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WOW! Did not expect Kurapika to be this strong! 

We got a list of double drops for upcoming episodes so don't worry!


Zach Adam



Yes!! Look forward to more double drops but dont stress yourselves out! Enjoy your vacation (If you are still on vacation!)

Joe Dan

Lets goo 🔥


Uvo’s VA also voices dimple, All for one, Blackbeard btw


Uvo’s favorite hobby episode fr

dmc 1219


Andrew Gutierrez

Kurapika so cold for bringing the shovel knowing he was going to win 🥶🥶🥶

Chris Bogomas

One of my fav anime moments kurapika da goat


Thanks for saying something about double drops because these folx was about to lose they minds on the ep 46 post. 😭😂


Mandatory comentary for this episode: "Kurapika is so savage he brought a shovel to a fist-fight"

Juvonte Johnson

Kurapika can turn his eyes scarlet whenever he wants basically, he’s kinda only this strong against the troupe tho.

Saith Uchiha

I haven’t seen this anime for atleast 4-5 years don’t remember this fight but fr I had no clue Kurpikia when in specialized mode has almost mastery of all Nen types…. Like Ron said broken. Like I didn’t remember Kurp- to be able to use all Nen. I’m even mindblown. I’ve seen this show 4x tbh I’m shocked I literally don’t remember this.


Kurapika is for sure the strongest when it comes to fighting the Troupe, but remember that most of his powers only work when fighting them, for now there's no way of knowning how strong he is when he is fighting someone else.


My Guy Kurapika was so confident that he would win, that he brought a shovel xD. If thats not cold as shit then i dont know what is

Jermaine Glodd

Just because you're a member of the kurta clan w/ scarlet eyes doesn't necessarily mean you'll be a specialist. In the heavens arena arc we kind of learn that your environment plays a big role in which Nen category you'll fall under (ex. gon being an enhancer/ killua being a transmutter). That being said I attribute Kurapika being a specialist only when is eyes glow, to be a physical manifestation of all of his trauma LITERALLY living through/ being a victim of genocide!!

Erick Castrillon (edited)

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2024-01-22 07:15:52 Turns red when he's angry 😠
2023-09-13 00:24:46 Turns red when he's angry 😠

Turns red when he's angry 😠

Isaac D Hernandez

scarlet eyes only activate when he is in an emotional state. When activated, his eyes make him a specialist. This, in combination with the special condition he set on his chains, makes him super OP. although, it kinda balances out since he can only use this power against the Phantom Troupe (per his condition he set)

Erick Castrillon (edited)

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2024-01-22 07:15:52 I gonna start bringing a shovel to all my fights.
2023-09-13 00:28:09 I gonna start bringing a shovel to all my fights.

I gonna start bringing a shovel to all my fights.

Erick Castrillon (edited)

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2024-01-22 07:15:52 They know what time it is
2023-09-13 00:28:35 They know what time it is

They know what time it is


Yea the eyes aren't always scarlet, you see in the ep that he turns it off when he calms down after killing uvo. He even said "I was in that state for too long" so it obviously drains him. And it activates when he's really angry, especially in regards to the troupe. Also, only when it activates is he a specialist, not normally. And lastly, the Kurta clan didn't necassarily know Nen, they are just stronger when using the eyes.

Anthony G

if I remember correctly Kurapika learned how to activate the scarlets eyes while he was learning NEN, while his eyes are scarlet he becomes a specialist, the down side is while he is a specialist it does take a toll on his body, after he killed Uvo he says " I stayed in that state for too long"

Erick Castrillon (edited)

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2024-01-22 07:15:52 Which is pretty much everytime he sees a spider or his people eyes 👀 🤔 he gets mad. It's a emotion thing.
2023-09-13 00:33:11 Which is pretty much everytime he sees a spider or his people eyes 👀 🤔 he gets mad. It's a emotion thing.

Which is pretty much everytime he sees a spider or his people eyes 👀 🤔 he gets mad. It's a emotion thing.


basically, when fighting anyone in the troupe, kurapika will be op. when fighting anyone else, I'm not sure how strong he is, probably like average.

Erick Castrillon (edited)

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2024-01-22 07:15:52 Specialist only when eyes are red 😍
2023-09-13 00:53:10 Specialist only when eyes are red 😍

Specialist only when eyes are red 😍

J Ninja

In the end, Uvo won because he didn't wash his hands before punching Kurapika with pee hands.


correct me if i'm wrong but the troupe hunted the scarlet eyes because they are considered one of the most beautiful and rarest things in the world, which made chrollo want them - not because the kurta clan were all specialists. also, i believe the eyes turn scarlet from being in an intense emotional state, so for kurapika, it will usually be from seeing the spiders

Jordan Crawford

earphone warning lmaooo michelle yelling huncyclopediaa


so in the show they said that kurapika and his clan all had the scarlet eyes but they only come out when they're excited or feeling strong emotions. and ur right that kurapika didnt even know of nen before the end of the exam so i can assume that the clan didn't use their eyes for any specific reasons like fighting. they were just born with eyes like that and kurapika only became so strong after learning nen because of the conditions he set. kurapika is originally a conjurer when his eyes are normal and only after his eyes turned red his teacher noticed that his aura spiked in this episode, so they tested his nen again and he found out he was a specialist when his eyes are red. so yeah kurapika is super strong but remember that he's only THIS strong because of his condition which can only be used against troupe members. He probably wouldn't be able to use all of his chains against ordinary people or enemies who were not part of the spiders.

Desto Samuels

The show will explain more later but he isn't completely limited by conditions in one of the previous episodes where they had Uvo in the car he explains which one of his move was limited.

Tako 4 MVP

Kurapika can only use chain jail on the troupe. He is still pretty strong against others because he can use every other ability shown in the episode, but he cannot use chain jail when fighting anybody else but the troupe.


Nah scarlet eyes activated during hunter exam when fighting one of the prisoners and they didn’t know Nen existed

Saith Uchiha

Tbh w you not too much detail I did suffer from “substance” abuse when I did watch the show in the past. I rather not talk about it but I’m better now the past 5-6 yrs I only remember so much. Currently I’m 23 will be 24 in less than 2 months. It’s a very difficult road and if you haven’t walked it… you can’t really understand. Yes since I was 17 this is the “cleanest” I’ve been. So in your defense x your 4 by 100 and you’ll maybe understand why I haven’t remembered some anime scenes.


kurapika is collddddd


i mean i wouldn’t consider anything i said a spoiler just repeating things already stated in the episodes they’ve watched.


You will find out what the pros and cons of his nen abilities are as you watch the show, usually things in this show will be explained as it goes, so just watch and enjoy it as you try to piece together the information you are given <3

Joemar Villalon

Kurapika learned how to activate scarlet eyes whenever he wants but puts him in fatigue. He is naturally a conjurer and when his scarlet eyes are activated he becomes a specialist, His specialist ability is called 'Emperor Time' giving him 100% proficiency on all 6 category which is busted. Each finger has their own ability. Ones that were used in this episode is the hook chain( can only be used on spiders), judgement chain used to make conditional bond with his opponent, the ball chain which is used for offensive attacks and general use. and the healing thumb.


Best character in the show


Yall tunnel visioned on the moon lol I think it was just for looks like the katana effects in demon slayer. Also about activating the eyes, he had said his eyes turn red when hes worked up/excited

Yoona Kim (edited)

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2024-01-22 07:15:52 haha damn must be loud im just using audio on my laptop
2023-09-13 02:26:44 haha damn must be loud im just using audio on my laptop

haha damn must be loud im just using audio on my laptop


So, all I can say about Kurapika's powers is what I understood the first time I watched the anime, and still do, so everyone here in the comments can feel free to correct me if there's something wrong. Kurapika's Nen nature, which he was born with and was discovered through this test with the glass of water, is Conjurer, but he also has traits of a manipulator. And he only becomes a specialist when his eyes glow scarlet. And by the way, Kurapika's clan was hunted down and slaughtered by the Phantom Troupe because their scarlet eyes were considered as very beautiful. The eyes themselves don't have any special powers, which was mentioned before, I think at the beginning of HxH. The eyes only turn scarlet when Kurapika feels strong emotions such as anger, hatred or sadness. And I think the reason why Kurapika then becomes a specialist is because his strong emotions then reinforce his Nen, but I'm not sure about this point here


Let’s talk about how at 19:02 Kurapika brought a shovel to bury this man because he knew he was gonna win

Killua X

always remember, kurapika brought a shovel with him to this fight...


Wish the patreon player would remember the volume setting, always at a 100%

Wasabi tobiko

remember guys "We need to talk about spoilers..." before you post, look and think more thoroughly about what you write to tell them without spoiling


@JP I think he was alluding to making them activate on command, and not only when he's emotional/worked up.


he brought a shovel to the fight what a savage

Randall Woods Jr

Yeah I was waiting for you guys to see this episode I was siked for it. And the scarlet eyes only allows the user to increase their physical strength just like how Kurapika used it on one of the prisoners. Now that he has nen it makes his aura stronger and allows him to become a specialist when his eyes turn scarlet so if he wasn’t using scarlet eyes he would just be a Conjurer because that’s the category he falls under and he conjures the chains he uses. The scarlet eyes are triggered through his emotional state. The condition was that he would only use chain jail, one of his moves, on the Phantom Troupe members and if he uses it on anyone else he will die because that was his other condition. The conditions he set to use chain jail on the Spiders has nothing the do with Scarlet eyes but it does make him really strong against the troupe members. Btw I think Gon and Killua’s skin color changed in the Hunterpedia because they were representing Uvo(the phantom member Kurapika just killed)

Moses T24

But also keep in mind the only power that's reserved for the troupe members is chain jail which means he can use the rest on anyone


yes ron you’re right kurapika only becomes a specialist when his eyes go scarlet red (he can activate the eyes whenever he wants but they drain the hell out of him) other than that hes a normal conjurer

Moses T24

The scarlet eyes are only special in that they turn red when ur feeling strong emotions like anger, sadness etc. Not every person with scarlet eyes will be a specialist or even a nen user at that. Remember, Kurapika just learned about nen and the only reason he became strong so fast was because he set certain restrictions on his nen abilities that increased his nen and make his abilities stronger. Also they said that conjures and manipulators can end up becoming specialists overtime even though it's rare so, I'm assuming him having the scarlet eyes helped his nen become stronger and he was able to become a specialist temporarily. The pros and cons of his abilities will be explained in the upcoming episodes. Also another reminder is that nen abilities are personal and different from one another due to the kind of environment they are in and their personal goals. Kurapika's abilities only work because of who he is and what he wants so another specialist or enhancer or conjurer won't have the same powers as him.


remember, the only ability kurapika put a condition on his chain jail meaning he can use the rest of his abilities on anybody not just the troupe


Yeah kurapika is probably the strongest against the troupe. He put his life for the condition of only using that power against the troupe and the scarlet eyes let him become a specialist so it made him OP but against a non troupe member I'm not sure where he stands. Buried uvo even though he could've left him there, respect

Manny Lo

y'all bootys betta not spoil anything fr


Wow I totally forgot Kurapika is specialist when he has red eyes. Damn that's one cool thing about watching these reactions.


My basic understanding (and anyone can correct me if I'm wrong) is that he can turn it on at will. Think of it like a sharinggan where it's like a power up multiplied by how deep the emotion is coming from. Kurapika is not specialist by birth, but by the experience he had since his clan was annihilated. It's not like just because you have the eyes you're automatically just as strong as Kurapika. At the time Kurta clan was not wiped out yet so there's no point in setting a condition. What makes him strong aside from the obvious ones like his I.Q and other things is 1. The adversities he had to go through at souch a young age. 2. His commitment and dedication to make sure that he will see his revenge through no matter what the cost 3. The condition and pre requisite is what sets him apart because the abilities you just seen are for the sole of killing all of the Phantom troupe and if he does use it with someone else, he will INSTANTLY die whether he intends to do it or not just like what you've witnessed with Uvogin. (Multiply his strength by being a specialist.) Basically think of Kurapika is like Sasuke; with only one purpose in life. Just to exact their revenge at all cost.


Michelle won the bet! Kurapika beat Uvo! Michelle is right. Kurapika is a specialist when he activates and use his clan powers. He can use his clan powers as and when he wants.


Nen fighting is, for the most part, about smarts in general. I really like that Ron instantly pointed out how Kurapika did in fact use his smarts. The main reason Kurapika seems as "overpowered" as he is in this episode, is because everything he planned basically worked out perfectly. For example if it had been any other troupe member that's not as "Brawn over brains" as Uvo, they may have used Gyo earlier on in the fight to be aware of potential invisible threats which could've resulted in a completely different fight. The ground work he laid out over the last episodes is the biggest reason in Kurapika defeating Uvogin, even more so than him being a specialist in my opinion.


Pets appreciate the disrespect of him bringing a dam shovel to a fight

Noah G

We don't really know for sure if all the Kurta could have been specialists, but I took it as him being born a conjurer but gained the ability to become specialist after his clan being killed.


When his scarlet eyes activated infant of his mentor, the mentor could feel his aura being different and ask to do water divination, and probably found he was a specialist with scarlet eyes

Gene Anthony Lukban (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-13 17:28:11 Man that was amazing! Bro brought a shovel lol
2023-09-13 14:28:26 Man that was amazing! Bro brought a shovel lol

Man that was amazing! Bro brought a shovel lol

Federico Carnebale

I mean kurapika is strong but he is op only against the troupe


peak episode cant wait for the next one

Leo Bencek

In the begining of the show it was explained that Kurta eyes glow when they are exited or angry somekind of emotion and Kurapika is so strong because he put a condition he can only use his nen or chains on phantom troupe if he uses them on someone else then he would brake his condition and die I mean Kurapika explained all in this episode but you need to read more careful, and Kurapika is a Conjuror but when his eyes glow he becomes a Specialist that why his teacher said to him to try again a water divination .

kirk poss

The phantom troupe attacked his clan out of nowhere so they wouldn't have had time to put a restriction on their nen.


Killua + Kurapika = Uchiha Sasuke XD

Zafar Ali

kurapika's conjured chains are unbreakable but she can only use her chains against troupe members. Her scarlet eyes and ability to master all nen types is not tied to the troupe


The answer to your questions regarding the rest of the Kurta Clan and their Scarlet Eyes or Nen is.. "We don't know"

Divine Simp

what do you mean white is "normal" color? 🤨

Michael H

It’s the conditions that make him so strong against the spiders


The Kurta have black/brown eyes, but when they get into a heightened emotional state like rage with Kurapika their eyes change color. And only then when Kurapika's scarlet eyes activate does he become a specialist. Normally he's a conjurer, but he was constantly conjuring his chains so people would think he's a manipulator using real physical chains. That way he has the advantage at the start of a fight, cause someone would think he's something he's not. Also Kurapika has a chain on each of his 5 fingers. In the anime he's used 4 of the 5 chains : dowsing chain, holy chain, judgment chain, and chain jail. Chain jail is the only one that has the condition of only be able to be used on the troupe or he dies, and because of this condition they cant break the chain jail no matter what. On top of all that when Kurapika becomes a specialist all his chains have additional abilities and buffs. He's kinda OP but only cause he REALLY thought it through before creating his ability. Once you guys start to see more unique Nen abilities, you'll realize just how thorough Kurapika is compared to others

Devron Love

So Kurapika’s eyes turn scarlet when he’s excited or has high emotions. But the scarlet eyes doesn’t make you a specialist. Kurapika himself becomes a specialist when his eyes turn scarlet but other Kurta don’t become specialists when their eyes are scarlet in general. And the reason why Kurapika is so strong is that his specific Specialist ability is Emperor Time, which gives him mastery over every Nen category. Every Specialist has a different ability. And then Kurapika put the condition on certain abilities that he will only use them against the Troupe or he will die. So that makes his abilities much much stronger, but only when dealing with Troupe members, against non Troupe members he will still be strong if he’s in Emperor Time but not as strong as when he is against a Troupe member, and if he uses certain abilities against the non Troupe member he would die, so yeah, hope that clears up his Nen abilities and Specialists in general.


A bit late but, Specialist doesnt mean having full power in every categorie, thats just Kurapikas Special Ability. Its no spoiler because they will never ever mention it but Neons fortune telling is also a specialist ability.

Michael H

Nah, with his specialist ability, Emperor Time, he’s OP against everyone—just especially OP against the Spiders. ET has a crazy price, though, but that gets into manga stuff.

Toasted Toad

No. He can’t just conjure whatever he wants at a moment’s notice. That was explained very clearly.


I think something you missed or didn’t think much about was the dialogue of kurapika resenting the punches he’s doing to uvogin’s body. He hates it, he hates the feeling, he hates the blood, but he feels like it’s something he “must” do. He’s not necessarily full of “hate” but rather, full of “rage”. I personally don’t think he would become “bad” so dw about that, Michelle. I do think his interests could lead him to a path that would diverge from the other main characters down the line where they might even be on “opposite” sides? But that’s about it. But not turn “bad” in the sense like Sasuke where he would want to harm innocent lives in the name of revenge.


i hated this, i dont understand the overpower from kurapika in 6 months by the fucking face, the chains are unbelievable broken, u make the condition of only use in one type of guys and become that stronge? and the condition is u can only use in that person or u will die, bro, thats an easy condition