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Will Gon finally get the ID Card?!?!?


Chris Mullen

I imagine someone has commented this before so apologies if that's the case. But since you mentioned silent footsteps, did you guys know Killua's footsteps are completely silent 99% of the time? More training from his family background. Thanks for the reaction :)

WaB_ Bigvai

Lol just because a character is bad doesn't mean you don't have to like them. There are plenty of bad chatacters that are people's favorites because of the art design and their abilities. Hisoka is actually one of my friend's favorite character and there's a villian in Naruto that is my cousin's favorite character. I'm certain that the car wrapped with Hisoka likes him for those reasons. Love yall's reactions


The SB19 part of the intro was a complete surprise to me 😂👏🏼 but Ron def got the moves!


Hisoka is someone with a very good sense of recognizing and assessing the potential of other people. He loves to fight and kill, but he only pays attention to strong opponents. Hisoka keeps Gon and the others alive because he sees the potential and talent in them and hopes that they will become much stronger in the near future so that he can end up having an exciting fight with them, and so that he can satisfy his enormous thirst for murder


Glad we got some hisoka love in the comments. He comes off as very weird later on, but just remember. He loves to kill. It gets him going. He has no care who it is, if they are strong, he will fight them. He’s a fighting junkie. Weak opponents don’t do anything for this man. They are irrelevant.


Hisoka's a "magician" so you'll see him do tricks from time to time. Don't worry, it's not deeper than that lol

Yahir Meza

i knew i wasnt the only one thinking this its almost like they want to be politically correct

Justin Trenka

An orochimaru tattoo with him pulling off his face would go crazy tho!!


Like many have said before - finish the series before deciding on a tattoo. You never know what may happen to the character you choose by the end of it


I seen it as a magic trick with the butterfly’s cuz he’s a magician clown that’s why he does tricks


Happy B-day to Killua! Also, Hisoka is just living his life by his whims and desires; he does not have any morality, which is why he says shit like, "I'm getting excited by boys," and can kill anyone without shame nor remorse, and then he also helps Gon and lets Kurapika and Leorio escape. I neither like him nor dislike him, but I can agree with Ron that Hisoka is an interesting character.


Hey ain’t no shame in liking an antagonist 🤷🏽‍♀️. Ron is right, it’s not always black or white. But then again, sometimes it is black or white🤫(I mean this generally speaking regarding all the shows you guys are watching right now, not specifically this one btw). But what I can say is, this show will definitely always keep you guessing.


Orochimaru has been my goat villain since the chunin exams


I love Hisoka. But then I remembered he's a psychopath. But then I still love him somehow. 😂 Togashi really makes a lot of weird characters but I fall into them anyway 😂😂😂


That Lee funko was dope. Im sure theres a show me rock pun somewhere in there

dmc 1219

Love your reactions! Can't wait for more!


A FATHER FIGURE ?!! Lmaoo come on now y’all


Regardless whether someone likes or dislikes hisoka, there’s no doubt that he’s sick. But, i don’t really get the mental gymnastics that he could be good. Like he kills people for fun. He’s not a good person, obviously. But he’s picky with his kills, which makes him v interesting. It’s not true that he don’t go for easy target. He kills easy targets ALL THE TIME as we have already seen.


17:14 I think it would be a great tattoo on you, Ron :D


I like how Hisoka's character is written and understand why some would like him. There is a particular reason why many have advised for you to continue watching before making the big decision to have Hisoka tattooed. Not sure if you have quite catch on on it yet so it's better to watch more episodes first~

Leroy Derange

You guys are awesome. Love your reactions. With Hisoka it's not just about wanting to fight them when they're stronger. It's about the monumental potential he sees in them. However they are inexperienced, lack training and have a lot to learn hence the whole unripened fruit comment. Someone basic getting stronger is different than someone with vast potential getting stronger. Right now with everything Gon has done and does, is off of pure instinct and watching others and learning from what he sees. So he's unrefined, what Hisoka wants is the refinement and level up fo theses characters.

Griffith Augustine

Bruh Hisoka Vs killua at this stage of the series? Nah I don’t want killua to die 😭


I forget you guys already watched an amv of HxH and were spoiled on Gon later in the show, Thats why that girls cosplay of him didn't confuse you. Ugh wish you guys never saw that video cause of so many spoilers in that one video.


About the butterflies multiplying.... Hisoka is literally a magician, so he can just do that lol


by the time they get to that point they will forget everything, also what are you even talking about, what cosplay?


at this point in the show they don't know the extent of killua or hisoka's strength yet


At least he won't kill his kids until they grow up lmao


There's weebs driving around with hentai stickers on their corollas, Ron. Of course some would rep Hisoka.

Saith Uchiha

I love both of you. But could could you please consider eastern standard time? I find that my post that are supposed to be on. Let’s say today, Friday to be posted at 3 AM my time. If you have an explanation for this, I’d really appreciate it. I know you guys are working hard I have a life of your own. But I literally stay up to 2am in morning to see if you guys will post a new update. It’s not healthy for me to be honest. If you could send a standard update time would be very appreciative to us on eastern standard time.

Desto Samuels

No offense but them shifting their time around for one person seems a bit much no? They are already making their targets for any one on Est, Mid, and Pst. Sometimes there may be a delay that drifts into 12-1am est but I highly doubt that has anything to do with them. They have stated that vimeo processing times are not dictated by them and can be completetly random in regard to the length.


just watch the video when you can lol it doesn't expire


No matter at what time they post it it would always be 3 am somewhere...

Henry Gutierrez

bro, what in the-just go to sleep and watch it the next day? hello? don't stay up and blame someone else?

Daniel Ederango

Filipino Sushi member here 🙋 I'm shocked when you dance Gento by SB19 HAHAHA you got the moves tho

Saith Uchiha

I admit this is a selfish comment but not just one person man almost half of America population is EST. I don’t understand how long it takes to upload a video I have no idea I didn’t mean for this huge argument. But it could even be better for them to say we’re gonna post this at this time and this at this time. If that’s possible idk. I really like both Ron and Michelle. They are the only people that I have a Patreon to. I’ve been watching since the second episode of Demon slayer. All I was trying to say in my comments, even though it came off as selfish. If it’s possible for them to say hey, this is going to be posted at this time or this time. As previous comments above stated, it’s always 3 AM somewhere. I completely understand that, but I do believe that most of rice and Ginger’s audience/followers do live in the United States. I really did not mean for this to become such a argument. I honestly just wanted an explanation so I appreciate that you told me that Vimeo processing takes a very random time to upload. Because that’s the question I really was looking for. I did not mean to come off as so selfish.

Saith Uchiha

I was not blaming them. I was just simply asking if it was a possibility. As I responded above to the most liked comment. I did not know that Vimeo uploads are completely random on when they complete. I just wanted an answer to a question, but I do admit my comment came off as selfish.


Yea your exactly right about that, Hisoka loves to fight strong people and seeing how much the boys have grown since he met them is like a drug to him, he letting them ripen up to fufill his own desires

GD LoreRiley

The butterfly part is just a magic trick because he is a magician

Saith Uchiha

For me personally it’s just because right now I have no car no job and I have paid for all you can eat tier. I did not know it was random on when the posts are uploaded. It’s my bad. But I love sushi squad. I just get very excited when I show I like is going to be posted the current day.


Ginger talking about Hisoka after he's aroused by the thought of killing Kurapika and Leorio: I hope he's not just a bad dude LMFAO P.S. that steak knife comment 🤣


"Father figure" HJSDHJBW The screech I let out internally


its funny how they cant accept that the bad guy could be peoples favorite character


I just watched this and... Hisoka being a father figure to anyone, especially to Gon, just makes him a thousand times worse and weirder lmao