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Wow this show is seriously getting LIT!!!


My Hero Academia Reaction S3 Ep 6



omg this arc about to go insane!

miiru miiru

Yasss season 3 really getting exiting🤩 Can’t wait for the next episodes


Oh god I wish I could talk about stuff but I cant find a way to talk about anyone without spoilers so ill just say enjoy!!! Twice is a good boy.


"This episode is about to be the best" Oh you haven't seen the best one yet ;) You're in for a ride.

The Force

"This episode is the best" the season

Zenru Renari

Ron the Nomu's are mindless(we learned that in S1) they just take orders from whoever is controlling them. So we heard teh convo between dabi and twice just now about them calling off the "creature". So Dabi called the Nomu off before it landed the final blow(typical anime style...get used to stuff like that).

Zenru Renari

Also Ron you were telling Ayouma(however you spell his name) to "stop being scared" and "do something". In the first place, the students arent supposed to engage in any battle or action with the villians, Aizawa onl gave them that freedom so in the the situation where they find themselves being attacked by the villians they have a clear concouis and ability to defend themselves if need be. Secondly, not everyone is gonna be as gutsy and experience as Deku or Bakugo or the main cast. You gotta remember at the end of the day theyre all just kids. Some more brave than others, etc etc. So don't be that person that does that to the characters. Try to understand that them having fears are valid and he isnt as strong as the others in combat so that would also be a stupid move if he did attack Dabi and Twice. So please just try to keep these facts in mind, not only for MHA but ever anime(or hell, even show/movie) you watch.

Zenru Renari

As for Momo, you told her to "create something" when you saw she was so beaten up and out of it. To the point where the Class B student wasnt sure if she was alive or not in the midst of the panic. Quirks are like muscles, even they can get tired out and have their limits, that and she was extremely injured. She barley had enough energy left to create that tracker that she made the Class B student put on the Nomu. So try to comprehend these facts before getting upset at the characters. I also understand you were just spouting out what initially came to your mind but it's better to let you know than being ignorant of the facts(I meant that in the most positive ways btw lol) I didn't mean for these comments to come off as rude or hurtful, just some raw constructive and honest criticism about certain things Ron says that go without thought. I've been noticing it for awhile even in other reactions but held off. He always makes a habit of expecting every character to be as driven and fearless as the MC and other MC's when some characters are there to represent realistic humans and what most people would do in given situations. So just try to be a little understanding towards other characters mindset and way of living/thinking.


Thats when you stand up and defeat your fears. If you dont do that, your a coward. Like ayouma


lol Ayouma's a alive coward unlike the guy you put as your username look where being brave got him.


Jesus I forgot how close Aoyama was to gettin clapped this episode.