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Hey Sushi Squad,

Just wanted to give you guys another update regarding Timmy - we had to bring him back to the ER this morning as he was vomiting and had diarrhea all night. He received a blood transfusion and thankfully is responding well. The vet thinks that either he drank way too much water (the meds make him super thirsty) or his stomach is not agreeing with one of the meds. Either way he will be staying with them so they can continue to help him feel better.

With that being said, we will put off all recording for this week while we put our energy towards getting Timmy better. So this means we won’t be uploading anything next week. However, we will still be uploading the rest of the videos for this week as we have them already recorded and we will resume uploads on Aug 1. We hope that you understand 🙏🏼💜

Thank y’all and let’s send good vibes towards our little guy.


Jay Like the Letter

Oh Timmy, hope he feels better soon! 🖤 Also, I hope y’all never get to feel like this is too much of a “responsibility” - I feel like a lot of streamers tend to eventually feel the pressure of uploading weekly or more than once a week. Just a reminder, y’all are only human and need to take breaks every once in a while to focus on yourselves, your loved ones, your health, and happiness. Please don’t ever feel like you’re “letting us down”. I’m sure I speak for many of us when I say we will just patiently wait until y’all are ready to upload new reactions. In the meantime we can all watch new anime and shows in general to recommend to y’all (If y’all ever do K Dramas I recommend Crash Landing on You but I digress lol). Take care of yourselves. Take the time you need🖤

David Waller

You guys take all the time you need to get Timmy well. As a vet tech myself I know how important our pets are too us and what you guys are going through. I wish Timmy a speedy recovery and will be sending good vibes your way!


Hope Timmy feels better soon! 💙 And you guys make sure you get rest!


thank you for all the content you've given us!! will definitely feel like smth is amiss next week! ;-; but being a mom of two cats, totally understand. hope timmy feels better soon and take all the time you need to take care of timmy!!

Marques Rogers

Sending good vibes your way! Hope Timmy feels better soon. We’re always here for you, take as much time as needed 🙏🏾


Understandable, we all support you. Timmy, is your family. He's loved dearly. If there's anything we can do don't hesitate to ask. (Even personally) I went through a similar experience, with my own. Animal hospitals, are very expensive. Timmy, Michelle, and Ron you're in my prayers!🙏❤


Get well soon Timmy.


Take a healing week fam S.S. hoping for Timmy's health 💜


Hope you guys and Timmy get well needed recovery time needed. Hope he gets better soon!

Akito 五十里 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 01:07:59 That’s completely alright! Do what is best for you guys and Timmy <3
2022-07-23 20:19:47 That’s completely alright! Do what is best for you guys and Timmy <3

That’s completely alright! Do what is best for you guys and Timmy <3


That’s ok take what time you need ! We will be here when you are back