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Seeing Gabi like this is so frustrating!! So much hate :( Also, FYI we watched the next episode and realized that that was indeed Sasha's father!



Just as a reminder, the "brainwashing" gabby tells the girl here and was taught is true. the Eldian Empire ruled the world for nearly 2000 years. Erasing other races from the planet, colonizing, and subjugating the rest of the world using their titan shifting abilities that only they have. all of this was explained and shown to be true from the start of season 4 through the trilogy with Willy Tybur telling the whole truth to the rest of the world. The only brainwashing done was by the Tybur Family, Eldians btw, because they lied to the rest of the world not letting anyone know how King Fritz was a peaceful man and was trying to atone for the sins his ancestors committed to the rest of the world 100 years ago. He even said that when the rest of the world comes to seek revenge and destroy them, he will not do anything to stop them because they deserve it, hence the vow to renounce war that the founding titan is forced to obey if they are royals. The Eldians on Paradis are innocent, yes, but to the rest of the world theyre a dangerous and devilish race because of what their ancestors did and someone has to pay for their crimes, which is exactly why the rest of the Eldians scattered around the world are treated so poorly.

Sami S.Y

It's impressive how Michelle instantly noticed the girl we saw literally once in season 2 but not the Sasha's father lol


she was so confident too like "no its not him. its not him. no its not him." like bruh hahaha


I really wonder if they've already seen everything


right, i feel like they aren’t fully recognizing how badly the Eldians treated them for SOOO long. And marley has only been ruling for 100 years. That’s not that long that’s literally one lifespan. What marleyans are doing rn doesn’t even compare to what eldians did in the past. That doesn’t make it right but it makes it understandable, especially when i’m sure many marleyans alive today have grandparents that remember what it was like before they won the war


this has been mentioned before but eldians in marley are treated relatively better than other nations since they're the only nation who has titans for their army. The hate for eldians is not because of marley but because eldians actually enslaved the entire world for thousands of years.


Yes... destroying the whole world... hahaha.... that would be so silly... haha.... O__O"

Amber Augustine

gabi is the most annoying character. Marley deserves to get wrecked ngl.


Late to the party but yeah, the false name theory was completely reasonable. And it's not like there hasn't been precedents of false names in the serie up to that point. Ymir wasn't her real name, or even Krista/Historia.

Enzo Peuble

Just ignore the ones that say you are dumb, they forgot that now that they have seen the show they understand easily each episode, and forgot that you guys miss informations atm, so it's normal for you to do mistakes, and some informations are hard to remember since you've got the complete story. It's that kind of show you need to finish and then watch again to catch all, so ignore those haters. <3


at 7:10 that guess was amazing


You guys are killing me XD <3


I know eren is acting crazy but also try to think how eren does. Every other choice presented involves staying and letting themselves get killed to supposedly pay for their sins. Yes I do understand that there are innocent people in Marley but that is the same with the people of Paradis, they are innocent. I just feel like if i was in that situation I would ant to do something to save my land and my people which is what eren is trying to do. Those are just my thoughts though.