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Nice! Onto the next phase of the exam :D



it only gets better


Just to heads up, the sleeping gas had to work for all the snakes and it took 5 minutes to fill the whole cave. Since they don't know how many snakes inside the cave they had to wait until 5 minutes pass to make sure the cave is filled by the gas.


From my perspective, I think Leorio offers kindness and a sense of justice just like in pre-exam phase, the quiz lady and the navigator commend him for that, also Hisoka approved him too in Phase 1. Of course Leorio has skill too like his basic medical knowledge because he wants to be a doctor (in pre-exam phase he took care of the injured navigator). As for Gon, as the main character he has kindness too but Gon is kinda picky even at this moment. He also know when to trade-off like what he did to Ponzu and Pockle's target if you remember, and he basically doesn't really interfere others except for who he chooses. That's what I felt of Gon and Leorio when I just started reading HxH last year. But I might be wrong lol.


It only gets better for sure. Honestly, when I started reading HxH last year (not even a year ago), I was kinda sceptic, but then HxH became my no. 1 favorite manga and anime ever 😇 It's only been a few months but I already re-reading HxH like 40 times 😂😂😂


Oh and I just remember when Ron mentioned puzzle, the title of Togashi (the author of HxH) exhibition is Puzzle 😂 I went there last year on December, it was an exhibition of HxH, Yu Yu Hakusho, and Level E manga panels, all written by Togashi.


Its crazy how Ron didnt even consider AOT for possible top 3


this is just the beginning! i cant wait to see the journey you will go through with such an amazing show. hxh is definitely in my top3 anime. cant wait for more uploads

Jermaine Glodd

Demon Slayer being in your #1 position is definitely a choice LMFAO...you'll be converted to hunter hunter by the end (shoot probably even the middle) of this anime! You've literally seen nothing yet, its hilarious!!!!


so condescending and for what 💀 this is why anime fans get a bad rep, mfs get so personally offended when ur fav list doesnt coincide with theirs

Jermaine Glodd

Seems like you’re the only one who’s offended sweetie! What is demon slayer your fav too, awwww poor baby sorry I hurt your feelings 🤭

WaB_ Bigvai

In my opinion, unlike other animes where there's ups and downs, this show is on a steady incline all the way through to the end.

Chrollo Lucilfer

HxH will only get better. Keep watching guys! <3

Devron Love

Love HxH but Demon Slayer is above it for me, neither is my fav anime though. Different people have different opinions/feelings/preferences and that’s okay~~ ☺️

Patrick Wotton

There's a reason why decades later HxH is still one of my top anime picks.

Saith Uchiha

RON wear white in the next HxH so tell us if Michelle is abusing you. We can save you Ron!

Andrew Gutierrez

It does get better… waaaay better


Y'all have no idea how stoked I am at the thought of your reactions to future episodes. I'm so excited to hear your thoughts and opinions!

Jacob Bailey

It ligit only gets better 😭


pour one out for the homie Tonpa who didn't advance to the next round

dmc 1219

Real homies 🥲

Ntsuab Vwj

DID YOU KNOW hisoka is oikawa.. :) same voice actor

Reddd Hunter

This show is built different man. Glad you guys are enjoying it.


It gets better every time

Seba Andorade

Im pretty sure Ron will end up really loving Leorio <3


I've watched hundreds of anime, and Hunter x Hunter is the #1 on my list, by a mile. Demon Slayer is not even close to this masterpiece. You guys are in for a treat :)


It LITERALLY only gets better, haha


You guys have no clue wat ur in for lol hands down my favorite anime


Ron have you played earthbound? Btw if you guys like hunter hunter so far it only gets better from here on out


One episode at a time is too slow :( There's 148 episodes, even doing 3 a week it will take a year for you guys to finish this series at that rate lol


it definitely is slow but at least it isn't naruto slow with 4 episodes a week and 430 canon episodes


i cant believe how much yall are enjoying this show so much, its literally gets better every arc!!!!!


best boys Killua,Gon,Kurapika,Leorio


It gets so much better and does things story, action, and emotionally wise on so many different levels that others do not. approach. Very well-rounded anime and in my top 3, perhaps number 1 contenduhhh. Cannot wait for future arcs and episodes ... gah! Also, nice job catching the why's/how's regarding the snake trap and gas situation. No guarantee the timing of the snakes awakening.


Also, on the Leorio carrying his own weight point: Don't forget who got rolled twice in the 4th phase: Gon Don't forget who had his win handed to him in the 4th phase: Gon