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Yeah, my biggest criticism of S2 is the pacing. Having watched this several times, it all makes sense to me (obviously), but for first time viewers, there is a LOT to take in.

Riley Hughes

DO NOT WORRY, this post contains no spoilers, I am only using information that you have already seen from previous episodes and this current one, I am writing some facts you already know but might of forgotten and just pointing things out you may of missed, but I will not say anything about future episodes or anything that would reveal spoilers A lot is going to happen in this season, I wouldn't ask for too much information about what's going on exactly right now as you guys should see is going to unfold in the next episodes without explanation for the best watch experience. At least in my experience of Re:zero. I'll say some things without spoiling, only going off the information you have already been given from previous episodes and this one, As you know Roswal is extremely suspicious and all you do really know is that he has something to do with the events that happened at the mansion with the witch's cult attack, he said he lead those events to happen but we are not quite sure how, Ram seems to think all this conspiracy could have Frederica involved and is not quite sure if she can be trusted or not and tells Subaru to always stay alert as anyone could be his enemy, we don't know too much about the exact details of the Trails at the graveyard but when Subaru was in the classroom with Echidna (Witch of Greed), he told her that he is not going to be the one to pass the trail, obviously referring to Emilia because Emilia doing something like this for all the people would make her look a lot better (Suburu said this before finding out there are people in the village who disagree with setting the sanctuary free)


This season has a lot of information and has a fast pace, but as the episodes go by more answers are thrown in your face lol in this season is hard to keep track of everything, but we will help you guys

Mouson (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-07 22:05:58 What happened until this episode: FIRST DAY: Subaru and Emilia get to the sanctuary. That night Emilia tries for the 1st time the trials. Subaru passes the 1st trial (his past). Subaru WAKES UP next to Emilia. Later Subaru and friends discuss about the trials. SECOND DAY: Emilia tries again, but comes out crying, she fails. Then Subaru talks to Roswaal about the trails, witch's cult, etc. THIRD DAY: Emilia fails again. Subaru comforts Emilia under the moonlight. FOURTH DAY: Subaru takes the villagers back to the village. Garfield wants Emilia to take the trails. Elsa attacks the mansion. Subaru DIES. PS1: I know it's hard for you, it was for me and most people too. You don't need to remember everything, because Subaru dies. But some events are likely to happen again. PS2: What about watching more episodes a week? It'd be easier on you.
2023-07-07 05:05:14 What happened until this episode: FIRST DAY: Subaru and Emilia get to the sanctuary. That night Emilia tries for the 1st time the trials. Subaru passes the 1st trial (his past). Subaru WAKES UP next to Emilia. Later Subaru and friends discuss about the trials. SECOND DAY: Emilia tries again, but comes out crying, she fails. Then Subaru talks to Roswaal about the trails, witch's cult, etc. THIRD DAY: Emilia fails again. Subaru comforts Emilia under the moonlight. FOURTH DAY: Subaru takes the villagers back to the village. Garfield wants Subaru to take the trails. Elsa attacks the mansion. Subaru DIES. PS1: I know it's hard for you, it was for me and most people too. You don't need to remember everything, because Subaru dies. But some events are likely to happen again. PS2: What about watching more episodes a week? It'd be easier on you.

What happened until this episode: FIRST DAY: Subaru and Emilia get to the sanctuary. That night Emilia tries for the 1st time the trials. Subaru passes the 1st trial (his past). Subaru WAKES UP next to Emilia. Later Subaru and friends discuss about the trials. SECOND DAY: Emilia tries again, but comes out crying, she fails. Then Subaru talks to Roswaal about the trails, witch's cult, etc. THIRD DAY: Emilia fails again. Subaru comforts Emilia under the moonlight. FOURTH DAY: Subaru takes the villagers back to the village. Garfield wants Subaru to take the trails. Elsa attacks the mansion. Subaru DIES. PS1: I know it's hard for you, it was for me and most people too. You don't need to remember everything, because Subaru dies. But some events are likely to happen again. PS2: What about watching more episodes a week? It'd be easier on you.

Desto Samuels

I agree with PS2 even if it doesn't have to be posted, just being able to watch the sequences reveal themselves each episode rather than being left on the loaded cliff hangers(Obviously up to them). A lot of the answers will reveal themselves as the episodes go by.


Just to be clear, Roswaal was saying he learned about the witch cult's plan to attack, so he could have stopped it from happening. Or he could have told Emilia that she was in danger. Instead, he decided not to get involved or tell anyone. He wanted Subaru and Emilia to look good by stopping the villains. If Roswaal stopped the attack before it started, Emilia wouldn't have had a chance to look good for the Royal Selection. Of course, Subaru died several times, so he's angry that Roswaal let that happen.

Astrea Stars

I think it's reasonable for y'all to feel overwhelmed and confused. I like to believe this is how Subaru is feeling because so far, we only know as much info that's been fed to Subaru for the most part. The only thing we somewhat know more is that Subaru forgot everything that happened inside of the Witch's Graveyard when he was invited to Echidna's tea party because of the Sloth Witch Factor he got killing Betelgeuse where she briefly introduced the witches.

CE Ong

I think watching more episodes per week will help with your confusion. This season is crazy on exposition and the eureka moments will happen all at once. Don't worry about not understanding everything, best to just take it in and keep watching, just feed us your reactions 😉 Also the comment above put it very aptly, the show is also tactfully structured to make us viewers feel what Subaru feels in what he goes through every episode.

Antonius K

No worries on not understanding everything. You seem to have a grasp on everything you need to at the moment. The key takeaways from this episode are that Subaru is mad at Roswal for not being there for the attack on the village/mansion, and Elsa kills Subaru at the end of the episode. And if it wasn’t clear, what Subaru tripped on at the end was his own intestines. He just didn’t feel the cut because she did it so fast


On a week to week basis. You have a week to digest and understand and discuss each episode. That helps a lot. Binge watching. Oh yeah thats information overload


So far most of the mysteries this season are left unclear with more information needed to fully understand. I'll break down what I can in little sections. So long part ahead - All of the half beast/ half human people are trapped in the sanctuary. (This includes emilia) Garfiel was keeping the villagers "hostage" because he wanted to force emilia to take the trials to break the barrier that prevents half beats from leaving. This barrier was put up by echidna (witch of greed, who is hosting the trials) Subaru eventually was able to convince him to let the villagers go home while emilia stays to do the trials. Don't worry too much about the witches yet, all we know at this point is that others exist for each sin. Emilia is failing the first trial which we can assume is the same Trial subaru faced. (Confronting your past) we can make assumptions on what it is but what we know for sure is that she is terrified of her past and not able to accept what happened. Subaru passed the trial and was given permission to take the next trial but wants emilia to complete it on principal to earn her favor. (Probably because he wants her to overcome her past too) Ram seems to think that there is a greater behind the scene plan going on. That may possibly try to prevent emilia from attempting the trials. And things that fredrica may be involved. Roswall admitted to knowing about a potential attack and he deliberately made sure he was not there so that subaru and emilia had to solve the problem without his help in order to gain favor/ credit with the populace. Subaru gets angry at him and lashes out saying why would you trust that grave situation with him. When the last time roswall saw him he was a nobody. Elsa survived her fight with reinhard in s1 and ran away. It appears she is now back and attacking the mansion. (If you rewatch that last minute you will notice every single door in the mansion was open) we do not know why she is attacking the mansion yet. (PS) YES, that was subarus guts and he tripped on them while running to the door. Sometimes it helps to read what is going on in simple terms because there is a lot going on at once and can be hard to follow. Re zero is a great anime to watch as its releasing weekly because you can use time between episodes to discuss with other anime only people about a detail you may have missed.

Jonas Teigen

Your not supposed to understand everything, but you will understand more and more as you keep watching


You guys are Subaru as the viewers as Re:Zero story progress with what Subaru knows, so Subaru is confused so are you at this point in the story and worse of all will be his mental health will take big hits. PS. Btw thanks for fully watching the opening again, it's rare this season to have any opening so the only times you can see it you should watch it to get you hyped for the episode.


Yeah, things that happened in one episode is answered in a later episode, so still remembering after a month or weeks can be a little tricky.


Yeah longer they take between episodes more confused they will be with some events. As a lot of small hints are in every single situation for what is happening.


If you feel like you don't understand everything don't worry. There's a whole season to watch lol.