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Damn, we love the blonde guy with the girl and the blind guy <3 (lmao sorry we are bad with the names haha)



michelle coping so hard 😂


It's ok, Tenza will just "wake up" next to Rem holding a basket of Appas

David Waller

Hells Paradise uses emotional damage. It was super effective 😢😭


Ugh now we have to wait 2 weeks for the next episode 😭😭


Having watched that and the Tengokus latest episode followed by demon slayers episode really pulled my heart strings that weekend lmao

Ben Stephenson

Don't listen to Ron, Michelle. He ain't dead. This is anime, these people don't even need blood in their body to live. He was just testing Shion, the student became the teacher.

Carter Gavigan

I wake up for school at 7 lol, and it was supposed to be uploaded yesterday. Absolutely no hate at all, I was just wondering if it was going to be posted


Feels Paradise


Not exactly sure why, it was confirmed after they released last episode but it could be either cause the holiday weekend or some said because the next few episodes will be crazy so they want the animation to be 🔥 *chefs kiss


My hero is fri,sat, and Tuesdays now they changed it from Mondays

CE Ong

The copium is strong in this one.


You can post another anime episode in next monday slot of any show. Best if it is re zero

Kevin Depoppe

i feel that we will see the captured persons again since those gods have to take them alive 0.0 why would they otherwise give so much background only to be killed off instantly.

Carmen Villanueva

idk why but his death always makes me cry🥺 especially when he saw his “future” and him being a teacher and then him marrying the girl aww omg 💔

Gabriel Menezes

Seeing this now and I wanted to say that I feel exactly the same. And I've seen this episode more than a couple times 🥹🥹