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Uriel Sanchez

During this time frame the show was in the morning so it was kinda PG with no blood. But as the show continues they switched to night time airing so then you'll start seeing more of what RON likes lol 😅


With HxH, you really can't just predict what's gonna happen next. This is what makes it one of the best.


I’ve heard that at the beginning when hisoka made that dudes arms disappear, he actually cut them off in the manga but it was censored in the show

Bertha Tillman

💚Hunter 💚 X 💚 Hunter 💚 !!

Junior Alves

I think Hisoka was just bored


I hope this is not a spoiler but there is an episode (ep. 13) where it is just a recap of everything that happened and nothing more than that (correct me if i’m wrong)… i think they can skip that episode. Maybe the mods can check? :)


Satotz is the name of the examiner for the First Phase (the guy with the moustache)


Things will start making a lot more sense once you guys ascertain that "good" and "evil" are not really a part of this show


You guys struggling to figure out where Hisoka falls on a chart of good and evil is p much where I think everyone was at this point in the show. I'm excited to see your character predictions when you get more exposure to the main cast! :) HxH is really unpredictable, it was fun experiencing all the twists and turns the first watch

Bruce Li

AoT and HxH are probably two of the best animes at “logic” idk if that makes sense, it’s really hard to explain lol. AoT is good at this in a macro sense, and HxH is good in a micro sense. AoT shows lots of big but sometimes generic emotions, constantly putting people into difficult moral judgements to think about right or wrong from different perspectives; while in HxH, it focuses on the smallest emotions that motivates an individual, almost no character can be called “good” or “bad”. It doesn’t force us into black and white judgements while making us understand and feel each character’s logic behind their emotion and behaviors. This is why HxH is a masterpiece.


I've watched through this show like4 times and I still notice new things every time, they reeeally foreshadow Gons character development, its crazy


Totally agree, its really nice to see a show where the people you follow aren't always embodiments of "perfect" or "good" and instead have character flaws and moments of poor judgement.


just having hisoka in the show already makes the show not PG



Moses T24

Things like bad and good in this show are honestly just based on perspective. Not to say that there aren't characters that are either evil or good it's just that the way the show is, its hard to put people in a box

Jake Turner

Don't worry it's not a 'new to the show' thing, lol. You will never predict where this story goes.


"Hisoka is my favorite character." - Ron, the man with a Hisoka tattoo.

Saith Uchiha

And I think gon passed his test as soon as he saw/touched him if you get me


Ron should watch 1999 HxH if he wants the gory version. XD


Don't worry Ron, you will DEFINETLY see more blood as the story continues. Although it may seem slightly pg and happy right now, this is not a kiddie show

tang wc

This is a legendary anime with lots of excitment. You could find loads of interesting and creative thoughts in the story afterward

Abigail Jerry

The graphics (blood, bones breaking, etc). That WILL come! It gets alot better and soon. So you’ll get it Ron! I was the same way. 😅


not sure why i found the sarcasm of the cowmeleon part so funny but i was dying

Matthew Styles

“Killua gives me Bart Simpson vibes” I guarantee you no one else has ever said that 😂😂😂


Please Ron don’t get a pedo tattooed on you. Ha ha Ha


Similar rebellious/devilish/mischevious 'tude as well. I actually never thought of that embarrassingly enough. I've only seen the entire series maybe 8 times and loved the SimpSONS, ya figure I would have worked it out somehow hehe

Carl Andrew Bianzon

I'm kinda impressed that you were able to pick up on Hisoka being just an applicant and not an examiner. I know it was explained by Kurapika but most reactors are left confused about Hisoka even after 2 more episodes lol


People have mentioned this in a couple different ways but about the good vs and aspect, this show plays around with a trope called "blue & orange" morality (it might be called something different tbh). Which basically means, you gotta throw the black & white school of thought clean out the window~ common concepts of morality is really alien in HxH and instead you have to focus on character intentions and "vibes" to see how you feel about it all


I don't know if someone already told you guys, but the reason that its not graphic its because it was censored due to the air time it was on. I think near the 40ish episode it start becoming uncensored. Sorry for all the mistake

Liana Pagodova

that confused look on Ron's face when Hisoka literally flushed by Gon's face hahahhahh