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Lmao Ron's Woah in the beginning kinda sound nsfw xD


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Hazie Chan

I just subscribed to your patreon this few weeks ago and im currently binge watching all of your Anime Reactions. One thing I gonna Have to say, i just relly hate that it took you guys a couple episodes to realize that theres a new OP/ED. I do think that you can guys stop watching OPs/EDs until you can tell that the songs is already familiar to you. *i dont even know if you guys still read comments on old videos*

Michelle Lam

We do read them! Or try to lol cant get to them all, but thank you for the feedback! We know OP/EDs are important, so were trying to get better at making sure we watch them all


Stain should be in one piece man, with that much conqueror haki he should be in seven warlord or emperor level, lol

Joshua Rumpf

True and he would fight all the marines and pirates whi came up from their way


Don’t change the intros please I loved them, except for Ron’s sorry

Santos Luna Ramirez

Cant wait till one of Ron's WOAh's knocks down the camera😂

Prateek Sridhar

So in my opinion, Stain wanted to get rid of fake heroes i.e. heroes who use their powers for selfish reasons. This is also why he hates villains who use their powers selfishly. And I interpreted the last scene as everyone was shocked by the mere bloodlust and tenacity Stain displayed. Everyone got shocked and backed down but Stain was the only one standing tall against his enemies.


He was going through an Awakening

Nathaniel Wanner

Some notes: Todoroki freezes with his right (white hair side), and burns with his left (red hair side.) His power is literally split down the middle. Toshinori is All Might's name. Gran Torino calls him Toshinori because he trained him and knew him before he was All Might. At the end, everyone was just frozen from Stain's conviction/killing intent/determination, so everyone was feeling the pressure and couldn't move as a result. It wasn't a quirk at the end that was doing that. As he's said before, Stain believes only true heroes, people like All Might, should be considered heroes. Everyone else is a 'fake' and he kills them, which is why he saved Deku, since Stain thinks that he fits the bill for a true hero.


I love the song that played when Endeavor came to rescue the hero's...


Yo, for anyone who also watches combat sports, can we all agree that Hero Killer Stain is the Nate Diaz of MHA? He’s a tough som’ bitch. 😂😂😂😂

The Force

I love Rons determination to the bit that Endeavor is the LoV leader, which it is if anyone hasn't caught on. Also everything else about Stain has been answered so I'll add this, Everyone knows Endeavor, he's the number two hero behind All Might in a world where publicity and recognition are a hero's currency. Meaning he's like a celebrity. This is also presumably why Stain was so specifically angry at him, if All Might, the number one, was the only True Hero and Stain despises all fakes then the number 2 hero is the biggest fake of all in his mind. At least that's the logic I parsed from that.


I've always understood it as coming from the fact that Endeavor was the "fake hero" who actually had the gall and selfish desire to actually try and surpass the only person Stain actually views as a true hero.

Christine Copeland aka Christine's Culinary Quest

I think regardless of if Ron is correct or not. Endeavor is a character we love to hate or hate to love. Honestly he's too cool for being as messed up as we've already seen he can be.


Stain the Hero Killer only acknowledges All Might as the only legit true hero. At some point, Stain got his rib broken during the fight and was already unconscious. However, his persistence that all hero should be like All Might is planted in his thoughts so much so that his body acts and reacts to anything he deems that is not hero worthy, that includes villians that get in his way. Therefore, when the Nomu grabbed Deku, Stain was the one who reacted even though unconscious. Stain just wanted all heroes to uphold justice just like All Might and save people not for "the money" since being a hero has turned into like a job and he despises it and got to extreme about it and started killing heroes he believes is not worthy and strong.