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Subaru's backstory?!


Kevin Lee

Great! I have been waiting for this


BTW. The posters in Subaru's room that you can see near 6:30, those are actual anime characters from other shows (white-pink girl on the poster is from Gakuen Toshi Asterisk).


such a wholesome episode that a lot of people can relate to


The final scene where the mom says "Take care" and Subaru answers with a big smile always make me cry..


Please guys always say goodbye to your parents

Tini loves-NOYA #SubaruRem ❤️!

I always get goosebumps when the mother say TAKE CARE and he realised it I love this past bc it’s soo good 🥹❤️‍🩹

Tini loves-NOYA #SubaruRem ❤️!

Fr I don’t know I was also question it IF HE MISSING 😂 I mean he got if out warning beamt to a different world

Astrea Stars

Now that I look closer at the posters, I'm 99% certain the one on the left of that is from absolute duo. I can tell Subaru loves trashy OP MC fantasy-action harem animes cause I was once the same as him as well lol.


"He is really killing it in this world". Well I think he is mostly dying lmao

Griffith Augustine

If you guys didn’t notice it At 13:29 of Season 1 episode 11 you’ll actually see Fredrica talking to Rem when she’s reminiscing on what happened in the past

Moses T24

According to the author Subaru’s parents are still frantically searching for him in the their world as he hasn’t been found.

Gorge Montoya

Regarding if Subaru is missing, the author Tappei stated in Q&As that in the real world his parents contacted the police and they launched a missing persons report but the trail had gone cold. They are still tearfully searching for him.

Kevin Lee

A few things to make you understanding more to this ep 1) this trial is more like a dream of the past, biggest trauma or things you regreted in your life, and then facing it, so this is probably a day he lived before. 2) I remember somewhere, that said subaru's parnets are worried and keeping looking for him in the real world. Is sad that the things what he trying to tell his parents, didn't have the chance to say it, but saying it in the trial make subaru better. 3)the action figure and poster are base on actul anime, and all of them have white hair, that represent the love he had for emillia too. 4)the content discussed in this ep is very rare in many isekai anime, The MC in other isekai dont usally feel anything to the real world, but the author decided to have subaru facing his own past, talk about how he miss his family, how sorry he feel to not able to go back, and we get to know him more, this is the best way to introduce a back story. 5)The "Take Care" his mom said, also was the last thing he heard from his mom, and he didn't respond before he got teleported, Damn this scene gets me everytime.

Tini loves-NOYA #SubaruRem ❤️!

I’m confused but I have the talk with his dad different in my mind like Subaru said that he has 2 that he liked and the father 2 your a my son but I was maybe it’s in a different situation 🤔🤔💕

Astrea Stars

A lot of things made more sense about Subaru's character and actions in the new world. Subaru was overly excited to start life in a world where people don't see him as Kenichi Natsuki's son, but just Subaru Natsuki. He took a liking to Emilia, not just because he has a type of white hair (based on his posters and figures), but because they both share the same fear of being alone and misunderstood by society. Because of his past and fears, he tried really hard in this new world, with this new chance, and developed a hero's complex trying to make everything alright in season 1.

Justin Trenka

Lmao i Love rons reactions I've never seen someone's jaw drop so many times in my life 💀. Keep it up love the videos


You didn't watch the ending? :(

Astrea Stars

A heads up that there's an after-credit scene in episodes 7 and 9. Though, more often than not, you don't have to worry about that. If you haven't noticed by now, they don't often play the OP and ED animations because they want more time for the story. It took 4 episodes for us to get the ED animation and they still haven't actually played the OP animation at the beginning yet lol. Also with that, every episode is much longer than the usual 23-24 minute episodes because the production team pays for the TV ad slot so the show gets more time (like how this ep is 29min30sec so that leaves just 30 seconds of TV ads). So every episode this season, we're getting 5-10 minutes of more story time compared to a standard anime episode (23-24 minutes with OP and ED).


Yes. He's missing and his parents are probably looking for him :(


In an interview to Tappei (the author), he revealed that Subaru's missing in his previous world :(

Astrea Stars

welp, they have like 2 more chances of the ED playing in the rest of the first half lol


those flashes of pain are the animes visual interpretation of like an anxiety attack. He was waiting for it to be too late to show up to school on time so there would be no reason to show up to school. an excuse he tells himself as to why he is skipping. the last part where it showed his mom say "take care" and he didnt say anything is the saddest part of this episode for me. because at that moment he dissapeared from the world and his parents have no idea what happened to him ( confirmed in an interview with the author, not in the series itself) Subaru did get a chance to be his own person in this world but you can see in the beginning of the series he was trying too hard to be special and it bit him in the ass a lot. also this was a trial created by Echidna, she used his memories to create the world and scenario to test him. if he stayed depressed and skipped school, he likely would have failed the test. when I first watched this my main thought was... wait so Echidna just sees all these things about Subaru, all this technology and an entirely different world. and doesnt seem too shocked or confused?

Prateek Sridhar

Stared off into blank space after I finished watching this reaction and episode and spent about half hour just thinking and introspecting xD. Loved this episode and reaction ❤️‍🔥💖

Antonius K

This is one of the crown jewel episodes of season 2 for me. The main point of this episode is really just Subaru getting to say the goodbye he never got to say to his parents before he left, and to settle some insecurities he had about living up to their expectations. The moments he breaks out crying are the instances where he realizes that he’ll never be able to truly see his parents again so long as he’s in this world. He won’t be able to take care of them when they reach old age, or anything of that sort. While everything that’s happening in this episode is a trial, it’s a nice slice of what Subaru would’ve said to his parents if given the chance


Subaru was a Hikikomori as well him going to school was a big deal


My theory at the time is that she must know about other worlds somehow. (I do not know source material stuff so this is just a theory based on that episode)


My personal favorite episode from season 2. Learning Subaru's depression and why he is the way he is makes all his character growth so much bigger and better.


it kinda ties into what ram had once said during the mabeast attack arc too imo. Subaru said he wishes he could have heard emilia say take care before he left, and ram said that the previous night's sentiment still applies until he comes back with "tadaima" (I'm back, roughly). so going with this line of thought, technically his mother's last wish for him is still with him, even now.

Mu Nanyo

Aww, now i miss my dad. Wow, what did the author go through to need such an introspective, self-healing story like this


I am at 25:00 - For a couple of minutes now I get the feeling that his parents are actually dead, and he is imagining stuff. I am probably completely wrong, haha. But why would he tell his father all this stuff about how he got through middle school, wouldn't the father know that stuff? Also the way he apologized to his father for not being able to take care of his parents when they will be old. Also, why would his mom ask him if he wants to eat mayonnaise with her? Feels very random. Also adding that Subaru doesn't really like it, but her and his father like it very much. Also her asking"You are heading off to school? Won't that draw negative attention?" Many many mores details weirdly don't add up to me. It sounds like the way his parents talk is him imagining what they would say to him. He even mixes in some intrusive thoughts of his like his mother saying: "I gave you a suppository once..." Maybe his parents died when he was young and he was all alone since then. Oh and maybe this whole Re: Zero world is a "battle" in his mind where he is trying to process the trauma // depression. As I said I am probably wrong, but I am excited to find out~