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Oh. my... WHAT?! YMIR?!?!?!?!


Attack On Titan Reaction S2 Ep 4



No dude he just heard what Ymir said and repeated it. I know that reiner could read it but also he heard ymir saying "herring"

Kevin Depoppe

The reason they don't have their ODM gear is cause erwin was suspicious about the whole squad for potentional being the titan, with the main suspect being annie, they where being seperated under watch

Iana Jones

Look out for the red flags guys 😂




Reiner is my favorite character love his big brother vibe and how much he cares for everyone i hope he becomes yalls favorite aswell i just cant explain how cool reiner is


the thing about Erwin possibly being a titans is rlly low for me since at the end of season 1 he explained that humanity has never thought of the possibility of humans turning to titans and basically said Erens transformation was the thing that brought that possibility out so i feel like he wouldn't have said that if he is a titan but yea Erwin does know alot of things which is weird (we need a episode of Erwins past)


Also the thing about krista(or christa) like Ron said i feel like its more about her family than her since earlier in the past episodes when krista was riding with ymir they were talking about joining the corps and krista told ymir that if she was following her because of her family but ymir turned that down so i feel like Kristas family is a big deal but ymir being a titan was pretty crazy aswell


Guys, don't take me as someone annoying, please, but it's a tip that I give as someone who has seen this anime 4 times. Pay more attention to the details, you are missing details, with some jokes here and there, but things pass and you don't notice, your brain is gonna melt LOL. This anime is very, very detailed.


Anything they miss is just clues to a future answer. Not something they NEED to have noticed. Its impossible to notice it all as a first time viewer. We have hindsight and its way different to rewatch and pick up details that the majority of viewers do not. Imo. Its better when they don't notice until the the realization of the hints during the reveal.


It's possible to notice many thinks, but now is late. Now is "starting here" because of this i'm warning, but whatever, is just a tip.


If they miss anything I’m sure someone will point it out, I missed a lot my first time watching too because you don’t realize how complicated the story is at first glance. It’s part of the experience to be confused the first time lmao


I think people misunderstood my comment. Do you want to miss all the details? whatever, but watching ron for 2 minutes you can see that he is interested in the clues and clues, he likes it, since he likes it, the tip was for him, not because it has to be. People are very defensive when you give a little criticism and they think you want to harm someone.

Sol Hana

im only like 4 or 5 episodes ahead of you guys and every time you think you figured something out , this anime throws you for a loop lol


You didn't give a tip at all. You just said "pay more attention" that's not a tip or helpful. It's rude.


Ask for more attention is rude? LoL wtf, broo, your teachers are rude so? Your father, mother, brother or anyone who ask you for more attention is rude? Go out for the real world, attention is Gold for our entire life. And please, don't get offended by people asking you for attention, is so dumb.


Indeed :) his brotherly love is nice


yes, he has such a warm and caring vibe and he is so dependable and trustworthy. he's a favorite of mine through the entirety of the series.

g c

When he said next episodes can be seen on Patreon I was like wait wut this is the last one do I have the wrong version of something

g c

Als it’s cool to rewatch everything and pick up sooo many clues about so many things I missed but now I know what happend and you pay attention to the side things instead of the main story playing I can see the writer did an amazing job


S1 ended off with a huge twist and they just keep happening. W Ymir

JackLover19 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 01:07:18 I just realized how Reiner still blew his cover by acknowledging the herring as "canned food" which doesn't fit the period I think
2023-01-16 01:07:18 I just realized how Reiner still blew his cover by acknowledging the herring as "canned food" which doesn't fit the period I think
2023-01-04 01:31:51 I just realized how Reiner still blew his cover by acknowledging the herring as "canned food" which doesn't fit the period I think

I just realized how Reiner still blew his cover by acknowledging the herring as "canned food" which doesn't fit the period I think

Kpop Tart

That and also, herring is a fish you find in the sea. The people of the walls have never adventured past the walls so how would they get herring?