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Attack On Titan Reaction S1 Ep 13


Phillip Gambino (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-29 11:28:19 Most hype moment was Eren carrying that boulder and we get hit with a history/art lesson 😂😂😂
2024-03-29 11:28:19 Most hype moment was Eren carrying that boulder and we get hit with a history/art lesson 😂😂😂
2024-03-29 02:35:39 Most hype moment was Eren carrying that boulder and we get hit with a history/art lesson 😂😂😂

Most hype moment was Eren carrying that boulder and we get hit with a history/art lesson 😂😂😂


is it possible to have two episodes each upload plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


gotta hit my daily woah with ron


Next episode is the second half of season 1


What was more powerful to me than achieving the first victory against the titans, was when someone said that the deaths were not in vain. More than just losing for all this time, countless human lives have always been lost for nothing. Never have they been able to say to the families, that their son/daughter/brother/sister etc. actually helped achieve something. Levi tried, but in the end, all he could really say was that they spurred him on. Also the reason why we as an audience, have never seen the titan puke-sacks before, is that like the shows characters, it is the first time moving into previously occupied titan territory. It is a neat way to drag us into the mindset of these new recruits, since nobody but the survey corps, ever get to see this otherwise.

Jasper Hsu

I hope you guys keep asking questions and keep being curious


damm i never caught that detail about titan atlas that's pretty cool


Ron *sees something cool*: That's a tattoo!...Ron *looks in the mirror*: OH, Yea that's a tattoo! lmao


The plot twist is one you’ll never guess 💀 keep watching!


Ion understand why y’all not doing two episode I feel like y’all dragging this out. I get it . But hard to really stay consistent with my energy with you guys .

ouken equinox

I always love to see Erwin


You get 3 episodes a week my guy relax. Most of the big channels only do one a week


It seems like they upload maybe 3~4 episodes a week...which is a lot. And they're most likely trying to get back on track after their break....can't you be a little patient?


Its a little rude to be demanding more when compared to similar creators they are doing a lot. Its also rude to the people that are enjoying their other series content. They are still people that have also experienced a loss recently please be more respectful.


Hmm. I’m speaking as in two episode per day . In stead of one . I like to see the next reaction right after, in a way . I’m pushing my own agenda 🤷🏿‍♂️. I have no regrets, I enjoy their reaction . And 3 eps a week? I bet they can do 5.


I think you're underestimating how long it takes to edit videos lol. I don't know if they only have one editor or if they also edit some of their videos but pumping out a video every day of the week is quite a lot lol. They also don't do this full time keep in mind.


I try to save the AOT episodes to watch 3 back to back, but I can't do it lol Levi is the GOAT.

Jeremy G

Some of the bigger reactors will react to 2-3 episodes at once sometimes upload multiple times a day. Why lie about that? Lol. These guys just aren't doing this full time and I'm pretty sure they still have jobs outside of reacting. Also, he's probably just wondering considering they're already watching episodes back to back. It is not that serious the way some of y'all reacting to this comment. I'm sure they'd upload more if either they or their editor had the time, and they probably will eventually.

Tyrek Humes

Alright Ron has to remember to swollow his spit😂😂😂