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Ugh we only have one more episode left!!


kirk poss

Gabi shot Flock they showed her aiming the gun right after he was shot.


Lol a lot of reactors casually mention Armin changing forgetting that he's basically a nuke. If Armin transformed, he'd blow up the flying boat, harbor, and everyone fighting including his own people. It would look what he did in Marley.


no cuz he can control the size of the blast just like bertolt did in S1


He can, yes, however there's a limit. In season 1, when Bert transformed, he made it a very mild transformation, however if that same transformation occurred where Armin is in this scene, it would heavily damage, if not destroy the boat. The colossal titan does not transform in a precise manner. Even if he were to control it, at the very least, he would kill Conny, Daz, Samuel, and damage the boat.

Eugene Conner

People don't realize that Bert was a genius because of how quiet he was. He had an abnormal amount of control over his titan.


how would that explain when he just randomly appeared out of thin air with no sign of destruction, in front of eren and the squad when they were on top of the wall repairing canons.


because he was standing on the ground outside the wall. Not two feet form another person and the boat they need to protect. Even if there's no steam explosion, the size of the titans feet would destroy the entire dock alone. Lets not forget the rumbling could literally end the world


"who shot him?" as they zoom in on Gabi holding a gun is awesome. Me and my gf completely missed it too lmao


Floch is a hero,too. He just want to save their country


Yay! let's murder our own people to save some random foreigners that literally wanted us all dead! Team Traitors Roll Out!

Leroy Derange

I agree 100%. Also, Armin told Eren he needed to become a monster when it was beneficial for them in the fight against Annie. Eren couldn't bring himself to hurt Annie and here's Armin with oh to beat a monster you have to become one. Now he has embraced it and is going after everyone who either wants eldians dead or wants to exploit them and now SUDDENLY everyone wants to hold hands? Naw, I back Eren all day.


"some random foreigners" you mean the entire planet? You mean Armin and the gang are traitors for not wanting to the cause of the entire humans races extinction?


I’m glad Magath is dead. Dude was a racist dick and a war criminal. I was done with him when he was talking shit at the campfire. I’m sorry but him doing some good things at the end of his life doesn’t make up for the fact that this man trained child soldiers to go murder thousands of people and break the wall.


This comment section's lack of understanding made me sick, lol. I can understand people support his actions, but calling him a hero? He is literally the symbol of FACISM in this show. That is where Eren and he differed from each other. When Eren was in Marley, he understood that there were good & bad people there. But Floch never understood that,


This comment section literally supports fascism & genocide which is unbelievable.


what a badass scene


It’s gotta be mostly kids that don’t have a fully developed brain because no sane person would actually think genocide is a good plan


The human condition, doomed to argue over the fact that yin and yang / both sides to everything will always exist. There really is no point in arguing, or pointscoring to those on your side with validation bias. I just prefer to observe.


bro it blew my mind how they both missed that lmaooo

Jason lim

floch king