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Let's go!!! Having Eren, a Titan, is gonna be a game changer!!! Now let's see if this plan goes as smooth as we hope!


(No title)


Camron Mallory

“Why’s he not all the way, what is this” you just said what it was poor baby it’s incomplete


Since Titan is full of threats and mystery, eliminating Eren is a decent and easy way to cope with unknown risks. Although, I also think that the mustache guy is too stubborn and not leader-like. nice reaction!


Omgggg till now and Michelle kept on thinking that the serum only causes amnesia I can’t 😭😭😭


Grisha, Eren's dad, said the serum would give Eren power but as a side effect, Eren may lose some of his memory of what happened during their interaction.


The details they fixate on sometimes are too funny 😂


Not a spoiler but I want to clear something about the memory thing that got you guys confused. His dad mentioned last episode in a flashback that the serum will make him forget that moment. He did not purposely removed Eren's memories, it's more of a side effect of the injection.


Sorry I just read the comments and learned that you already re-watched it. LOL


every time i rewatch this show after knowing the whole picture i be like wtf how didn’t i notice all these hints! like seriously this show is so detailed and deep that even the reactions of the side characters are hints


Just a reminder that you guys should not watch the openings unless you want to get spoiled. Some openings are okay but really, I would advise against watching OPs until the end of each season.


They need to avoid the previews towards the end of the season as well, the preview for episode 23 after episode 22 is flat out spoiler

The Force

So I don't think Eren's dad *intended* to wipe his memory, at least the subtitles we got were "This will effect your memory, but you can use the power..." in other words what he gave Eren was the serum that made him a Titan but it caused the memory loss, that was a side effect more than the intention. At least that was my understanding. Also some other random things. I think Armin is my favorite character so far, that speech was maybe not the best you could have made, but considering everything he was dealing with it was *incredible* I look forward to seeing his future. Still think Eren's gonna go villain, especially after his whole "I'm just gonna leave and find my own way". To clarify I think Eren will remain one of the Stories focal characters/the protagonist I just think he'll go a route that, looking at it objectively, would be more villain then hero. Still on the fence with whether Mikasa will join him when he goes there or whether the set ups with her will lead to a big shattering division between the two putting them on opposite sides. Absolutely agree with Ron, I'm now obsessing over who ELSE might be a Titan, colossal Titan is absolutely a person hiding amongst them, probably one of the Survey Corp who remembered everything out in the field. My guess is most of them, because of the way the serum effects memory, don't even realize they are Titans until something either triggers the memories OR they turn into Titans accidentally a number of times. Dunno how the latter would happen in a walled city, even that big, you'd get rumors of "Titans inside the walls" and shiz.


Eren never knew what was in the cellar, his dad kept the cellar a secret from everyone including his family. They just thought it's where he works, being a doctor and all. After hearing Eren wanted to join the Survey Corps and fight Titans tho, Grisha Jaeger told Eren that he'll show Eren what's in the basement (for the first time) when he comes back from visiting the inner walls. However Shiganshina was attacked before he returned. Eren is as clueless as everyone else, but when his dad was crying and injecting him, Eren was clearly told that the basement held the answers to everything aka the truth about the Titans and humanity within the walls. Him forgetting about that was a side effect of the injection that helped turn Eren into a Titan.


Can't access the video :(


im rewatching the first season as i write this since i seem to have forgotten so much XD


also wanted to say i love seeing yalls point of view on things from fresh eyes, much love