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We're only on episode 2 but we are already huge fans of this show! So motivating!!! Can't wait to see where this goes :D


(No title)



I hope ya'll have this backed up because i have seen other reactors get their videos taken down from v*meo:(


caw caw! information crow here to answer all your questions from these two episodes (without spoiling of course). 1. I don't think its possible to be born with a quirk thats just an outright hinderance. Not to give anything away, but even quirks that are pretty much useless arent negative in any way. 2. All Might's moves are all named after states/cities in the U.S for reasons you'll find out later ;) 3. "Deku" is Bakugo's nickname for Midoriya that he's called him since they were children, likewise, Midoriya has a nickname for Bakugo, which is "Kacchan". Hope this helps :)

Quiet Whyit

With how much Michelle mentions Bleach you guys may have to watch it. Im sure Ron would love the cool character designs and powers.


The "you can be a hero" line still gives me goosebumps no matter how many times i rewatch that scene


I think you can be born with a quirk! Like the ones that change their whole appearance. The first quirk baby was born with the quirk of light or whatever so I believe they can be born with them but most will show up by the age of 4 or 5.


oh im sorry if my wording wasn't clear! i meant that there cant be quirks that are just straight up bad for whoever has them. i am aware that people can be born with appearance altering quirks :)

Oscar Hernandez

So "Deku" is being used as an insult by Bakugo. The word deku in japanese refers to a puppet traditionally with no arms or legs. Also its used as an insult to call someone a dummy. So the phare implies a person "useless" like a legless armless dummy.

Eddi3 Th3 H3ad

This anime gets better and better as the series goes on. You won't regret it. Next anime I recommend is Attack On Titan 👍

JL Wahl

Love this show. I thanks for watching.

Joise Cepeda

Deku is a nickname Bakugo made up, you’ll find out later in the show what it means

Killua X

when i saw ur comment about being already huge fans of the show, i thought the first 2 eps got you farther into the story than this. it gets so much better! u got me reeled in. are you guys planning on doing schedule posts? (sorry if you already did and i missed it)

Joshua McCullough

This has me so hyped! It’s making me want to rewatch My Hero Academia from the start again. This and Demon Slayer are two of my favorite Anime of all time! It is a lot of fun watching with you guys too.

Joshua McCullough

I feel like point number 1 isn’t entirely accurate. There are definitely characters who we come across in the future who have quirks that might not be inherently damaging to the owner of the quirk, but are detrimental to them in ways that make it very difficult for them to function in society and live a normal life.


that may be true, bet even the quirks that have a large downside are not without some sort of benefit

Ahkenaton Furdge

The first couple of episodes are so good! Excited to see how you like it!

Ahkenaton Furdge

Wait , no Sunday demon slayer drop? :(😭

Michelle Lam

For MHA we’re just dropping two episodes every Friday! We might plan to do more but we will see :) thanks for the support!! Yeah MHA is already so good to us hehe we can’t wait

Michelle Lam

Glad that we’re watching two of your faves :) and we’re getting you so hyped lol cause we are too!!!

Carlos L Vazquez

Damnit! No matter how many times I see this episode I always get a little teary. Your reactions to the moments were awesome and understanding the story as well. Keep up the awesome content. Sushi squad out.

Bryan ~Senile Sashimi

🤦 I literally just figured out how to get to theses.. I've been waiting around like a dummy for them.. but I'm glad I'm here now!! I've been through these 3 times now and just recently with my son! He loves my hero!! But this is a first for me because I've always watched them dubbed because they have an incredible dub cast! I prefer subbed normally because the emotion is so so much more impactful in Japanese.. but my hero is great dubbed. I'm excited to hear it in Japanese!! As always thanks for the content ~ senile sashimi

Akito 五十里

As someone who has literally watched 57 anime’s (I’ve been counting, I have a list that I add to.) Im able to just look at most anime characters and know who they are and what they’re about, if not I still know most even without watching the anime’s lol- And I know this post was two months ago but I just bought your $7 Patreon and am binge watching all the stuff I haven’t seen, crazy to see how much you guys have progressed/grown since then. 💞

Christine Copeland aka Christine's Culinary Quest

So someone probably explains this to you or one of the episodes did since you're a lot further in the series, but since it'll take me awhile to catch up: deku mean useless and it's another way Izuku can be pronounce depending on the character before the symbol. So yes he's insulting him and calling him useless.


Man... I had actually quit watching/reading MHA a while ago, but seeing these first episodes again and seeing your reactions has just reminded me why I had loved this serious so much in the first place. Can't wait to get back into this show together with y'all!