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Meat master 👀


Demetron Dotson

You guys are doing amazing!!! I look forward to many animes ahead!!!

Anthony Cano

Regarding the pacing, You could say, you gotta let this anime cook.......


HELL YEAH!! best girl incoming AMERICA FK YEA!!!

Gavin Daniels

Every reaction leaves me starving for more! Really excited to see yall continue to dive deeper into this show. Also isshiki (7th seat) is the first meal we see soma have a reaction to 👀

Alyn (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-24 06:23:02 Man the food in this show
2024-06-24 06:23:02 Man the food in this show
2024-06-24 06:23:02 Man the food in this show
2024-05-09 01:58:22 Man the food in this show

Man the food in this show


it'll get better and more interesting .. you guys will deffinetly enjoy the upcoming episodes

Dale Diaz

More food nerd stuff! Cause this first battle in this episode is EXACTLY how I think when I cook, I love it so much. Also why I got fired from a couple kitchens. There are people who love tradition and authentic dishes and methods, but I'm like deku in the kitchen. Every recipe I'm taking notes of like the qualities and textures of ingredients and why they work together. Classic dishes usually have some fundamental harmonic truth that stands the test of time, but the magic comes from distilling the "what" to the "why". So like mackerel is a perfect example. If you take say a dish with cod, and you want to sub mackerel, you could say "okay what does cod bring and how does that line up with mackerel? well they're both light, relatively fresh tasting, flaky meaty fish. Texture is close in both skin and flesh, they both need the same temps. The difference is that mackerel is inherently more oily. So now I'm thinking "okay what cod dishes ADD oil or fats as a textural component? Also mackerel is super umami, so i'm looking for cod dishes that have an oily textural component and supplement umami. I'm coming up with this hypothetical off the dome btw. But googling recipes, saikyo yako or "miso-marinated cod" is a SUPER easy mackerel substitute. Because mackerel is oily you can actually add one of them or even another oily fish like a sardine or anchovy, pulverize it into some miso paste with some sake, mirin and sugar. You don't need the oil because the fish itself is supplying the oil component which will help the fish actually get even crispier. You're also piling umami on umami on umami with the mackerel and miso and anchovy (the anchovy being mashed into a marination paste comes from greek cooking tradition btw, that's how traditional Ceasar dressing is made, so there's precedent) If yall are brave enough, test my theory, here's a quick recipe: 4 mackerel fillets 1/2 cup miso(the darker the better, brick red miso would be best because it's older) 2 Tablespoon Sake 2 Tablespoon Mirin 1 Anchovy Fillet 1 Tablespoon sugar (to taste, the more blonde the miso the less sugar you'll need) Marinade: Add the anchovy, sake, and mirin to a mortar and pestle. Crush into a paste. Add miso + sugar to taste. Remember this is a MARINADE so it should taste over-seasoned. Slightly too salty, hyper umami is what you're looking for. Marinade the mackerel by laying down a base of the paste, filltes on top and packing more paste on top to fully encase them. Pack the marinade into the chest cavity. Seasoning permeates protein more easily than fat, and remember mackerel are oily, especially underneath the skin. That's good for later but annoying for now Leave those suckers to think about what they did for 1-3 DAYS in the fridge. They're in a very salty environment, if anything it will slightly ferment which gives us more umami so don't sweat it, it's safe i promise. I grew up in a half Puerto Rican household and we'd have bacalhou which is literally salt cod. Fish straight up doesn't expire if you pack it in salt. Korean grandmas wrap fish in kimchi leaves, stick it in a clay pot and bury it for the winter, makes some BALLER stew when you dig it up. When you're ready, preheat an oven to 400F, wipe off the excess marinade so it doesn't burn, just gently with a paper towel. the remaining marinade in the chest cavity is probably fine to leave. Cook for about 15 minutes until the fish flakes easily and the skin is crispy. Serve over steamed rice with some kimchi on the side. If you want another baller move, drizzle some of the kimchi juice right over the top of the fish. Another thing you could try btw, now we're going WILD. Some sauerkraut or sour kosher dill pickles, cubed up fine on the side There we go. Real time stropheum recipe done on the fly. It probably sucks xD someone try it tho


I don't know if this has already been mentioned, but the mangaka of Food Wars has drawn special chapters of One Piece with Sanji COOKING.


People looked at me funny when I said Food Wars was one of my favorite mangas, (probably because of the fan service, which I totally understand) but the truth is this show has REALLY good writing and characters, I can't even pick a top 5 because I love so many of them. (Soma is in there tho)


food wars is about cooking (no shit) but it's actually written like a battle anime. When you have that in mind, some things make more sense 🤣​. btw, the original name is "Shokugeki no Soma". I always thought "shokugeki" meant "food war" so I'm surprised they didn't translate it in the subs.


One misunderstanding y'all have from episode 1: The dad didn't lose/sell the restaurant. I won't explain too much but only that which was already shown. Essentially, the dad said Soma needs to go to this school and graduate, also said in his head the secret to making good food is finding a woman you love and want to cook for (paraphrased that). With regards to the family restaurant, Soma fights off the woman and her 2 lackies with the bacon wrapped mash potatoes in episode 1, saving the restaurant, that's the end of that. The dad as we saw went to America, he never sold his restaurant, it's just closed, since he and Soma aren't there. I think y'all kinda thought the dad had to sell the restaurant for money from misinterpreting subs, but that's not close to true at all. Just thought I'd like to clear that up since y'all have mentioned the restaurant being "gone" a few times now, but it's just closed <3


22:16 lmao y'alls reaction was hilarious. She's one of my favorite characters can't wait till you guys see more of her lol


Meat master is crazy 💀

油 ラー

I really love that everyone does "Domain Expansion" when they eat delicious foods lol