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Really hope Kacchan's not on a path to becoming an evil villain :(


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people can change, and it's important to remember that they're all young as hell. Acknowledging growth isn't the same as justifying actions.

Katsuki BakuGOAT

So wait you guys watched everyone around him blow hot air up his butt until he developed and egotistical attitude and inferiority complex and you ask how he got that way?? come on guys you smarter than this LOL. he's just an angry baby with issues he just needs some therapy. Everyone starts out disliking him though most people end up really digging his character though

Joise Cepeda

SUSHI SQUAADDDDDD , another amazing day bc of your reactions! Love the late night post. ALSO not a spoiler BUT Sabito (from Demon Slayer , the ghost who trained Tanjiro) and Todoroki (white/red hair ) share the same Voice Actor/ VA


Im early for once! Gonna watch it when im home. Sushi squaddddd

Jeremy Alicea

Katsuki Bakugo I think has more of a prideful and always wants to be number one personality. Kinda like how some people in sports in a way. He is the rival to Deku. Like Goku and Vegeta or Naruto and Sasuke. I think it’s one of those things where he didn’t want to be associated or be friends with someone who didn’t have any quark. I had a friend once who at one point started to get popular and started to be mean to me all of a sudden. I was like his first friend when he moved into my town. Ron’s theory will be answered by the end of season 2 or beginning of S3.

Skyler Hinman

Bakugo isnt gonna turn evil hes just an asshole with a hell of alot of pride and he needs alot of moment of his pride being knocked down and many many moments of understanding deku for him to become less of an ass and more friendly towards deku in a team work way but dont worry he wont turn evil later seasons hes still the same hot headed prideful ass but hes chilled out ever so slightly


Bakugo has been so hyped up his entire life that he fears not being the best.

Ahkenaton Furdge

So excited for the my movies reviews !

John Grechko

Then: It’s probably because of Bakuho’s Parents

John Grechko

On the surface, he may seem villain material…but there is one important thing you have to know about him…his goal was never to be the strongest, it was to PROVE that he is the strongest, and in hiVs mind, the only way to do that is to become all might, not personality wise, but his power and his status as the number 1 hero…for him to become a villain is the same thing as admitting defeat and giving up on his goal and dream


Dude stop jus let them figure it out jesus

thorbaccha (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-01 07:36:36 nah bakugo is a straight up cunt fuck that guy lmao and his character growth can rot in a dumpster
2022-06-01 06:24:13 nah bakugo is a straight up cunt fuck that guy lmao and his character growth can rot in a dumpster

nah bakugo is a straight up cunt fuck that guy lmao and his character growth can rot in a dumpster

JR Reed

I agree people like to justify his action and growth like it somehow makes him treating other people like shit ok. But for some reason they the character resonates with them, which is great it's just the justifications that are a bit too much copium for me.

Amber Augustine

I feel like Bakugou wouldn’t be a villain only because of how hard he wants to be the number one hero.