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Anthony Williams

You won’t love the community once you enter agenda piece 😭

Minori D. Hunter

i love my fellow one peace enjoyers irl, but god forbid me to talk to those mfs on reddit or any other social media. the most toxic environment


Yeah. Twitter for once, is off limits if you tryna enjoy anything, but I'd say that counts for most shonen😂


One piece community in a nutshell: "do you expect me to throw away everything I'm doing just to watch 100000 episodes of one piece?!" "Yeah, pretty much"


We, the one piece community, just enjoy having more people to enjoy this masterpiece with (:


I recommend you keep all your thoughts and findings of one piece with us and people you know and trust on the same platform as you guys. One piece community can sometimes ruin your following weeks with spoilers and constant hate on certain (AGENDAS).


Don’t get me started with twitter man 😭 I deleted that app for a reason and it’s going to stay deleted


Miss All Sunday (or Nico Robin, as Crocodile called her), has been doing some very interesting things. Since we first met her, she's been sending mixed signals. Looking at her actions up to this point, we know she's done the following things which run against the interests of Crocodile and Baroque Works: - Back in Whiskey Peak, in the shot right before Igaram's boat blows up, you quickly see a bunch of arms reaching across a black screen. From a few episodes ago, we now know that's her ability. Since 111 showed us that Igaram survived the explosion, the implication is that she pulled him off the boat before it blew up. - After the escape from Whiskey Peak, she showed up on the Going Merry, and offered them a faster route to Alabasta, so they wouldn't have to wait a year for their log pose to set in Little Garden. (Luffy refused and broke it, but thankfully due to clutch plays from Sanji they found an eternal pose) - She also allowed Igaram and Vivi to tail her while they were undercover in Baroque Works, which let them identify Crocodile as Mr. 0. - In the meeting with Baroque Works executives getting finally introduced to Crocodile, when they were going over the Strawhats that Mr. 2 had noticed, she didn't mention Sanji, even though she saw him on the boat back in Whiskey Peak - She didn't kill Pell by completely breaking his spine in two even though she easily could have. - And now she saves Luffy. Like Dr. Kureha mentioned at the end of the Drum Island arc, this Nico Robin lady is also curious about the folks with the D middle initial. It's clear she has her own goals, different from Crocodile's, but at this point, we're not sure what they are.

Saith Uchiha

For the mods you deleted 2 anime unrelated comments I made that I thought Ron would have thought was funny. About sleeping in bed? Sounds bad now that I can’t be saying it in a very joking way. Why did you delete my comments would love a mod to answer this is a Patron for adults mentioning the word Bed and Content in an obviously joking way for an adult seems extreme. I just want a answer tbh


Please react to Tonari no Seki-kun: The Master of Killing Time. it's a masterpiece

Michael H

I love this channel, but the mods do seem randomly touchy/trigger-happy here compared to other channels if I’m being honest. Seems weird considering the creators but not worth sweating over 🤷🏽

Davis Dambergs

Whats the agenda? Can you say it in a cryptic way if its spoilers to give a direct answer.

Jai In Kim

Have you noticed that the voice actor of Usopp is L in death note? lol


I have no idea what agenda all these comments are talking about, and I'm online at least 3 hrs a day. This from reddit or youtube? I dont even know where to search lmao


ah nvm, found it. looks like a buncha nerds fighting over power lvls... but to be fair doesnt that happen for every anime


I don't know Ron, wouldn't they just shoot Karoo if he ran at them? Unless Koza recognizes him I guess..


taken from a reddit comment: Agenda piece is an extremely biased interpretation of the story in which a reader ignores context to make a character that he/she likes look good and/or a character that he doesn't like look bad and goes online to make fun or praise a character.

Thomas Rex

Might be a spoiler, so delete if you need to, but you guys have been spoiled with anime that explain how things work in detail, for example why some people don’t die in their respective shows, but at some point you just gotta believe in the “anime logic” and not think too hard into it.

David Barron

They keep forgetting the name of the GOAT Bon Clay, and it's heartbreaking.


Ron is right is not only strength cutting anything takes a lot skills and technique


They didnt but it was mentioned to them. I think by me😂


don't forget Buggy D. Clown the man who will find the one piece.

naiG odranreB

brazil reference lets go

Mu Nanyo

One piece has multiple fandoms, some are nice like what you are getting to see, but there are also toxic groups that expect you to enjoy One piece in a very specific way. Personally I am in the fandom that enjoys trauma-bonding. I like hearing which backstory everyone finds saddest because it often is a projection of our own values.

No Remorse

You guys just need to remember mr 2 is a French ballerina. Rest should click from there lol

aidan decristofaro

The plot sure does thicken in this arc and honestly this whole damn anime. For those who r caught up to the anime who ready for tomorrows ep!

Valeriu Irimia

Michelle is cooking with Zoro, cant fully explain it because it would be a spoiler but zoro has some major anxiety about not being strong enough to protect. You will see this habbit every time he struggles or he thinks he could have done better


Seems like they fight more now that they're married,


Vivi is just naivety in a blue wig. Also Mr. 2 beat the shit out Usopp and took his clothes.


If you go to episode 10-11 of there patreon episode when ussop got introduced, someone mentioned it in the comments :)


Did Ron sleep outside after the reaction and the discussion at the end ? 😂😂


I think to a certain point every even toxic one piece fan just wants to prevent people from not getting to know what the One piece is and all the stuff behind, when it finally reveals. D: the ongoing experience for sure is another


Okay, so if this is Agenda Piece, then there are a lot of these idiots in my Crunchyroll comments. 😂😂 I have to say, I live in Germany and I am German, so the crunchy comments are all in German and there are apparently a lot of extremely toxic One Piece fans here in Germany, all of whom also hate certain characters nonstop, mostly for no reason, like Usopp, Nami, Chopper and Vivi. Such damn exaggerated and stupid statements at times, where I thought that in reality they only watch One Piece because of the fights, but not because of the story, the character development and the strong friendship of the Straw Hats I don't know, maybe some other Germans here in the comments can understand what I mean

Saith Uchiha

Yeah I agree I’ve been here since Demon slayer. I was just taken back that a very innocent joke (if your an adult) w no cussin but it was taken down n was not anime related. I was just like well I’m glad other people got a laugh


Just to be clear because the translation was a bit off; Robin actually said “you PEOPLE, who have the name of D.”.


Top 2 w/ Theory Piece for sure Occasionally dabbling into Agenda Piece on Twitter is also hilarious tho


You were as right as you could have possibly been about the wrapping on their arm. The cross being under was a new revelation here. Even we were tricked 😅 also KAROO IS A REAL ONE



Michael H

That’s amazing lol I never knew that. I don’t know if I’ll ever look at L the same way…

The CulturedGentleman

I love that u guys are fully invested in the show when this is still lightwork compared to the rest of the anime. Michelle getting embarrassed talking about Robin going after the D was also fkn hilarious! I just really cant wait for this show to start picking up! I also hope none of you spoil this for them >:(


Its nothing but action from here til it reaches up to ep 127! The saga ends at 130 with fillers from 131-143


I’m not German but I feel like there’s those type of people everywhere tbh

Michelle Lam

appreciate the feedback! I will chat with them. This is Ron. As long as its not spoilers, negative, or offensive, it should be ok to post. not sure the context lol

Mu Nanyo

(ron) IMO Its partly because (men) don't have a regular outlet for such emotion. But that's a whole issue that an anime comment section doesn't need to dig up. Theory piece is definitely my other favorite as well.

Bill Carney

Idk if it’s been said but we’re now watching Ginger and Rice since they switched spots lol


Bro he does not have the D in his name? At least the last time I've checked


Germans are priviledged kids. I live there too but fr they yap about everything :'D

Carlos Espendez

enjoying the reactions, sooo glad yall picked up One Piece. i finally caught up on your uploads and cant wait for more.


Ron should just let Michelle cook! 🔥😆 Ron you cooking too! 🤣


17:16 Luffy you can't say that 😭

Lucas Crismond


Mario Ramos

I think another day (so 3 in total) for one piece uploads, would be very cool

Liana Pagodova

I've always believed that Luffy is Roger's reincarnation


I love Robin, she is absolutely best girl ❤️


Zoro gets more than yolked in the future ✨ he's perfect 🙈

Thomas Yang

If you look closely, one of the ducks has the exact same hat with googles just like Ace does.


@RorotheShadow ikrrr the German OP community feels sooo of to me... be it CR or YouTube comment sections. It highkey feels like all it consists of is the part of every shonen fandom that has barebone level reading & is only there for the fights & power scaling💀 But I think that is mostly due to the fact that most German fans – and not just One Piece ones – be interacting on the English side of things, which creates that perceived imbalance🤷🏾 It has happened quite often that I found out a mutual on twt was actually from Germany too & I'd bet that it would be the biggest or 2nd biggest demography after the US, if they ran a poll on here.


Robin asking for that stretchy D 🤣🤣🤣


Michelle’s media literacy is so good, she picks up so much!


There is this character video which has spoilers so i cant recommend yet but about zoro and the connection between anxiety and fear zoro may be feeling to strength - talking about how Zoro may be constantly anxious about being weak and useless to help and protect his friends so he's always exercising after moments he feels he didn't or couldn't do enough, cue him using lashes to exercise here - its a very good video


Yes this power calls plot armor ✌🏻