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Mou Ikkai!!!!!!


Luis Felix


Prateek Sridhar

One thing that would make a lot of sense with this episode is, Hinata's name means "facing the sun" and Tsukishima can mean moon island, based on what kanji are used to write their name.

Skyler Anderson

Yeah you can receive with any part of your body. Liberos have highlights all over youtube of them making foot saves too so it's based on real things. Honestly the only plays that you don't really see in real volleyball is the freak quick. Also I love how you guys see most of these teams as the rivals when so many of the major teams feel like our rivals. Love the way the show gives so much personality and depth to each team.

24xhibit .

If u rewatch the episode again, u can notice their signals. Last episode too :) hint: it's so obvious you'd never thought it would work. But because it's so simple hinata can actually use them.


Like she said, you can serve any of the usual ways. Jump serves are actually a bit uncommon because they're harder to pull off. It's essentially spiking from the other side of the court. So when a player has good control and power behind a jump serve it can be brutal for the other team


When a player has to face a triple block, it's usually because the set was slower than usual, which gives time to ALL blockers reach the spiker in time. The setter is usually forced to do a easy/slow set when the receive goes bad (too far away from the net or too low). P.S: They characters usually say "Sorry" and/or "Cover" when they do a bad receive.


yeah I rly like u guys nd am absolutely not saying this to criticize u or anth.. but sometimes a lot of talking over the anime sucks.. pausing nd speaking as long as u want is much better rly :))))) keep the hype going guys


God damnit Ron 😂 Bringing titan violence upon our special boys nooooo


ron had some shrooms, he be talkie today! hahaha


AOT spoilers Ron! haha


There's another part in this video that you can tell that it's affecting how they comprehend the show when they talk over it. It was when Hinata and Kageyama were talking about the signals and Tsukki asking about who taught them and Ron and Michelle were shocked that it was Suga but just a few episodes ago, the show literally had Suga explaining it to Hinata and even had a scene were Hinata was memorizing the signs with Kageyama (But they thought they were doing naruto signs). I'm glad Michelle pointed that out, cuz not only is it frustrating for the first time watchers here, but also to those who are re-watching and anticipates their reaction to some scenes but they end up talking over it and misses it. Just a kind suggestion rlly, I still love your reactions and the contents you guys give, so I hope this also goes to other anime shows/movies that you guys are watching :)) The pausing doesn't have to be so frequent (like pausing just to react "oh my god" or "damnnn" is obviously unnecessary), but if there's something you want to say when you want to look at the camera, feel free to pause. It's a lot better than missing out parts of the show. I hope this won't come across as hate or offensive cuz I rlly love you guys and this is not only for us, sushi squad, but it's so that you guys can have a better watching experience. :))


getting a bit too comfy there guys

Omar Bautista

I had recently watched We're the millers and Ron really reminds me of the NO RAGRATS guy

John Ferreira

Ron is mad funny🤣 my type of dude lol

storm (kasey) !

omg im watching this episode with my dinner and michelle said "i want pizza" as i took a bite of my own pizza and it jumpscared me LMAO i was like how do u know what im eating

Fola Omotola

Anyone else hear “Mou ikkai” and think of Naruto opening 3? 👀

Jay Craig

literally same instinctively began to hold my pizza slice up to the tv as if it would be seen


Lmao i love Ron hes so funny, the way he fake cried when Karasuno won had me dead !


It makes sense for Suga to do what he's doing since he's the vice captain, an awesome one! I'm pretty sure that for every team, if you pay attention, the captain's jersey number is 1 and the vice captain's jersey number is 2.


I can't wait for the next match!!


Damn, easy $10 for Ron.


Not all. Bokuto is the captain of his team and He's #4. There's no actual set of rules for their numbers, it just comes down to the teams tradition

Michelle Lam

Thank you! We here you and understand and will be trying to not let this happen as much moving forward and will pause more!

Michelle Lam

No hate at all! Thank you for the feedback! We always want to take your guys's experiences and perspective into account. We appreciate this!!!❤️

Luciano Quiej

Ayyy ron let’s go mr shady

Joel Wilson

Michelle says she played volleyball but keeps saying she forgets key basics things about volleyball 🌚🌚

Michelle Lam

She played as a child, but not competitively. So she wasn't trained or taught, it was just for fun. Also 15+ years ago now lol i played soccer in middle school. But I couldnt even name a position other than goalie

Santos Luna Ramirez

Loveeee this show! And it’s only season One 😆🤫👀🤌🏼✨🏐


Noya with the goated save

shouvik das

Noya is the fkn goat. The best is still yet to come heheh

g c

when they won and he mentioned the 10 bucks again i lost it xDDD

Jihen Ajengui

Just a reminder Asahi voice actor is Reiner s 😁


Awe, we love you too! ♥

Mu Nanyo

Learning about what drives not only our protagonists but also what inspires the opponents is what makes sports anime really good. Haikyuu, Kuroko no basuke and Hajime no Ippo all do it really well. Actually if it hasn’t already been recommended Hajime no Ippo is a boxing Anime that is full of Hype fights, character development and Funny moments