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Todoroki's family situation is tough :\ but glad we're getting to know more about this side of the story!



The OST in this episode is really good and emotional


I like how my boy was about to become past tense by train and yall are worried about paint lmao

Rebecca Van Straten

I don't know if you guys watched the most recent movie World Heroes' Mission, but make sure you watch the movie after this little arc of Endeavor training them for that


I think, Endeavor doesn't want to move into the new house with them because he wants to protect them since he's been attacked by villains a lot lately and because he's too scared of destroy their family again, but that's only my opinion




In this case with Endeavor I think he made the decision by himself because he was directly being told that seeing him made people upset. Those are valid feelings to have from his children but it also made him feel like the only way to make them feel better is to have them not see him then. I mean hes a very literal person as you can tell with his interaction with Hawks lol. So when someone says they are angry/sad when they see him he takes it as "I dont want to see you".

storm (kasey) !

the todoroki family situation is super complicated, but here's my two cents: i dont know what the right answer is for endeavor, but to me, abusing the ones you love is one of the worst things you can do. i understand how it came to be that way but what endeavor did to his family is borderline unforgivable. im glad he has realized how he screwed up and wants to do the best by his family, and i do believe people can change. however his family have no obligation to help him through that, or forgive him, etc. i understand his decision to try and let them move forward without him (though i dont know if them living in separate houses would necessarily have to mean going fully no-contact). like i said, idk what the right thing for him to do is, but i dont think its entirely a bad idea.

Alex Boll

this todoroki arc was one of my favs. The family dynamic was super interesting. And Midoriya needs to open up his own practice since he practically became their family psychologist.😂

Stephen Cruz

At this point when Ron does that laugh Ik he bouta say dattabayo. Lmao it’s hilarious


The todoroki arc is great. It s a rough one. Realistically Natsuo told him he wont be able to move forward with his dad - which is totally fair (nobody can deman forgiveness) and Enji as a result decided to give them space. I do agree that he could have tried to have a bit mor talks, but to be fair it does not look like Natuso nor even Shouto are ready to have them...and I d argue...Enji isnt fully ready either. I personally dont think he knows how to be a good dad and a good hero.

Dale Diaz

I think endeavor's mentality is that he'll provide and continue to actively do things to improve his family's life, and provide gestures of good will, but while giving them the space to process their own feelings. He feels like he's forcing the issue too much. He needs to be present but distant

Ricardo Fierro

i fully understand endeavour tought, yeah maybe all it need is more conversation, but neither natsu, or shoto are fully open to it, so in endeavour eyes is the best he can do, not forcing anymore, and kinda take a punishment being apart from them, but never let them alone

Riley C.

Gosh, this was a tough topic to watch but I'm also glad they showed more of the familial trauma and the different aspects of forgiveness. As someone who has gone through some trauma, this hits close to home. I personally don't think I'll be able to forgive the person who caused me trauma (at least not at this point in my life), so I was glad when they mentioned it being okay to not forgive someone since some people don't deserve that. I think it's important to note that there's all different levels and kinds of trauma, and people will go through trauma differently, so I found it nice to see how they portrayed the different members of the Todoroki family being affected by what happened. For anyone going through trauma, just know that you can and will make it through! It's an on-going struggle and one that I'm still battling with myself, but living and experiencing your life is worth the effort to move past it.