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Damn! Loving this show and the writing! 


Saith Uchiha

I’ve always have assumed L is somewhere on the autistic spectrum. He obviously has social skill issues and has tics like the way he sits. A lot of kids with autism are geniuses. Some people think Albert Einstein was autistic he could not form words until he was 4 and his parents thought he was mentally disabled. Steven Hawking and Albert Einstein had the same IQ (160) some 10yr old girl in China beat this record and now has the smartest IQ known in human history (162)

Maruey Coelho Paranhos

You guys were right. Because everytime you said "6 episodes ahead on Patreon" I got anxious knowing I had to wait a long time lol Until one day I couldn't take it anymore and became a Patron. And you know what? I don't regret it!

Jose Iglesias

"Sasuke"? jajajaja lmao


Bangers and mash


i must be a horrible human being because i always root for Light


I wonder when they’re gonna start posting their Naruto Shippuden videos , but this show is crazy


love you guys when you yalling nonsense with each other lol lovely couple


Sadly i can't watch it Monday because the videos going up between 12am and 1am in Germany and i have to go to work in the morning 😔

RorotheShadow (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-21 13:00:04 Yes, L is his real name, that's why he said they should call him Ryuzaki. And even if Kira knows his face and his name, that would still be of no use for Kira because only L's first name "L" is known, while nobody knows his last name. Because he never reveals it for security reasons
2023-08-21 10:08:03


I always found L oddly cute lol


lol why you spoiling it? At this point in the anime his first and/or last name is completely unknown. At this point "L" could just be an alias, a fake name.


His first name is not unknown. Why else would he tell the cops to call him Ryuzaki instead of L? That's because L is his real first name and that's how he wants to protect himself from Kira. That's just logical.


"We're filming 6 hours a day" how does it feel to live... my dreeeeaam!

mamimumemo (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-22 00:19:42 I really cant stand these police guys never listen to well. Especially the one that said this is amazing, cutting L's explanation, what does he mean, the reason L could narrow down things was because FBI agents were killed and that guy was excited 😂
2023-08-21 20:40:34 I really cant stand these police guys never listen well. Especially the one that said "this is amazing, we don't need others to capture Kira" whatever, cutting L's explanation, what does he mean? The only reason L could narrow down things was because FBI agents were killed, and that one guy was excited 😂

I really cant stand these police guys never listen well. Especially the one that said "this is amazing, we don't need others to capture Kira" whatever, cutting L's explanation, what does he mean? The only reason L could narrow down things was because FBI agents were killed, and that one guy was excited 😂


Naomi kind of bothers me as a character. She's introduced as this super intelligent person with an almost god-tier intuition (literally deduced that Kira was on the bus based on pretty much nothing), but she still decides to spill her guts about everything to a random stranger who actually is fairly suspicious considering how many things lines up with him being Kira that she already knows about, like him having police connections, being a student, clearly being very intelligent etc. Obviously that's not enough for her to make any conclusions, but it raises the likelihood of him being Kira off of 0%. Why would she lay it all out on the table to a guy like that?

Issac Gonzalez

you guys the only Patreon I pay for so the drilling works lol

Michelle Lam

Haha appreciate you Issac! That is a huge compliment and we hope you can see how much we put into it!

kipp3 3

She's not thinking straight since she just lost her fiance


I always thought there were things done on purpose to make Light (and sometimes L) seem incredibly inteligent. Making Naomi dumber out of nowhere was one of those :c

Lenni Bunny

that’s bad writing and death note fanatics will never convince me otherwise.


15:05 Ginger did it again. And still nobody talks about it.