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Wild couple episodes! Things seem to be formulating!



Betelgeuse/Geuse is the same voice actor as Inosuke from Demon Slayer 🔥


Ron said he loves Geuse's VA without realizing it's Inouske's VA haha :P


The creation of Guese is phenomenal I never once thought such an evil character could somehow be redeemable in any way shape or form

Antonius K

I like how Emilia’s backstory shows that her and Subaru are more alike than the story lets on, at least in the sense that there are things from their pasts that they have a hard time letting go of. Subaru trying to get over his old life of incompetence and letting the world pass him by, and Emilia coming to terms with the fact that there are people in her past she can’t save. This story is always discretely telling the audience that you are not your failures, and you always have a right to life and happiness. Throughout the show there has always been a life affirming message, and that’s what I love about it