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If you haven't seen our post yet on Youtube, we wanted to make sure you all were aware of our plan for Arcane! We always intended for our reaction to go on Youtube, we just were unsure when exactly. But we know this is too popular and too good of a show to not upload onto both platforms! The $10 AYCE tier will have access to it 4 weeks ahead of Youtube.

We are keeping it on this tier because it is still replacing House on Haunting Hill and is technically not an anime. We feel this still gives all of our AYCE tier members some good exclusive content, but also everyone else a chance to see it in the near future (though it will be edited for youtube).

Love and appreciate you all! We will always be working hard to make sure you guys feel like your money is well spent and we are putting everything we have into our quality and user experience! We will continue to get better too! Promise! 🚀🍣






Kinda messed up ngl lol I support you guys alot but this feels like a big slap in the face to half of patreon

Michelle Lam

Hmm a bit confused on how its an F you to half of patreon when this is replacing Haunting of Hill house which is a $10 tier exclusive...If you dont want to pay the $5, you can just wait and watch it for free on Youtube in 4 weeks. listen if you have a solution that will make youtube, $5 patrons, and $10 patrons all equally happy, we are all ears...






Now I’m gonna sub to AYCE TIER for sure!


What im trying to say (in the most respectful way ofcourse) is at this point its not “Tier exclusive” anymore, now it excludes a whole tier (which i assume makes up a huge chunk of patrons) As for solutions, off the top of my head could have been 1 or 2 weeks ahead of youtube on the $5 tier but itll still be behind the AYCE tier. Again this is absolutely no hate but as someone who has been subscribed for probably close to 6 months im kinda hurt


appreciate it guys

Lexi Browning

This is arguably the best animated show ever. I have yet to see anything that comes close to it. The studios really went crazy on it


Looking forward to watching it with you guys never finished this show ended up forgetting and never went back to it but good thing I’ll be watching it with y’all👌🏽

Kevin Abraham

But isn’t that kinda the point of the AYCE tier? For the extra benefits like this and Being rewarded for the extra money we spend?


6 months how come u don’t go up to the 10 dollars or you can’t

Michelle Lam

We dont take it as hate at all. And appreciate the dialog, there is a lot that goes into each decision we make. Your solution isnt terrible but still has several issues that we have to consider. Either way, appreciate the feedback, and embrace it. Just do it in a more positive way please. We never make decisions to say "f you" to half of the people here supporting us, so commenting that you feel that way just doesnt push for a constructive conversation and pushes more negativity here then we like.


Really looking forward to this!!! been a rough week with my cat going to vet multiple times stressing me out, your reacts always cheer me up

Sam (edited)

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2023-06-27 08:13:41 It’s so intense I’m surprised you didn’t finish it I can’t wait for season 2 <3
2023-06-27 04:11:54 It’s so intense I’m surprised you didn’t finish it I can’t wait for season 2 <3

It’s so intense I’m surprised you didn’t finish it I can’t wait for season 2 <3


Don’t get me wrong I loved the show and it was intense, but I was watching multiple shows at the same time and never went back to it


@kevin Yes I agree and that’s what I’m trying to say, if it’s not gonna be a tier exclusive (because it’s going on YouTube) why doesn’t the $5 tier who are also paying get to enjoy something too like full length ones maybe? YouTube’s version will be cut up and edited for copyrights @Romeo I planned to I had even mentioned in the poll post, I’d upgrade if Arcane won and I probably still will upgrade, but the issue is if it’s not an exclusive perk how it was going to be it diminishes what it is @rice and ginger you’re right and I apologize I can edit or delete my comment, I said it like that as an in the moment thing because it’s how I felt and couldn’t think of a different way to phrase it I know my one opinion won’t change anything so I don’t wanna go back and forth all night lol I know this was a way to encourage getting more people to the AYCE tier but I felt it was the wrong way to go about it



Kat (edited)

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2023-06-27 08:13:41 I hope your cat gets better :( &lt;3
2023-06-27 04:42:47 I hope your cat gets better :( <3

I hope your cat gets better :( <3

Leona DiCarryo

I might have to update my subscription, just for this show. So excited to see you react to this show. Especially Ron, since he is a fan of League as well.


sorry to butt in but, it'll be on youtube edited if you wanna watch there. You are still getting the reactions you're paying for on your tier. Arcane is taking the place of a show that would be in the $10 tier. Just upgrade if you wanna watch it completely <3 Putting it on youtube unlike the other shows help them a lot for the channel since it's a popular show :)

i_am_jam (edited)

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2023-06-27 08:13:41 Thanks a lot, it seems like he’s getting better, to be honest the vets very positive but i’m very anxious when it comes to pets, i feel horrible leaving for work on days when i have to get to the office and end up thinking about him all day &gt;&lt;‘
2023-06-27 05:13:17 Thanks a lot, it seems like he’s getting better, to be honest the vets very positive but i’m very anxious when it comes to pets, i feel horrible leaving for work on days when i have to get to the office and end up thinking about him all day ><‘

Thanks a lot, it seems like he’s getting better, to be honest the vets very positive but i’m very anxious when it comes to pets, i feel horrible leaving for work on days when i have to get to the office and end up thinking about him all day ><‘

Michelle Lam

Ugh sorry to hear that. We understand the anxiety around bringing your furbaby to the vet. Glad to hear the vet is positive about everything, that at least is comforting. Sending you and your baby good vibes 💜

Ramzi Shbeta

if i upgrade tiers is ep1 already up?

adam (edited)

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2023-06-27 10:45:51 i think it's gonna be next week
2023-06-27 08:02:13 i think it's gonna be next week on wednesday

i think it's gonna be next week on wednesday


Lol I just went down a tier when I thought there wasn't going to be anymore movie reactions but now I'm gonna have to go back up just for this show 😅


If I’m understanding everything correctly, here’s what I think about it, if anyone gives enough of a shit to read this. So this is an exclusive show for the $10 tier, but because they realize it’s an extremely popular show, they are posting it on YouTube with a 4 week delay for the fans that don’t have that tier. Sure, I get you’re saying they could post it again like 2 weeks before the YouTube release for the $5 tier, but realistically the $5 tier users didn’t pay for that show so shouldn’t they just be grateful it’s going to be on YouTube for them to watch a bit later. That’s just how I would feel if I was using the $5 tier (“I cant pay or don’t want to pay for the exclusive but atleast I can watch their reactions on YouTube later”). Tbh it’s more justifiable for the $10 tier users to be upset, but I doubt anyone has a problem with their solution because we still get it early and uncut. All that really matters is that if you’ve been here for 6 months, you should know they’re just trying their best to keep everyone happy.




Damn, Arcane is too good to wait... I guess it's time to upgrade the subscription lol


Dont say its "technically not an anime" just because it is not Japanese. if we are gonna get petty like that ill have you know that ALL animation from japan was started out of inspiration from Walt Disney animation. in essence "anime" would literally not exist if it was not for American "cartoons". Thanks for reading my ted talk.


Isnt it the point of the AYSE Tier to have exclusive content? Now its just a tier to see stuff 4 weeks earlier. I would upgrade with a second exclusive show maybe but upgrading just to see stuff early really doesnt make sense to me


It's not that deep. Anime is animation produced in Japan, this was produced in France.


You should read again the benefits of AYCE Tier. Exclusive content and early access ain’t the only “point”. There are other benefits as well. :)


Outside Japan and in English, anime refers specifically to animation produced in Japan. However, in Japan and in Japanese, anime (a term derived from a shortening of the English word animation) describes all animated works, regardless of style or origin. Animation produced outside Japan with similar style to Japanese animation is commonly referred to as anime-influenced animation. - From wikipedia hehe


Anime : a style of animation originating in Japan that is characterized by stark colorful graphics depicting vibrant characters in action-filled plots often with fantastic or futuristic themes - From Merriam Webster haha


Yeah ofc, but the current non anime show was exclusive, which is being replaced by Arcane which is only "exclusive" for 4 weeks


Whats wrong with that? Its not like they would also give away the current non anime exclusive right? Arcane is very popular and would gain them viewers and potential supporters. If it was me and found out on youtube that 4 weeks of content was already uploaded PLUS unedited and uncut here I would definitely become a member lol. I believe MHA, HXH, and Haunting of Hill House are still exclusive, am I wrong?


Did i ever say it was wrong or whatever? I just said, to me it doesnt make sense to upgrade. Thats all i said


Then don’t upgrade, did someone forced you to? Lol

Jake Thompson

So hehe haha, if we're not Japanese, then it's not anime heehee haha lol xd


Its like the world announced that anime is japan exclusive, meanwhile japan views it as standard name for Animated shows lol. I guess its just a matter of perspective? And nobody is wrong hahaha

Michelle Lam

We get what you are saying! We do! Which is why we understand why you are choosing not to upgrade! That is 100% your choice @trinature and @overbyte! You dont value early access and unedited reactions to arcane enough to pay more. Totally valid!!! The good news is, its a short show, so what we replace it with with probably be an exclusive again just for that tier. So if the next show is of interest, then you can decide then! Either way appreciate you guys being here. The options are always yours to make!


Haha and the people who wrote it are from america hehe so to them its not an anime haha hehe


aw man i was looking forward to this show the most.