have to watch either mushoku or konosuba after this, top tier isekai for you guys right there

Ron Jackson Jr

I enjoyed Re:Zero all the way, but the cringe episodes were definitely less enjoyable. They make the concept hard to understand unless you guy like that stuff. Subaru pisses me off. No offence but ik I can relate to Ron. He mentions about re:zero in the intro so you can listen to what he has to say abt it

Ron Jackson Jr

This is just my opinion and saying low iq cmon man kinda fk up to say that Ron….

Ragil Pribadi

Plss next Isekai react Digimon... Really rare for people watch Digimon Adventure... miss my childhood

William Glasgow

my thoughts on all anime intro and outro... they are spoilers? but if you are looking for an authentic anime watcher experience then it doesn't matter, because the vast majority of us watched the intros blind as well. and it's more of a teaser at that point


Yeah i agree they are lowkey spoilers, like why show a bunch of characters that we dont know yet and show them in a way that indicates them being either ''good'' or ''bad''. Mushoku did both intro and outros great in comparison to most anime by not showing anything that could spoil story or characters

David Waller

Personally I say you guys can watch the openings/endings if you want. You typically watch them once then usually don't go back to them. I find the whole spoilers in op/ed silly cause you guys are first time viewers with no context. Like it was said on insta people with prior knowledge of these shows are invertertedly creating spoilers with this type of behavior.


You call it ''creating spoilers'' but is that really the case when you see the mc in a completely new form and with a bunch of people you have never seen next to him with smiles on their faces? You have to be pretty dense to not understand that there is a connection even if you are a first time viewer. Its not a huge spoiler ofc because it doesnt disclose the context etc, but still spoils the fact that there is a relation. However i do see your point and i agree they should watch the op/ed if they want. Animes are good at sometimes spoiling and having suggestive op/ed's unfortunately, which is why i only watch it after im done with the show/season


I like To watch openings and ending at the end of the seasons

David Waller

Well calling a first time viewer dense cause the didn't make a connection in op/ed is wild/rude especially since they watch op/eds all the time and do that. And the insta comment came from Ron's post and they already stated in a live stream in the past that op/ed gives them no context or spoilers unless pointed out. I think everyone should let them experience the shows fully instead of trying to tailor they're experience.


It is a feel good anime

Sambat Phu

There are countless isekai, what you describe at the end it's not too far from possible.


Better off to skip it. Although it does give you ideas of what’s happening it’s still spoilers to what you’ll see in the episodes. I always skip intros anyway so I never got spoilers


There is a pretty new isekai where he can travel to the isekai world and travel back to his own world. It’s called “I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in The Real World, Too”


uncle from another world

Troy Straughn

It rly depends on the show. A good compensation is to watch the opening the first time when you don’t know anything or anyone. But then don’t keep watching it cuz you’ll start recognizing characters and traits that would spoil. It’s hard to tell and explain what types of shows you should or shouldn’t watch the opening to, but some examples would be; spy x family you can, but Naruto and other shonen animes you probably shouldn’t until you finish the arc that the opening correlates with. For me when I watched this show, I watched each opening on the first episode it airs on, then stopped watching it, then watched it again at the end. BUT that’s kinda a hassle. It’s hard to say black and white, to watch or to not watch. Cuz the answer changes with every show. Some shows’ openings have nothing to do with the episodes, it just looks cool. Okay I’m done now, thanks for reading my TedTalk.

Troy Straughn

My top isekai’s are slime, overlord, mushoku. I also like the garbage isekai’s that are 12 episodes only and come out every quarter lmao. Good distractions. Nothing too complicated.


You edited your comment and deleted a reply of yours below it. Stop trying to start drama. Your comment was originally calling Re:Zero mid. You're always picking arguments in these comments. Grow up. He didn't call Ron low IQ. He retorted to you because you were unnecessarily rude for no reason.


The openings are decent to good. The endings are skippable imo.

Ricardo Fierro

i would say to watch the openings and the ends, the first time they appears, and if in that time u guys think there are showing too much, just with that firts time watching it will be enough, i mean, even if u watch it, if it is in the firts chapter, for the next ones maybe u forget things that happened in the op so, ther will be no problems, and goes the same for the eds, personally i do this to enjoy the music itself to


Ron, don't worry, you're totally right. Slime, compared to a show like Re:Zero, is a lot less tense. It's more about the fun, adventure, and characters you meet along the way. That being said, a lot of information is in Slime. Things you hear early on come into play way later in ways you don't expect, so I would still pay attention.

Chris pastore

never thought I'd see the day where this channel started to watch slime XD but it's very good, you two will love it. trust the process!

Chris pastore

and yea, I would skip the opening and ending, just react to them after you finish the season, because there are spoilers, and it will just make for a better overall experience. I always skip intros. I mean you being shown things you haven't seen yet in the anime, and some of it is quite obvious spoilers. you did find one last episode when you watched the op.

40 luck

Uncle from another world should be watched at some point. It kind of goes through the question of what happens if someone comes back from being transported.


Slime is deeper than you might expect but there is a very gradual build-up so it isn't obvious at first. As for the questions about isekais---most isekai anime never get to the end of the story of the original source--they are just too long for the most part. With Slime, first it was a Webnovel, which is complete. But the anime is based on the Light Novel. It is nearing completion but we don't yet know how it will end. The author admits in his Afterwords pretty early on that he is diverging drastically from the Webnovel, and iirc, advises people not to even bother reading the older version.


May be too late, but don't watch the opening or end until about episode 7 or 8 or so. There are some pretty big spoilers.

Michael Monka

You should definitely watch Unlce from Another World, because they show you him returning to his world.

Zach Bolden

yall should watch the intro once you get a bit into it. cause then the spoilers be spoilers

Jaden Clark

sick izzy shirt btw🔥

Mu Nanyo

Ron with the dope Stylebender shirt.

Mu Nanyo

Most Isekai are like fast food, good quick munch but not a lot of substance compared to bigger anime. Slime is that, a nice enjoyable power fantasy with a few nice twists. RE:ZERO is different, it fits under the isekai banner but it is more psychological thriller, sometimes even horror.