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i think therefore i am. https://ronjaxn.com/ #positivethinking #positivemindset #thoughts



Focusing on your thoughts and evaluating their quality every now and then is good advice. But based on personal experience, the thing that has the most direct effect on the quality of thought are the state of the body and the lifestyle habits that contribute to it. You can't have strong thoughts if you are anemic or having low testosterone (if you're male). You can't have creativity and insight if you haven't trained the cardiovascular system to nourish your brain with more penetrating blood vessels. There's also the concept of leaky gut-leaky brain floating around these days. A toxic body leads to a debilitate mind. If these factors are not first addressed, there's no amount of journaling and meditation that will solve anything in the long run. My 2 cents.

Mark Stein

sometimes what I try to do is to tell myself the positive thought I want to have, like I try to convince myself of something through brute force, and it does happen, when your doing something that you hate, pretending you love that think gives you so much motivation, like our brain is just reacting to our thoughts it doesn't matter where they come.

Michelle Lam

i agree with this for sure. I do think however its somewhat the chicken or the egg debate. Does one get a bad diet, leading to leaky gut low t and a toxic body bc their poor mind allowed them to? or the other way around? I dont think think there is a correct answer btw bc i think everyone and every situation is different and ultimately it is all connected anyways.